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中科院科学家发现“会吃塑料的真菌” 在“塔宾曲霉菌”作用下,原本在自然环境中难以降解的塑料 论文通讯作者、项目负责人中科院昆明植物研究所研究员许建初

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核心提示:中科院科学家发现“会吃塑料的真菌” 在“塔宾曲霉菌”作用下,原本在自然环境中难以降解的塑料 论文通讯作者、项目负责人中科院昆明植物研究所研究员许建初




来源:新华社  2017年04月01日08:25


聚氨酯材料是现代塑料工业中发展最快的品种之一,广泛用于工业、医疗、建筑和汽车等领域。新华社发 (中科院昆明植物研究所供图)



聚氨酯表面生长的塔宾曲霉菌(拼版照片)。中科院科学家近日在塑料生物降解领域取得重大突破:研究人员首次发现能够高效降解聚氨酯塑料的新菌种——塔宾曲霉菌,该真菌有望成为未来治理白色污染的“利器”。这项成果已发表在国际权威期刊《环境污染》上。聚氨酯材料是现代塑料工业中发展最快的品种之一,广泛用于工业、医疗、建筑和汽车等领域。 新华社发 (中科院昆明植物研究所供图)

塔宾曲霉菌(拼版照片)。中科院科学家近日在塑料生物降解领域取得重大突破:研究人员首次发现能够高效降解聚氨酯塑料的新菌种——塔宾曲霉菌,该真菌有望成为未来治理白色污染的“利器”。这项成果已发表在国际权威期刊《环境污染》上。聚氨酯材料是现代塑料工业中发展最快的品种之一,广泛用于工业、医疗、建筑和汽车等领域。 新华社发 (中科院昆明植物研究所供图)



发布于:2017-04-01 09:21:06







       来源:新华网 编辑:李燕






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1.  Gui H., Hyde K., Xu J., Mortimer P., 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhance the rate of litter decomposition while inhibiting soil microbial community development. Scientific Reports7:42184 

2.  Guo L., Cheng J., Luedeling E., Koerner S.E., He J.S., Xu J., Gang C., Li W., Luo R., Peng C., 2016. Critical climate periods for grassland productivity on China’s Loess Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 233 (2017) 101–109. 

3.  Balmford A, Chen H, Phalan B, Wang M, O’Connell C, Tayleur C, Xu J., 2016. Getting Road Expansion on the Right Track: a Framework for Smart Infrastructure Planning in the Mekong: A Framework for Smart Road Planning, PLOS Biology 14(12): e2000266. doi:10.1371/journal. pbio.2000266. 

4.  Zhao M, Brofeldt S, Li Q, Xu J, Danielsen F, Læssøe SBL, et al. (2016) Can Community Members Identify Tropical Tree Species for REDD+ Carbon and Biodiversity Measurements? PLoS ONE 11(11): e0152061. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0152061 

5.  Khan, S., Nadir, S., Guo, L. H., Xu, J. C., Holmes, K. A., Qiu, D. (2016). Identification and characterization of an insect toxin protein, Bb70p, from the entompathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, using Galleria mellonella as a model system. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 87-94.doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2015.11.010.  

6.  Lu, Y., Ranjitkar, S., Xu, J. C., Ou, X. K., Zhou, Y. Z., Ye, J. F., Wu, X. F., Weyerhaeuser, H., He, J. (2016). Propagation of Native Tree Species to Restore Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests in SW China. Forest 7(1):12.doi: 10.3390/f7010012.  

7.  Hyde, K. D., Fryar, S., Tian, Q., Bahkali, A. H., & Xu, J. C. (2016) Lingicolous freshwater fungi along a north-south latitudinal gradient in the Asian/Australian region; can we predict the impact of global warming on biodiversity and function? Fungal Ecology, 190-200.doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2015.07.002.  

8.  Liyanage, K. K., Khan, S., Mortimer, P. E., Hyde, K. D., Xu, J. C., Brooks, S.,& Zhou, M. (2016). Powdery mildew disease of rubber tree. Forest Pathology.doi: 10.1111./efp.12271.  

9.  Chen, H. F., Yi, Z. F., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Ahrends, A., Beckschäfer, P., Kleinn, C., Ranjitkar, S., & Xu, J. C. (2016). Pushing the Limits: The Pattern and Dynamics of Rubber Monoculture Expansion in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Plos One. doi: 10.1371/journa l.pone.0150062.  

10.  Ranjitkar, S., Sujakhu, N. M., Lu, Y., Wang, Q., Wang, M. C., He, J., Mortimer, P. E., Xu, J. C., Kindt, R., & Zomer, R. J. (2016). Climate modeling for agroforestry species selection in Yunnan Province, China. Environmental Modelling & Software, 75, 263-272.  

11.  Sujakhu, N. M., Ranjitkar, S., Niraula, R. R., Pokharel, B. K., Schmidt-Vogt, D., & Xu, J. C. (2016). Farmers’ Perceptions of and Adaptations to Changing Climate in the Melamchi Valley of Nepal. Mountain Research and Development.doi: 10.1659/ MRD-JOURNAL-D-15-00032.1.  

12.  Su, Y. F., Hammond, J., Villamor, G. B., Grumbine, R. E., Xu, J. C., Hyde, K., Pagella, T., Sujakhu, N. M., Ma, X. (2016) Tourism leads to wealth but increased vulnerability: a double-edged sword in Lijiang, South-West China. Water International. doi: 10.1080/02508060.2016.1179523.  

13.  Meegahakumbura, M. K., Wambulwa, M. C., Thapa, K. K., Li, M. M., Moller, M. , Xu, J. C., Yang, J. B., Liu, B. Y., Ranjitkar, S., Liu, J., Li, D. Z., Gao, L. M. (2016) Indications for three independent domestication events for the tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) and new insights into the origin of tea germplasm in China and India revealed by nuclear microsatellites.  Plos One.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155369.  

14.  Yang, H., Villamor, G. B., Su, Y. F., Wang, M. C., Xu, J. C. (2016) Land-use response to drought scenarios and water policy intervention in Lijiang, SW China. Land use policy.  

