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2014ASLA通用设计荣誉奖 : Shoemaker Green / Andropogon Associates Ltd 宾夕法尼亚大学 - 休梅克绿地

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核心提示:2014ASLA通用设计荣誉奖 : Shoemaker Green / Andropogon Associates Ltd 宾夕法尼亚大学 - 休梅克绿地


2014ASLA通用设计荣誉奖 : Shoemaker Green / Andropogon Associates Ltd
宾夕法尼亚大学 - 休梅克绿地


"This beautifully detailed design is remarkable for its ability on a central quad to combine green lawn space with rain gardens and systems, which are incredibly hard to merge, and it does it in a comfortable manner. . . It’s going to maintain well. They’ve allowed for tree growth and brought attention to it."- 2014 Awards Jury

“这个设计完美巧妙,构思细腻,因为它能够把中央的一处方形地块中绿色草坪空间和雨水花园系统完美结合起来,这些事物是很难融合到一起的,而该设计却做到了,并且舒适自然,同时绿地环境得到了维护。设计者考虑到了植物的生长并且对此也给予了足够的重视。”- 2014年奖项评审团

Philadelphia, PA | Andropogon Associates Ltd.  | Client: University of Pennsylvania

Shoemaker Green is a new, 2.75-acre public green at the heart of the University of Pennsylvania’s historic athletics precinct. The project has transformed an underused and under-appreciated corner of the campus into a harmonious merger of people and place, of history and emergence, and of function with high performance. The ecological sophistication and holistic approach to site design is evident in the final form of the work: a profoundly beautiful and fitting campus space.



↑ Resilient Open Space
Shoemaker Green provides flexible gathering spaces throughout the site and accommodates a multitude of uses, from passive use and outdoor classrooms, to larger events, such as outdoor concerts, graduation, and international events, like the Penn Relays.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon























↑ Dramatic Views
The Shoemaker Green project has transformed an underused and under-appreciated corner of the campus into a harmonious urban park with dramatic views of the University of Pennsylvania’s most iconic athletic facilities.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Site Plan
The design of Shoemaker Green creates a large, semicircular central green that is framed by sweeping, ADA accessible pathways, a large rain garden, a historic War Memorial, and several academic and athletic facilities with multiple entrances.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Performance - Based Landscape
The design of Shoemaker Green stems from a systems-based thinking that integrates natural systems with man-made systems to function holistically.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Beauty is More Than Skin Deep
Designed soils were paramount to the creation of a functional landscape. The site is built over thirty feet of urban fill. Therefore, a large portion of the existing tennis courts were left in-place for sub-surface storage.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Celebration of Water
A large, two-tiered rain garden sits at the low-point of the site and captures over half of the site’s stormwater runoff. The rain garden is planted with native species that transpire a significant amount of rain water.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Biophilic Connections
The Shoemaker Green project is a respite from the dense, urban setting of Philadelphia and offers a multitude of experiences for users to immerse themselves in nature.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Transitional Space
The Shoemaker Green project is a transitional space between the historic fabric of the campus core and the new, modern spaces of the campus’s eastward expansion.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Artistic Flare
The detailing of the site walls is a wonderful expression of both art and craftsmanship. Granite walls are precisely detailed and fabricated to become social gathering spaces that can comfortably accommodate multiple groups.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Memorable Spaces
The social benches of the Palestra Plaza are located to capture the site’s best solar orientation. A bosque of oak trees provide shade during the warmer months while allowing users to bask in the sunlight during the winter months.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Social Gathering Spaces
Loose tables and chairs are located outside of the café space allowing users to arrange their own spaces while enjoying lunch or a cup of coffee.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Architectural Expression
The main entrance wall is a series of monolithic granite segments that transition from a curb to a retaining wall as the grade falls away. The precisely detailed wall slips between a retaining wall and a seat wall along the western edge.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Historic Context
The design of Shoemaker Green celebrates the historic fabric of the campus while introducing a 21st Century interpretation of the campus standards. The War Memorial is shown in the foreground with the Palestra in the background.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ A Place of Respite
Shoemaker Green affords spectacular long views across the main green transforming this once underused site into an iconic green space.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon


↑ Urban Context
The aesthetic of Shoemaker Green expresses a new sensibility toward ecological design all within the context of an urban setting.
Photo Credit: Barrett Doherty and Andropogon



Shoemaker Green is a 2.75-acre site located immediately east of 33rd Street between Walnut and Spruce Streets. The project transformed an existing site with aging tennis courts, narrow pathways, and obstructed views of a historic War Memorial into a cherished public amenity for West Philadelphia. The design draws on the character of Penn’s College Green to create a familiar feel while seamlessly integrating adjacent building entrances, pathways, curbs, and steps across a steeply sloping site. The completed green is a vital component of the University of Pennsylvania’s primary east-west pedestrian system, connecting the central campus to the athletics precinct, and serving as the focal point of Penn’s eastward expansion. The site is bordered by the University’s most iconic athletic facilities, the Palestra Fieldhouse and Franklin Field, and serves as the “front yard” to these historic structures. The project sets a benchmark for sustainable campus design, earning two-stars from the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES™).

