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盘点史上最奇葩的论文退稿理由,心疼地抱住寄几 ——你想做的太多了但实际做的却很少。科学不是空想家的世界。

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-08-29  浏览次数:108
核心提示: 盘点史上最奇葩的论文退稿理由,心疼地抱住寄几 ——你想做的太多了但实际做的却很少。科学不是空想家的世界。








1. I was really looking forward to reading this manu, however this enthusiasm soon waned.


2. While this study represents a substantial amount of work, it is not all that clear why the work was done.


3. I wish I could explain what is the purpose of the manu.


4. Authors wanted to make title catchy but actually finished trivial title, a la ‘Daily mail’


5. However I deplore the fact that this paper has been created at all.


6. So many electrons worked so very very hard on this paper.


7. You are trying to do too much and end up accomplishing too little. It is a collection of good ideas that do not add up to or advance to any meaningful conclusion.


8. The discussion is inappropriate and the new content is generally poorly written。


9. The team has generated the kind of gaudy, brobdignagian dataset that makes it such a curious and exciting time.


10. It seems that the author is simply engaged in proprietary phrase coining – advancing a new term for a well-researched phenomenon.

——看来,作者是专有短语创造工作者 - 为一些深刻的现象提出新的术语。

11. Moreover, it is unclear whether the effect is sufficiently important to warrant replication.


12. It is worth saying that I am not convinced that you contribute to the evidence base in this paper.


13. That’s not how science is done.


14. The authors conclusions not only contradict their own data but also the laws of thermodynamics.


15. I really don’t like to be harsh in my reviews, but…




16. While I think there is good reason to have performed this work, it does make for unexciting reading.


17. Line 156-160; this is the only correct, sensible and interesting finding of the paper.


18. It feels a little bit like someone wanting to run a series of statistics.


19. Are the “10 random reps" chosen at random?


20. The authors need to add a level of puzzlement to their interpretations.


21. One wonders whether the analysis was an exercise in using a cannon to open an unlocked door.


22. This work is only a maths game.


23. Overall, I think this manu is a waste of time.


24. Moreover, it is very difficult to see the actual contribution this manu will have.

——What’s the shit???

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