15.  Yang X, Blagodatsky S., Lippe M., Liu F., Hammond J., Xu J., Cadishc G., 2016. Land-use change impact on time-averaged carbon balances: Rubber expansion and reforestation in a biosphere reserve, South-West China. Forest Ecology and Management 372, 149-163 

16.  Blagodatsky, S., Xu, J. C., Cadisch, G. (2016) Carbon  balance  of  rubber  (Hevea  brasiliensis)  plantations:  A  review  of uncertainties  at  plot,  landscape  and  production  level. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 221:8-19 

17.  Pi, Y., Gao, S. T., Ma, L., Zhu, Y. X., Wang, J. Q., Zhang, J. M., Xu, J. C., & Bu, D. P. (2016) Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the a-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science.doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-9307. 

18.  Teichroew, J. L., Xu, J. C., Ahrends, A., Huang, A. Y., Tan, K., Xie, A. H. (2016) Is China's unparalleled and understudied bee diversity at risk? Biological Conservation.doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.05.023.  

19.  Khan, S., Nadir, D., Wang, X. W., Khan, A., Xu, J. C., Li, M., Tao, L. H., Khan, S., Karunarathna, S. C. (2016) Using in silico techniques: Isolation and characterization of an insect cuticle-degrading-protease gene from Beauveria bassiana. Microbial Pathogenesis.dio: 10.1016/j.micpath.2016.05.024. 

20.  Wanasinghe, D. N., Jone, E. B. G., Camporesi, E., Dissanayake, A. J., Kamolhan, S., Mortimer, P. E., Xu, J. C., Elsalam, K. A., Hyde, K. D. (2016) Taxonomy and phylogeny of Laburnicola gen. nov. and Paramassariosphaeria gen. nov. (Didymosphaeriaceae, Massarineae, Pleosporales). Fungal Biology.doi:10.1016/j.funbio.2016.06.006. 

21.  Li, H.L., Wang, W., Li, R. Q., Zhang, J. B., Sun, M., Naeem, R., Su, J. X., Xiang, X. G., Mortimer, P. E., Li, D. Z., Hyde, K. D., Xu, J. C., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S., Li, J. H., Zhang, S. Z., Wu, H., Chen, Z. D., Lu, A. M. (2016) Global versus Chinese perspectives on the phylogeny of the N-fixing clade. Journal in Systematics and Evolution.doi: 10.1111/jse.12201.  

22.  Li, H. L., Mortimer, P.E., Karunarathna, S. C., Xu, J. C., Hyde, K. D. (2016) Phallus haitangensis sp. nov., a new species of stinkhorn from Yunnan Province, China. Phytotaxa.  

23.  Karunarathna, S. C., Mortimer, P. E., Chen, J., Li, G. J., He, M. Q., Xu, J. C., ... Zhao, R. L. (2016) Correct names of two cultivated mushrooms from the genus Pleurotus in China. Phytotaxa.doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.260.1.4 . 

24.  Zomer, R.J., Neufeldt, H., Xu, J., Ahrends, A., Bossio, D.A., Trabucco, A., van Noordwijk, M., Wang, M. (2016) Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land: The contribution of agroforestry to global and national carbon budgets.  Scientific Reports.doi: 10.1038/srep29987.  

25.  Gui, H., Hyde, K. D., Xu, J. C., Valentine, A. J., Mortimer, P. E. (2016) Mycorrhizal-associated  nutrient  dynamics in key ecosystems and their response to a changing environment. Mycosphere.doi: 10.5943/mycosphere/7/2/8.  

26.  Bi, Y. F., Xu, J. C., Yang, J. C., Li, Z. S., Gebrekirstos, A., Liang, E. Y., Zhang, S. B., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. P., & Yang, X. F. (2016) Ringwidths of the above treeline shrub Rhododendron reveal the change of minimum winter temperature over the past 211 years in Southwestern China. Climate Dynamics.doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3311-4. (SD4/CRP4) 

27.  Liu, H. X., Blagodatsky, S., Giese, M., Liu, F., Xu, J. C., Cadisch, G. (2016) Impact of herbicide application on soil erosion and induced carbon loss in a rubber plantation of Southwest China. Catena.doi:  10.1016/j.catena.2016.06.007.  

28.  Bi, Y. F., Roy, A., Bhavsar, D., Xu, J. C., Wang, M. C., Wang, T. J., Yang, X. F. (2016) Kamala tree as an indicator of the presence of Asian elephants during the dry season in the Shivalik landscape of northwestern India. Ecological Indicators.doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.07.011.  

29.  Monkai, J., Hyde, K. D., Xu, J. C., Mortimer, P. E. (2016) Diversity and ecology of soil fungal communities in rubber plantations. Fungal Biology Reviews.doi: 10.1016/j.fbr.2016.08.003.  

30.  Djanibekov, U., Villamor, G. B., Dzhakypbekova, K., Chamberlain, J., Xu, J. C. (2016) Adoption of Sustainable Land Uses in Post-Soviet Central Asia: The Case for Agroforestry. Sustainability.doi: 10.3390/su8101030.  

31.  Bennett, E. M., Solan, M., Biggs, R., McPhearson, T., Norström, A. V., Olsson, P., Pereira, L., Peterson, G. D., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., Biermann, F., Carpenter, S. R., Ellis, E. C., Hichert, T., Galaz, V., Lahsen, M., Milkorei, M., López, B. M., Nicholas, K. A., Preiser, R., Vince, G., Vervoort, J. M., Xu, J. C. (2016) Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.doi: 10.1002/fee.1309.  

32.  Ranjitkar, S., Sujakhu, N. M., Merz, J., Kindt, R., Xu, J. C., Matin, M. A., Ali, M., Zomer, R. J. (2016) Suitability Analysis and Projected Climate Change Impact on Banana and Coffee Production Zones in Nepal. Plos One.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163916. 

33.  Wambulwa, M. C., Meegahakumbura, M. K., Kamunya, S., Muchugi, A., Möller, M., Liu, J., Xu, J. C., Ranjitkar, S., Li, D. Z., Gao, L. M. (2016) Insights into the Genetic Relationships and Breeding Patterns of the African Tea Germplasm Based on nSSR Markers and cpDNA Sequences. Frontiers in Plant Science.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01244.  

34.  Wu J., Groldberg SD., Mortimer PE, Xu J., 2016. Soil respiration under three different land use types in a tropical mountain region of China. Journal of Mountain Science 13 (3), 416-423 

35.  Ahrends A., Hollingsworth P., Ziegler A., Fox J., Chen H., Su Y., Xu J., 2015. Current trends of rubber plantation expansion may threaten biodiversity and livelihoods. Global Environmental Change 34 (2015) 48–58. 