The green is organized around a central, semicircular lawn and a large rain garden, bordered by precisely-detailed stone retaining walls and elegantly-graded pathways. The green integrates with and extends the existing campus circulation system by utilizing the University’s landscape standard materials and treatments, but with a modern sensibility. Seating is provided by large, multi-leveled granite seat walls, welcoming visitors with comfortable Black Locust wood insets. Café tables and chairs, as well as free-standing benches typical of the Penn campus, offer flexible gathering spaces throughout the site. High-efficiency lighting provides safety at night, while heightening the sense of place by beautifully illuminating the historic architecture.


Site Analysis

The design of Shoemaker Green began with an in-depth site assessment to methodically review and understand the space’s history, context, ecological structure, and functional capacity. The design was sensitive to the needs and requirements of site users, born of a long appreciation of the nature of Penn’s population and their needs and preferences over the hours and seasons that the green would be occupied. A diverse stakeholder group, including representatives from within the University, Philadelphia agencies, and the design community, refined the final design through a rigorous design review process.


Site Program

Shoemaker Green caters to a program of mainly passive recreation, but the site can adapt to accommodate events and activities at multiple scales. This park has met the demand for new open space in the historic athletics precinct to host a myriad of uses, many of which had not previously existed on campus. The green now graciously supports a wide range of different-sized events, including large, key campus moments such as graduation and convocation, international events like the Penn Relays, and new programming such as outdoor classrooms, movie nights, concerts, and fairs.


Transitional Space

Shoemaker Green provides a transition from the historic fabric at the core of campus to the more contemporary new open space developments of the PennConnects Master Plan along the Schuylkill River. The green continues the Locust Walk/Smith Walk corridor, referencing landscape elements of Penn’s historic College Green while introducing new design elements that reflect the importance of sustainability and ecologically sensitive landscape design.


Systems-Based Thinking

Shoemaker Green has created a functional landscape that provides eco-system services in addition to satisfying the programmatic requirements set forth by the University. The site functions much like a kidney capturing ninety-five percent of the site’s rainwater through an integrated landscape system that includes the conveyance, filtering, and storage of stormwater for reuse as irrigation. Additional water is provided from roof runoff and air conditioning condensate from the adjacent buildings.

The design of Shoemaker Green stems from a systems-based thinking that integrates natural systems (soils, plants, insects, birds and human beings) with man-made systems (building components and infrastructure) to function as a whole. The design has a two-pronged approach to manage the site’s stormwater. The first strategy is to convey stormwater runoff to a large, two-tiered rain garden that contains designed soils and native plant species to manage, filter, store, and transpire a significant amount of stormwater. A second approach is to collect stormwater runoff from the site, as well as runoff from the roof and condensate from adjacent buildings, and release the water into the soil under the main green. This water is cleaned while percolating through the designed soils as it makes its way to a large storage bed several feet below the green. A large portion of the existing tennis courts were left in-place under the main green to support a recycled aggregate storage bed. Any excess water that is not taken up by the soils and plants is captured in this bed through an underdrainage system and conveyed to a large cistern and stored for reuse. Once the entire system reaches full capacity, very large storms overflow to the existing municipal sewer line preventing flooding.

During construction, all existing materials were recycled or upcycled. Contractors were educated about installing non-traditional stormwater infrastructure; specifically, the importance of working with soils and plant material. Detailed coordination of construction activities and sequencing was paramount to the importance of the successful implementation of this project. Stringent testing and documentation were required by both the Philadelphia Water Department and SITES™.


Site Monitoring

Shoemaker Green has become what green infrastructure seldom is: a monitored, high-performance landscape that captures, filters, and effectively delivers clean water back to the environment. A five-year monitoring plan has been developed to allow landscape architects, University of Pennsylvania faculty, students and staff, and the general public to interact with a truly “living system.” The following aspects of the project are being actively monitored by the project landscape architects, faculty, and students, and will shape University policy for years to come: Stormwater quantity and quality entering and exiting the site; Soil biology, diversity, evolution, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and capacity to support programmed activities; Robustness (growth and root development) and evapotranspiration rates of the plant material; Performance and efficiency of the irrigation capture and reuse system; Behavior mapping to track people’s use of the site; and, Biophilic connections and people’s perception and experience of the green. The design and ongoing monitoring of site performance will help inform future University landscape design and help influence national sustainable landscape guidelines and building codes.


MORE:  Andropogon Associates Ltd.