36.  Guo L., Dai J., Wang M., Xu J., Luedeling E., 2015. Responses of spring phenology in temperate zone trees to climate warming: a case study of apricot flowering in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201: 1-7. 

37.  Richer C., Steele J., Nguyen-Viet H., Xu J., Wilcox B., 2015. Toward Operational Criteria for Ecosystem Approaches to Health. EcoHealthDOI: 10.1007/s10393-015-1028-1  

38.  Senanayake JC, Maharachchikumbura S, Hyde KD, Bhat JD, Jones EB, McKenzie E., Dai D.,  Daranagama D., Dayarathne M., Goonasekara I., Konta S., Li W., Shang Q., Stadler M., Wijayawardene N., Xiao Y.,  Norphanphoun C., Li Q., Liu X., Bahkali A., Kang J., Wang Y., Wen T., Wendt L., Xu J., Camporesi E.,  2015. Towards unraveling relationshipsin Xylariomycetidae (Sordariomycetes). Fungal DiversityDOI 10.1007/s13225-015-0340-y. 

39.  Maharachchikumbura S., Hyde K., Jones E., McKenzie E., Huang S., Abdel-Wahab M., Daranagama D., Dayarathne M., D’souza M., Goonasekara I., Hongsanan S., Jayawardena R., Kirk P., Konta S., Liu J., Liu Z.,  Norphanphoun C., Pang K., Perera R., Senanayake I., Shang Q., Shenoy B., Xiao Y., Bahkali A., Kang J., Somrothipol S., Suetrong S., Wen T., Xu J., 2015. Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomycetes. Fungal DiversityDOI 10.1007/s13225-015-0331-z  

40.  Li C., Shi LL., Ostermann A., Xu J., Li Y., Mortimer P., 2015. Indigenous trees restore soil microbial biomass at faster rates than exotic species. Plant Soil.DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2570-x  

41.  Zomer R.J., Xu J.C., Wang M.C., Trabucoo A., Li Z.Q., 2015. Projected impact of climate change on the effectivenss of the existing protected area network for biodiversity conservation within Yunnan Province, China. Biological Conservation 184: 335-345.  

42.  Sreekar R, Zhang K, Xu JC, Harrison RD. 2015. Yet another empty forest: Considering the conservation value of a recently established tropical nature reserve. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117920. 

43.  Bi Y.F., Xu J.C., Gebrekirstos A., Guo L., Zhao M.X., Liang E., Yang X.F., 2015. Int. J. Climotal. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4264 

44.  Li H., Mortimer P. E., Karunarathna S. C., Xu J. C. & Hyde K. D. ( 2014)  New species of Phallus from a subtropical forest in Xishuangbanna, China. Phytotaxa, 163(2) : 091-103 ;  

45.  Ye L., Mortimer P. E., Xu J. C., Karunarathna S. C. & Hyde K. D. (2014) The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales), from Mekong river basin (Yunnan Province, China). Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2014; 41(X) : 001-13.  

46.  Guo J, Karunarathna S, Mortimer P, Xu J, & Hyde K,(2014)  Phylogenetic diversity of Russula from Xiao-Zhongdian, Yunnan, China, inferred from Internal Transcribed Spacer sequence data. Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2014; 41(X) : 001-11. 

47.  Chomnunti P.,  Hongsanan S.,  Aguirre-Hudson B., Tian Q., Persoh D., Dhami M. K., Alias A. S., Xu J. C.,  Liu X. Z.,  Stadler M., & Hyde K. D. (2014) The sooty moulds . Fungal Diversity. DOI 10.1007/s13225-014-0278-5. 

48.  Thawthong A., Mortimer P. E. ,  Xu J. C., Callac P.,  & Hyde K. D. (2014) Discovering and domesticating wild tropical cultivatable mushrooms. Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2014; 41(X) : 1-34.  

49.  Dai D. Q., Zhao R. L., Xu J. C.,  & Hyde K. D. (2014) Pustulomyces gen. nov. accommodated in Diaporthaceae,. Cryptogamie, Mycologie.2014, 63-72.DOI /10.7872/crym.v35.iss1.2014.63. 

50.  Liu J. K., Xu J.C., Chukeatirot E., Hyde K. D. (2014) Roussoellaceae, a new pleosporalean family to accommodate the genera Neoroussoella gen. nov., Roussoella and Roussoellopsis. Phytotaxa 000 (0): 000–000.  

51.  Zhu Y. X. , Xu J. C. , Li Q. H., & Mortimer P. E. (2014)  Investigation of rubber seed yield in Xishuangbanna and estimation of rubber seed oil based biodiesel potential in Southeast Asia. Energy 69 (2014) 837-842.  

52.  Sharma A., Poudel R. C., Li A. R. , Xu J. C. , & Guan K. Y. (2014) Genetic diversity of Rhododendron delavayi var. delavayi (C.B. Clarke) Ridley inferred from nuclear and chloroplast DNA: implications for the conservation of fragmented populations. Plant Syst Evol DOI 10.1007/s00606-014-1012-1. 

53.  Ranjitkar S., Xu J. C., Shrestha K. K., & Kindt R. (2014) Ensemble forecast of climate suitability for the Trans-HimalayanNyctaginaceae species.  Ecological Modelling 282 (2014) 18–24.  

54.  He J., Lang R., & Xu J. C. (2014)  Local Dynamics driving forest transition: insight from upland communities in Southwest China. Forests 2014, 5, 214-233;  DOI :10.3390/f5020214. 

55.  Mu¨ller D., Sun Z. L., Vongvisouk T., Pflugmacher D., Xu J. C., & Mertz O.(2014) Regime shifts limit the predictability of land-system change. Global Environmental Change 28 (2014) 75–83.  

56.  Abbas S.,  Nichol J. E., Qamer F. M.,&  Xu J. C. (2014)  Characterization of drought development through Remote Sensing: A case study in central Yunnan, China. Remote Sensing,2014, 6, 4998-5018.  

57.  Hart R. E., Salick J., Ranjitkar S. , & Xu J. C. (2014) Herbarium specimens show contrasting phenological responses to  Himalayan climate. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA (PNAS): 111(29): 10615-10619. 