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2022城镇溢流污染控制高峰论坛|聚焦雨季溢流污染控制的技术应用与推广 中国给水排水 王爱杰 哈尔滨工业大学教授,国家杰青,长江学者,国家 领军人才:广州大学学术讲座|低碳水质净化技术及实践 直播时间:2022年12月18日 9:30
国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年12月15日 20:00—22:00 德国专场直播主题:2022 中国沼气学术年会暨中德沼气合作论坛 2022 中国沼气学术年会暨中德沼气合作论坛德国专场 时间:2022年12月20日  下午 15:00—17:00(北京时间)
2022中国沼气学会学术年会暨第十二届中德沼气合作论坛的主论坛将于12月15日下午2点召开 技术交流 | 德国污水处理厂 计算系列规程使用介绍 城建水业
WaterInsight首期丨王志伟教授:膜法水处理技术面临的机遇与挑战 直播时间:2022年12月10日 10:00—11:00 处理工艺专场|水业大讲堂之六——城市供水直饮安全和智慧提质 直播时间:2022年12月8日 8:30—12:15
建设管理专场|水业大讲堂之六——城市供水直饮安全和智慧提质 直播时间:2022年12月7日 14:00—17:15 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年12月8日 20:00—22:00
Training Course for Advanced Research & Development of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Tech 12月3日|2022IWA中国漏损控制高峰论坛 直播时间:2022年12月3日(周六)9:00—17:00 2022-12-03 09:00:00 开始
国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第八期) 直播时间:2022年12月1日 20:00—22:00 2022-12-01 20:00:00 开始 中国给水排水直播:智慧输配专场|水业大讲堂之六——城市供水直饮安全和智慧提质 直播时间:2022年11月30日 14:00—17:05 2022-11-30 14:00:00 开始
国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第七期) 直播时间:2022年11月25日 20:00—22:00 2022-11-25 20:00:00 开始 国标图集22HM001-1《海绵城市建设设计示例(一)》首次宣贯会   直播时间:2022年11月24日 13:30—17:30
中国给水排水直播平台 【 李玉友,日本国立东北大学工学院土木与环境工程系教授,博导,注册工程师】颗粒污泥工艺的研究和应用:从UASB到新型高效脱氮和磷回收 中国建科成立70周年|市政基础设施绿色低碳发展高峰论坛   直播时间:2022年11月22日 13:30—18:25   2022-11-22 13:30:00 开始
国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第六期)   直播时间:2022年11月22日 20:00—22:00 会议预告| 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第五期) 中国给水排水
奋进七十载 起航新征程|中国市政华北院第十届科技工作会议暨庆祝建院七十周年大会  直播时间:2022年11月18日 9:30   2022-11-18 09:00:00 开始 樊明远:中国城市水业的效率和服务要做一个规范     樊明远 世界银行高级工程师
黄绵松  北京首创生态环保集团股份有限公司智慧环保事业部总经理,正高级工程师  获清华大学博士学位:海绵城市系统化运维的挑战与实践  直播时间:2022年11月16日 18:30  黄绵松  北京 全国节水高新技术成果展云端活动周寻水路  污水回用专场      转发直播赠送  中国给水排水电子期刊  !!!  直播抽奖 100份 中国给水排水电子期刊  !!!
首届全国节水高新技术成果展即将开幕,同步举行的节水时光云端活动周”也将于2022年11月15日10:00-12:00 、14:30-17:00,在云端与水务行业的专家朋友见面!    在这即将到来激动 会议预告| 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第四期) 中国给水排水
国标图集22HM001-1《海绵城市建设设计示例(一)》首次宣贯会 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年11月3日 16:00—18:00 2022-11-03 16:00:00 开始
中国给水排水直播 会议预告 | 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 国合环境 精彩预告 | 黄河中上游水环境国际论坛·颗粒污泥水处理创新与应用  来源:《中国给水排水》
全球环境科学高峰论坛系列讲座( BEST):电活性微生物:生物地球化学循环、生物能提升、生物修复、金属腐蚀以及新型电子设备    报告人:马萨诸塞州州立大学-阿默斯特分校的Derek Lovley教授 彭永臻院士直播预告丨城市污水生物脱氮除磷新技术与发展/2022年中国污泥大会(第十三届)/工业污泥大会/固废大会/渗滤液大会
直播预告 | 8月21日 中外雨水管理经验和挑战研讨会 中国给水排水    留德华人资源与环境学会  潘伯寿博士,于1991年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学获工学博士学位。曾受聘德国GKW工程设计及咨询公司,贝 清水绕村庄,农家换新颜 山东加快推进农村生活污水及黑臭水体治理--8月9日上午,山东省在日照市召开2022年全省东部片区农村生活污水和农村黑臭水体治理现场推进会,参会代表现场观摩学习了岚山区、高新区等
【水大会直播二位码】中国污水处理厂提标改造/污水处理提质增效/排水管网、水环境综合治理/再生水利用/水环境综合治理大会目次及报告日程 威立雅应对碳中和愿景的思路 原创 Veolia 威立雅水务技术
《中国给水排水》第十八届年会暨水安全保障及水环境综合整治高峰论坛日程 污水千人大会参观典型项目:长春英俊污水处理厂扩容提标改造项目技术介绍
中国给水排水直播预告 | 排水系统数字孪生的核心:借助排水模型开启全面诊断模式   窦秋萍  Vivian Dou   华霖富中国区总经理 中国给水排水2022年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第六届)邀请函 中国给水排水2022年中国排水管网大会(水环境综合治理)邀请函(污水千人大会同期会议)  中国给水排水
“高标准”下的苏伊士工业园区污水解决方案     来源:中国给水排水直播平台 水务企业如何实现智慧水务创新升级?这场直播告诉你:工业互联网专题第三期(汪秋婉 水务行业解决方案总监):百度智能云开物-智慧水务行业创新与升级