58.  Yi Z. F., Wong G., Cannon C. H.,  Xu J. C.,  Beckschafer P., & Swetnam  R. D. (2014)  Can carbon-trading schemes help to protect China's most diverse forest ecosystems? A case study from Xishuangbanna,Yunnan. Land Use Policy 38 (2014) 646–656.  

59.  Guo L., Hu B., Dai J. H., Xu J. C.. (2014) Response of chestnut flowering in Beijing to Photosythetically Active Radiation Variation and Change in Recent Fifty Years. Plant Diversity and Resources 2014, 36(4).  

60.  Guo L., Dai J. H., Wang M. C., Xu J. C., & Luedeling E. (2014) Responses of spring phenology in temperate zone plants to climate warming. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 

61.  Xu J. C., Grumbine E. R.. (2014) Integrating Local Hybrid Knowledge and State Support for Climate Change Adaptation in the Asian Highlands. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1090-7. 

62.  Xu J. C., Grumbine E..(2014) Building ecosystem resilience for climate change adaptation in the Asian highlands. WIREs Climate Change 5:709–718 

63.  Ranjitkar S., Sujakhu N. M., Jati R., Xu J. C. & Schmidt-Vogt D. ( 2014) Yield and household consumption of Rhododendron arboreum as a fuelwood species in Eastern Nepal. Biomass And Bioenergy 61 (2014) 245-253 

64.  Ma X., He Y. D., Xu J. C., Noordwijk M. V., & Lu X. X. (2014) Spatial and temporal variation in rainfall erosivity in a Himalayan watershed. Catena 121 (2014) 248–259.  

65.  Ma X., Lu X. X.,  Noordwijk M. V.,  Li J. T. & Xu J. C. (2014)  Attribution of climate change, vegetation restoration, and engineering measures to the reduction of suspended sediment in the Kejie catchment, southwest China. Hydology and Earth System Sciences,18, 1–16, 2014. DOI:10.5194/hess-18-1-2014. 

66.  Li Z. Q., Xu J. C., Shilpakar L. R.,  & Ma X. (2014) Mapping wetland cover in the greater Himalayan region: a hybrid method combining multispectral and ecological characteristics.Environ Earth Sci (2014) 71:1083–1094. 

67.  Frayer J., Sun Z. L., Müller D., Munroe D. K., & Xu J. C. (2014) Analyzing the drivers of tree planting in Yunnan, China, with Bayesian networks. Land Use Policy 36 (2014) 248– 258.  

68.  Zomer R. J., Trabucco A., Wang  M., Lang R., Chen  H., Metzger  M., Smajgl  A.,Beckshafer  P., & Xu, J. C. (2014) Environmental Stratification to Model Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity and Rubber Production in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Biological Conservation 170 (2014) 264–273;  

69.  Zomer R, Trabucco A.,  Metzger M., Wang M, Oli K, & Xu J. (2014) Projected climate change impacts on spatial distribution of bioclimatic zones and ecoregions. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1176-2. 

70.  Li W., Liu J., Bath D. J., Camporesi E., Xu J. C., & Hyde K. D. (2014) Introducing the novel species, Dothiorella symphoricarposicola,  Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 2014, 35 (3): 1-•••. DOI /10.7872/crym.v35.iss3.2014.••. 

71.  Yu H., Hammond J., Ling S., Zhou S., Mortimer P., & Xu J. (2014) Greater diurnal temperature difference, an overlooked but important climatic driver of rubber yield. Industrial Crops and Products 62 (2014) 14–21.   

72.  Zhai D. L., Cannon C. H., Zhi-Cong Dai. Z. C., Zhang C. P., &  Xu J. C. (2014) Deforestation and fragmentation of natural forests in the upper Changhua watershed, Hainan, China. Environ Monit Assess (2015) 187:4137.  

73.  Dai D, Bahkali A, Li Q, D. Bhat J., Wijayawardene N, Li W, Chukeatirote E., Zhao R, Xu J. & Hyde K (2014) Vamsapriya re-described, with two new species and molecular sequence data. Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 2014, 35 (4): 1-•••.  

74.  Maharachchikumbura S.S.N., Hyde K.D., Groenewald J.Z. ,  Xu J. C., & Crous  P.W. (2014) Pestalotiopsis revisited. Studies In Mycology 79: 121–186.  

75.  Xu, J.C., Grumbine, R.E., Beckschafer, P., 2014. Landscape transformation through the use of ecological and socioeconomic indicators in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China, Mekong Region. Ecol. Indicators, 36:749-756  

76.  Guo, L Dai, J Ranjitkar, S Xu, J Luedeling, E 2013 Response of chestnut phenology in China to climate variation and change Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 180 p164-172 

77.  Guo L, Dai J, Ranjitkar S,  Yu H, Xu J, Luedeling E 2013 Chilling and heat requirements of temperate fruit trees for flowering. International Journal of Biometeorology DOI: 10.1007/s00484-013-0714-3 

78.  Pang CJ, Yu HY, He J, Xu JC. 2013. Deforestration and changes in landscape patterns from 1979-2006 in Suan County, DRP Korea. Forests (4): 968-983; doi:10.3390/f4040968  

79.  Li, Z Xu, J Shilpakar, R L Ma, X 2013 Mapping wetland cover in the greater Himalayan region: a hybrid method combining multispectral and ecological characteristics Environmental Earth Sciences p1-12 

80.  Silva DD, Rapior S, Sudarman E, Stadler M, Xu J., Alias S., & Hyde KD (2013). Bioactive metabolites from macrofungi: ethnopharmacology, biological activities and chemistry. Fungal Diversity DOI 10.1007/s13225-013-0265-2  

81.  Ranjitkar S., E. Luedeling, K.K. Shrestha, K.Y. Guan and J.C. Xu. 2013. Flowering phenology of Tree Rhododendron along an elevation gradient in two sites in the Eastern Himalaya. Int J Biometeorol 57(2):225-240  

82.  Li, Z; Xu, J Shilpakar, R L Ma, X 2013 Mapping wetland cover in the greater Himalayan region: a hybrid method combining multispectral and ecological characteristics Environmental Earth Sciences p1-12 

83.  Zhai D., Xu J., Dai Z., Cannon, C., Grumbine, R. E.  2013. Increasing tree cover while losing diverse natural forests in tropical Hainan, China Regional Environmental Change, DOI:10.1007/s10113-013-0512-9 

84.  Grumbine, R. E., Xu, J. 2013. Recalibrating China’s environmental policy: The next ten years. Biological Conservation 166287-292 

85.  Huang J, Ahrends A, He J, Gui H, Xu J, Mortimer P, 2013. An evaluation of the factors influencing seed oil production in Camellia reticulata L. plants. Industrial Crops and Products. DOI:10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.08.019  

86.  Ran L, Lu X, Xu J 2013 Effects of vegetation restoration on soil conservation and sediment loads in China: a critical review Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 43 (13) p1384-1415  

87.  de Ble´court M, Brumme R, Xu J, Corre M, Veldkamp E. 2013. Soil Carbon Stocks Decrease following Conversion of Secondary Forests to Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) Plantations PLOS ONE e69357  

88.  Jens Frayer, Zhanli Sun, Daniel Müller, Darla K Munroe, Jianchu Xu. 2013. Analyzing the drivers of tree planting in Yunnan, China, with Bayesian networks. Land Use Policy36:248-258  

89.  Beckschäfer P., Seidel D., Kleinn C., Xu J. On the exposure of hemispherical photographs in forests. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry vol. 6, pp. 228-237 (Aug 2013) 

90.  Beckschäfer P., Fehrmann L., Harrison RD., Xu J., Kleinn C., (2013) Mapping leaf area index in subtropical upland ecosystems using RapidEye imagery and the random forest algorithm. 

91.  Yang X, Kushwaha S, Saran S, Xu J, Roy S, 2013. Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution of medicinal plant, Justicia adhatoda L. in Lesser Himalayan foothills. Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 83–87 

92.  Yang XQ, Kodikara G, Luedeling E, Yang XF, He J, Liu PG, Xu JC. 2012. Looking below the ground: Prediction of Tuber indicum habitat using the Weights of Evidence method. Ecological Modelling 247:27-39(correspondent author). 

93.  Yu HY, Xu JC, Okuto E, Luedeling E. 2012. Seasonal Response of Grasslands to Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau. PLOS One 11: e49230. 

94.  Yang XF, Luedeling E, Chen GL, Hyde KD, Yang YJ, Zhou DQ, Xu JC, Yang YP. 2012. Climate change effects fruiting of the prize matsutake mushroom in China. Fungal Diversity 56(1):189-198. 

95.  Mortimer PE, Karunarathna SC, Li QH, Heng G, Yang XQ, Yang XF, He J, Ye L, Guo JY, Li HL, Sysouphanthong P, Zhou DQ, Xu JC, Hyde KD. 2012. Prized edible Asian mushrooms: ecology, conservation and sustainability. Fungal Diversity 56:31-47. 

96.  Mortimer PE, Le Roux M, Perez-Fernandez MA, Benedito VA, Kleinert A, Xu JC, Valentine AJ., 2012. The dual symbiosis between arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen fixing bacteria benefits the growth and nutrition of the woody invasive legume Acacia cyclops under nutrient limiting conditions, Plant and Soil 366:229-241. 

97.  Xu JC et al. 2012. Participatory Agroforestry Development for Restoring Degraded Sloping Land in DPR Korea, Agroforestry System (2012) 85:291-303. 

98.  Grumbine RE, Dore J, Xu JC. 2012. Mekong transboundary hydropower drivers and governance challenges. Frontier in Ecology and the Environment 10(2): 91–98 

99.  Su,Y., Xu, J., Wilkes, A., Lu, J., Li, Q., Fu, Y., Ma, X., and R. E. Grumbine. 2012. Coping with climate-induced water stress through time and space in the mountains of southwest China. Regional Environmental Change 12:855-866 

100. Kahrl F, Su YF, Tennigkeit T, Wilkes A, Xu JC and Yan M, 2013 ‘China’s Forests as a Carbon Resource’,  Bioenergy and Biomass  59:92-99 (correspondent author). 

101. Kahrl F, Su YF, Tennigkeit T, Xu JC and Yang YP, 2013, ‘Large or Small? Rethinking China’s Forest Bioenergy Policies’, Bioenergy and Biomass 59:84-91 (correspondent author). 

102. Chen HF, Yan M, Yang XF, Chen Z, Wang GA, Schmidt-Vogt D, Xu YF, Xu JC, 2012. Spatial distribution and temporal variation of high fluoride contents in groundwater and prevalence of fluorosis in humans in Yuanmou County, southwest China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 235-236: 201-209(correspondent author). 

103. Mertz O, et al. Xu JC., 2012. The forgotten D: challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+. Danish Journal of Geography 112(1): 63-76. 

104. Li YJ, Kahrl F, Pan JJ, Roland-Holst D, Su YF, Wilkes A, Xu JC, 2012 ‘Fertilizer use patterns in Yunnan Province, China: Implications for agricultural and environmental policies. Agricultural Systems 110:78-89. 

105. He, J., H. Yang, R. Jamnadass, J. Xu, Y. Yang. 2012. Decentralization of Tree Seedling Supply Systems for Afforestation in the West of Yunnan Province, China. Small-Scale Forestry. 11 (2):147–166 

106. Xu JC. 2011. China’s new forests aren’t as green as they seem. Nature 477:371.  

107. RE Grumbine, Xu JC. 2011. Mekong hydropower development, Science 332:178-179. 

108. RE Grumbine, Xu JC. 2011. Conservation with Chinese Characters, Biological Conservation 144:1347-1355. 

109. Zhu YX, Xu JC, Mortimer PE, 2011. The influence of seed and oil storage on the acid levels of rubber seed oil, derived from Hevea brasiliensis grown in Xishuangbanna, China, Energy 36:5403-5408. 

110. He J. Zhou Z. Yang H, Xu JC. 2011. Integrative management of commercialized wild mushroom: a case study of Thelephora ganbajun in Yunnan, Southwest China. Environmental Management 48:98-108.  

111. Fang J, Wu X, Xu JC, Yang X, Song X, Wang G, Yan M, Yan M, Wang D., 2011. Water Management Challenges in the Context of Agricultural Intensification and Endemic Fluorosis: The Case of Yuanmou County. EcoHealth 8(4):444-455. 

112. Yu H, Luedeling E, Xu JC, 2010. Winter and spring warming result in delayed spring phenology on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA (PNAS): 107(51):22151-56 (correspondent author). 

113. Kahrl F, Li YJ, Su YF, Tennigkeit T, Wilkes A, Xu JC. 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen fertilizer use in China. Environmental Sciences & Policy 13:688-694. 

114. Lebel L, Xu JC, Bastakoti RC. Lamba A. 2010. Pursuits of adaptiveness in the shared rivers of Monsoon Asia, International Environmental Agreements 10:355-375. 

115. Ma X, Xu JC, van Noordwijk M. 2010. Sensitivity of streamflow from a Himalayan catchment to plausible  changes in land-cover and climate.  Hydrological Processes 24(11):1379-1390. (correspondent author). 

116. Lu XX, Zhang SR, Xu JC. 2010. Climate change and sediment flux from the Roof of the World. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35(6):732-735. 

117. Xu JC., Lebel L, Sturgeon J. 2009. Functional links between biodiversity, livelihoods and culture in a Hani swidden landscape in Southwest China. Ecology and Society 14(2): 20.  

118. Xu JC, Grumbine RE, Shrestha A, Eriksson M, Yang X, Wang Y, Wilkes A. 2009. The Melting Himalayas: Cascading effects of climate change on water, biodiversity and livelihoods. Conservation Biology 23(3) 520–530. 

119. Grumbine RE, Xu JC. 2009. China shakes the world—and then what? Conservation Biology 23(3): 513-515. 

120. Ziegler A, Fox J, Xu JC. 2009. The rubber juggernaut. Science 324: 1024-1025. 

121. Ma X, Xu JC, Luo Y, Aggarwal SP, Li JT, 2009. Response of hydrological processes to land-cover and climate changes in Kejie watershed, SW China. Hydrological Processes 23(8):1179-1191 (correspondent author)..  

122. Yang X, Wilkes A, Yang Y, Xu JC, Geslani CS, et al. 2009. Common and privatized: conditions for wise management of matsutake mushrooms in Northwest Yunnan province, China. Ecology and Society 14(2): 30 

123. He J, Zhou ZM, Weyerhaeuser H, Xu JC. 2009. Participatory technology development for incorporating non-timber forest products into forest restoration in Yunnan, Southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management 257:2010-2016. 

124. Xu JC., Y. Yang, Z.Q. Li, N. Tashi, R. Sharma, J.Fang. 2008. Understanding Land Use, Livelihoods, and Health Transitions among Tibetan Nomads: A Case from Gangga Township, Dingri County, TAR, China. EcoHealth 5:104-114. 

125. Xu JC., R. Sharma, J. Fang, Y.F. Xu, 2008. Critical linkages between land-use transition and human health in the Himalayan region, Environment International 34:239-247. 

126. Xu JC, Yang YP, Fox J, Yang XF, 2008. Forest transition, its causes and environmental consequences: empirical evidence from Yunnan of Southwest China. Tropical Ecology 48(2):137 

127. Yang X.F., J.He, C.Li, J.Z. Ma, Y.P. Yang, JC Xu. 2008. Matsutake trade in Yunnan Province, China: an overview.  Economic Botany 62(3):269-277. 

128. Ma X., JC Xu, J.Qian. 2008. Water resource management in a middle mountain watershed. Mountain Research and Development 28(3/4):286-291. 

129. Sharma E, Xu JC, 2008. Land use, landscape management and environmental services in the Mountain Mainland Asia: Introduction. Tropical Ecology 48(2):129 

130. Sharma R, Xu JC, Sharma G, 2008. Traditional agroforestry in the eastern Himalayan region: land management system supporting ecosystem services. Tropical Ecology 48(2):189 

131. Yang XF, Skidmore AK, Melick D, Zhou ZK, Xu JC, 2008. Towards an efficacious method of using Landsat TM imagery to map forest in complex mountain terrain in Northwest Yunnan, China. Tropical Ecology 48(2):227 

132. Yu HY, Joshi PK, Das KK, Chauniyal DD, Melick D, Yang XF, Xu JC, 2008. Land use/cover change and environmental vulnerability analysis in Birahi Ganga sub-watershed of the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Tropical Ecology 48(2):241 

133. Xu J.C. and D. Melick, 2007. Rethinking the effectiveness of public protected areas in southwestern China. Conservation Biology, 21(2):318-328. 

134. Melick, D., X. Yang, J.C. Xu (2007). "Seeing the wood for the trees: how conservation policies can place greater pressure on village forests in southwest China." Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 1959-1971.  

135. Melick, D., X. Yang, J.C. Xu (2007). Simplification of Pine Forests Due to Utilization by Tibetan Villages in Southwest China. Environmental Management 40(6): 866-879.) 

136. Yang X.F., A.K. Skidmore, D.R. Melick, Z.K. Zhou, J.C.Xu. 2006. Mapping non-wood forest product (matsutake mushrooms) using logistic regression and a GIS expert system. Ecological Modelling 198:208-218 (correspondence author).  

137. Xu J.C., 2006. The Political, Social and Ecological Transformation of a landscape: The case of rubber in Xishuangbanna, China. Mountain Research and Development, 26(3):254-262 

138. Xu Jianchu, Jeff Fox, David Melick, Yayoi Fujita, Attachai Jintrawet, Qian Jie, David Thomas, Horst Weyerhaeuser, 2006. Land use transition, livelihoods, and Environmental Services in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia. Mountain Research and Development, 26(3): 278-284 

139. David Melick, Yang Xuefei, Yang Yongping, Xu Jianchu. 2006. Establishing Long-term Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring in NW Yunnan, China: a growing need for baseline information. Mountain Research and Development, 26(3):254-262: 292-294 

140. Vernooy R., S. Qiu, J.C.Xu. 2006. The power of participatory monitoring and evaluation: insights from southwest China. Development in Practice 16(5):400-411 

141. Xu Jianchu, Ma Erzi, Tashi Duojie, Fu Yongshou, Lu Zhi, David Melick, 2005: Integrating Sacred Knowledge for Conservation: Cultures and Landscapes in Southwest China, Ecology and Society 10(2): 7. [online] URL:http: // 

142. Xu Jianchu, J. Fox, Zhang P.F, Fu Y.S., Yang L.X., Qian J., S. Leisz and J. Vogler, 2005: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change and Farmer Vulnerability in Xishuangbanna Prefecture in Southwestern China, Environmental Management, 36(3): 404-413 

143. Xu Jianchu, Ai Xihui, Deng Xiqing, 2005: Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Land Use in Xizhuang Watershed of Yunnan, Southwest China, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 7 (2005) 299–309 

144. Rudel, T.K. Oliver Coomes, Emilio Moran, Frederic Achard, Arild Angelesen, Xu Jianchu, Eric Lambin, 2005: The Forestry Transition: Towards a Global Understanding of Land Cover Change, Global Environmental Change 15 (2005) 23-31 

145. Xu Jianchu, Li Bo, David Waltner-Toews, 2004. Habitat of Tibetan Nature and Culture. EcoHealth, 1(4): cover essay 

146. Xu Jianchu and Jesse Ribot, 2004, Decentralization and Accountability in Forest Management: Case From Yunnan, Southwest China, The European Journal of Development Research, 14(1):153-173, 2004  

147. Xu Jianchu and Andreas Wilkes, 2004, Biodiversity Impact Analysis in Northwest Yunnan, China, Biodiversity and Conservation, 13(5): 959-983. 

148. Chen Wei, Shen Yuemiao, Xu Jianchu. 2003. Dissectol A, An Unusual Monoterpene Glycoside from Incarvillea dissectifoliola. Planta Med 2003; 69(6): 579-582 

149. Xu Jianchu, Yang Yongping, et al. 2001, Genetic Diversity in Taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott) in China: An Ethnobotanical and Genetic Approach, Economic Botany 55(1)14-31 

150. Lambin E.F., Turner II B.L., Geist H., Agbola S., Angelsen A., Bruce J.W., Coomes O., Dirzo R., Fischer G., Folke C., George P.S., Homewood K., Imbernon J., Leemans R., Li X., Moran E.F. Mortimore M., Ramakrishnan P.S., Richards J.F., Skånes H., Steffen W., Stone G.D., Svedin U., Veldkamp T., Vogel C., Xu J., 2001. Our Emerging Understanding of the Causes of Land-Use and -Cover Change. Global Environmental Change. 11(2001)261-269 

151. Huai HY, Xu JC: Indigenous knowledge: inexhaustible information 'back' to toxin research. Toxicon 2000, 38:745-746  

152. Xu J.C., Jefferson Fox, Lu Xing, Nancy Podger, Stephen Leisz & Ai Xihui. 1999, Effects of Swidden Cultivation, State Policies and Customary Institutions on Land Cover in a Hani Village, Yunnan, Mountain Research and Development, Vol.19 No.2, 1999, pp 123-132. 


1. 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目《亚洲山地生态系统对全球变化的响应和适应》,项目号:QYZDY-SSW-SMC014 

2. 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目《帕米尔地区生态日历和气候适应性研究》,项目号: 41661144001 

3. 科技部十二五科技支撑计划《绿色磷矿山建设关键技术集成及综合示范》,项目号:2013BAB07B06 

4. 加拿大国际发展研究中心(IDRC)资助《喜马拉雅山地区气候变化和水资源管理》,项目号:107085-002  

5. 德国经济合作发展部(BMZ)和德国技术合作公司(GIZ)资助资助《湄公河上游多功能景观廊道中碳汇和生物多样性资产保护和开发》,项目号:08.7860.3-001.00


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报告题目:《城镇智慧水务技术指南》   中国给水排水直播平台: 主讲人简介:  简德武,教授级高级工程师,现任中国市政工程中南设计研究总院党委委员、副院长,总院技术委员会副主任委员、信息技术委员会副主 第一轮通知 | 国际水协第18届可持续污泥技术与管理会议 主办单位:国际水协,中国科学院  联合主办单位:《中国给水排水》杂志社 等
技术沙龙 | 先进水技术博览(Part 11) 直播时间:8月19日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 2023-08-19 10:00:00  广东汇祥环境科技有限公司  湛蛟  技术总监  天津万 中国水业院士论坛-中国给水排水直播平台(微信公众号cnww1985):自然—社会水循环与水安全学术研讨会
WaterInsight第7期丨掀浪:高铁酸钾氧化技术的机理新认知及应用 直播时间:2023年8月5日(周六)上午10:00-11:00 2023-08-05 10:00:00 开始 直播:“一泓清水入黄河”之山西省再生水产业化发展专题讲座 直播时间:2023年7月23日(周日 )08:00-12:00 2023-07-23 08:00:00 开始
珊氮自养反硝化深度脱氮技术推介会 直播时间:2023年7月21日(周五) 欧仁环境颠覆性技术:污水厂扩容“加速跑”(原有设施不动,污水处理规模扩容1倍!出水水质达地表水准IV类标准!),推动污水治理提质增效。  诚征全国各地污水厂提标扩容工程需求方(水务集团、BOT公司、设
直播预告|JWPE网络报告:自然系统中难降解污染物去除的物化与生化作用及水回用安全保障 中国给水排水 直播题目: 高排放标准下污水中难降解COD的去除技术     报告人:苏伊士亚洲 技术推广经理 程忠红
WaterTalk|王凯军:未来新水务 一起向未来  For and Beyond Water 中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会以网络会议形式举办“水与发展纵论”(WaterTalk)系列学术报 5月18日下午 14:00—16:00 直播  题目: 高密度沉淀池技术的迭代更新 主讲人: 程忠红 苏伊士亚洲 技术推广经理  大纲:  高密池技术原理 不同型号高密池的差异和应用区别 高密池与其他
BEST|绿色低碳科技前沿与创新发展--中国工程院院士高翔教授  直播时间:2023年4月30日 14:00—16:00 2023-04-30 14:00:00 开始 日照:“碳”寻乡村振兴“绿色密码”  凤凰网山东    乡村生态宜居,乡村振兴的底色才会更亮。我市坚持乡村建设与后续管护并重,市、区、镇联
BEST论坛讲座报告第十三期(cnwww1985):全球碳预算和未来全球碳循环的不稳定性风险 The global carbon budget and risks of futur 国际水协IWA 3月17日直播:3月17日 国际水协IWA创新项目奖PIA获奖项目介绍分享会 直播时间:2023年3月17日 9:00—11:30 2023-03-17 09:00:00 开始
中国给水排水直播:云中漫步-融合大数据、人工智能及云计算的威立雅智慧水务系统Hubgrade 直播时间:2023年3月15日 中国给水排水直播平台会议通知 | 2023污泥处理处置技术与应用高峰论坛(清华大学王凯军教授团队等)
中国污水千人大会参观项目之一: 云南合续环境科技股份有限公司  海口市西崩潭水质净化中心 中国给水排水 Water Insight直播:刘锐平  清华大学 环境学院 教授 博士生导师—高浓度硝酸盐废水反硝化脱氮过程强化原理与应用 会议时间:2023.1.7(周六)10:00—11:00
智慧水务的工程全生命周期实践分享 直播时间:2023年1月6日 15:00-16:00 对话嘉宾:窦秋萍  华霖富水利环境技术咨询(上海)有限公司  总经理 主持人:李德桥   欧特克软件(中国)有限 苏伊士 直播时间:12月30日14:00-16:00直播题目:污泥处理处置的“因地制宜和因泥制宜” 主讲人:程忠红,苏伊士亚洲  技术推广经理 特邀嘉宾:刘波 中国市政工程西南设计研究总院二院总工 教
苏伊士 直播时间:12月27日14:00-16:00;复杂原水水质下的饮用水解决方案    陈智,苏伊士亚洲,技术推广经理,毕业于香港科技大学土木与环境工程系,熟悉市政及工业的给水及污水处理,对苏伊士 曲久辉  中国工程院院士,美国国家工程院外籍院士,发展中国家科学院院士;清华大学环境学院特聘教授、博士生导师;中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员
基于模拟仿真的污水处理厂数字化与智慧化:现状与未来 直播时间:2022年12月28日(周三)9:30—12:00 2022城镇溢流污染控制高峰论坛|聚焦雨季溢流污染控制的技术应用与推广 中国给水排水
王爱杰 哈尔滨工业大学教授,国家杰青,长江学者,国家 领军人才:广州大学学术讲座|低碳水质净化技术及实践 直播时间:2022年12月18日 9:30 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年12月15日 20:00—22:00
德国专场直播主题:2022 中国沼气学术年会暨中德沼气合作论坛 2022 中国沼气学术年会暨中德沼气合作论坛德国专场 时间:2022年12月20日  下午 15:00—17:00(北京时间) 2022中国沼气学会学术年会暨第十二届中德沼气合作论坛的主论坛将于12月15日下午2点召开
技术交流 | 德国污水处理厂 计算系列规程使用介绍 城建水业 WaterInsight首期丨王志伟教授:膜法水处理技术面临的机遇与挑战 直播时间:2022年12月10日 10:00—11:00
处理工艺专场|水业大讲堂之六——城市供水直饮安全和智慧提质 直播时间:2022年12月8日 8:30—12:15 建设管理专场|水业大讲堂之六——城市供水直饮安全和智慧提质 直播时间:2022年12月7日 14:00—17:15
国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年12月8日 20:00—22:00 Training Course for Advanced Research & Development of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Tech
12月3日|2022IWA中国漏损控制高峰论坛 直播时间:2022年12月3日(周六)9:00—17:00 2022-12-03 09:00:00 开始 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第八期) 直播时间:2022年12月1日 20:00—22:00 2022-12-01 20:00:00 开始
中国给水排水直播:智慧输配专场|水业大讲堂之六——城市供水直饮安全和智慧提质 直播时间:2022年11月30日 14:00—17:05 2022-11-30 14:00:00 开始 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第七期) 直播时间:2022年11月25日 20:00—22:00 2022-11-25 20:00:00 开始
国标图集22HM001-1《海绵城市建设设计示例(一)》首次宣贯会   直播时间:2022年11月24日 13:30—17:30 中国给水排水直播平台 【 李玉友,日本国立东北大学工学院土木与环境工程系教授,博导,注册工程师】颗粒污泥工艺的研究和应用:从UASB到新型高效脱氮和磷回收
中国建科成立70周年|市政基础设施绿色低碳发展高峰论坛   直播时间:2022年11月22日 13:30—18:25   2022-11-22 13:30:00 开始 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第六期)   直播时间:2022年11月22日 20:00—22:00
会议预告| 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第五期) 中国给水排水 奋进七十载 起航新征程|中国市政华北院第十届科技工作会议暨庆祝建院七十周年大会  直播时间:2022年11月18日 9:30   2022-11-18 09:00:00 开始
樊明远:中国城市水业的效率和服务要做一个规范     樊明远 世界银行高级工程师 黄绵松  北京首创生态环保集团股份有限公司智慧环保事业部总经理,正高级工程师  获清华大学博士学位:海绵城市系统化运维的挑战与实践  直播时间:2022年11月16日 18:30  黄绵松  北京
全国节水高新技术成果展云端活动周寻水路  污水回用专场      转发直播赠送  中国给水排水电子期刊  !!!  直播抽奖 100份 中国给水排水电子期刊  !!! 首届全国节水高新技术成果展即将开幕,同步举行的节水时光云端活动周”也将于2022年11月15日10:00-12:00 、14:30-17:00,在云端与水务行业的专家朋友见面!    在这即将到来激动
会议预告| 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议(第四期) 中国给水排水 国标图集22HM001-1《海绵城市建设设计示例(一)》首次宣贯会
国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年11月3日 16:00—18:00 2022-11-03 16:00:00 开始 中国给水排水直播 会议预告 | 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 国合环境
精彩预告 | 黄河中上游水环境国际论坛·颗粒污泥水处理创新与应用  来源:《中国给水排水》 全球环境科学高峰论坛系列讲座( BEST):电活性微生物:生物地球化学循环、生物能提升、生物修复、金属腐蚀以及新型电子设备    报告人:马萨诸塞州州立大学-阿默斯特分校的Derek Lovley教授
彭永臻院士直播预告丨城市污水生物脱氮除磷新技术与发展/2022年中国污泥大会(第十三届)/工业污泥大会/固废大会/渗滤液大会 直播预告 | 8月21日 中外雨水管理经验和挑战研讨会 中国给水排水    留德华人资源与环境学会  潘伯寿博士,于1991年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学获工学博士学位。曾受聘德国GKW工程设计及咨询公司,贝
清水绕村庄,农家换新颜 山东加快推进农村生活污水及黑臭水体治理--8月9日上午,山东省在日照市召开2022年全省东部片区农村生活污水和农村黑臭水体治理现场推进会,参会代表现场观摩学习了岚山区、高新区等 【水大会直播二位码】中国污水处理厂提标改造/污水处理提质增效/排水管网、水环境综合治理/再生水利用/水环境综合治理大会目次及报告日程
威立雅应对碳中和愿景的思路 原创 Veolia 威立雅水务技术 《中国给水排水》第十八届年会暨水安全保障及水环境综合整治高峰论坛日程