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Guangdong Dongshi Kaineng Energy Co., Ltd. is actually a state-owned holding company that focuses on the industry of environmental protection with the consent of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Dongguan. The registered capital of the company is 40 million yuan, which is invested by the equity ratio of 45% of Dongguan Jinye Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., 40% of Guangdong Kaineng Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd. and 15% of Dongguan Yi’en Industrial Investment Partnership Enterprise.


The company focuses on the investment, construction and operation of waste energy utilization (waste heat, residual pressure, waste power generation), solid waste treatment (garbage generation, solid and hazardous waste disposal, garbage mining), and new energy (biomass cogeneration, distributed energy). The company has a group of high-quality professional and technical personnel, which includes 50% of engineers, 20% of senior engineers. The leader of technology Song Jiyuan and his team hold more than 100 patents and have a construction experience of more than 300 projects in the aspect of energy conservation, environmental protection and new energy. And they cooperate with Xi'an Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing Forestry University to respectively carry out the combustion experiment of mixed fuel of organic solid waste and the research and development of boiler plant, innocuous disposal of surplus refuse in informal landfill and development of secondary pollution prevention technology and equipment, and several technical cooperation, such as co-generation of carbon from biomass gasification and comprehensive utilization and development, etc..



Among them, the shareholder Jinye Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dongguan Industrial Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. that is mainly engaged in urban comprehensive operation, science and technology finance, environmental protection industry and public services. And its total asset was 40.4 billion yuan, net asset was 27.1 billion yuan by the first half of 2017. Founded in 2003, the shareholder Guangdong Kaineng Environmental Protection Energy co., Ltd. has undertaken 313 projects of energy conservation and environmental protection at home and abroad, and its total installed capacity of energy conservation and environmental protection power generation projects at home and abroad has reached 2286MW. In the case of zero energy consumption, it generates 16.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, saving 5.28 million tons of standard coal per year and reducing carbon dioxide by 13.16 million tons a year, which has made important contributions for national and even global energy saving and emission reduction!

    Environmental Protection



- 城市生活垃圾焚烧发电

Municipal waste incineration power generation

- 固废、危废的水泥窑协同处理

Synergistic disposal of solid waste, hazardous waste in cement kilns


Treatment and disposal of municipal sludge

- 循环经济产业园、静脉产业园

Recycling economy industrial park, venous Industrial Park

- 工业固废综合利用与处理、处置

Comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and treatment and disposal

企业使命 Corporate Mission


-低碳高效 绿色梦想 锦天绣地 至美蓝图

Low carbon and high efficiency with the green dream. Gorgeous environment with wonderful blueprint


企业愿景 Corporate Vision



Become a leading technology investor and operator in China in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection and new energy


企业精神 Corporate Spirit


-创新自强 厚德诚信 艰苦奋斗 追求卓越

Innovation and self-improvement,virtuousness and integrity


核心价值观 Core Values


-以人为本 拼搏奉献 服务客户 奉献社会

People-oriented struggle, dedication and service to customers, dedication to society


发展目标 Development Goals



To become stronger and bigger, it will become a leading enterprise in solid waste treatment industry in China in 2025.





董事长  陈仲伟    


 The statements of Chairman


In the golden autumn of 2017, the 19th CPC National Congress points out a new direction for the construction of “Beautiful China”.Dong Shi Kai Neng, with the “low carbon and high efficiency, the green dream and gorgeous environment and wonderful blueprint” as its mission all the time, focuses on technical development services and investment construction of the industrial energy conservation, solid waste integrated treatment, new energy development and other fields and aspires to be the industry-leading national environmental-protection high-tech enterprises with outstanding core competitiveness.
In the field of energy conservation, environmental protection and new energy technology development and application, Dong Shi Kai Neng has assembled a group of professional and management elites with over 20 years experience, who are experienced and full of dreams and sunshine. Furthermore, they have experienced and completed nearly 400 projects of thermal power generation and energy conservation and environmental protection, thus accumulating a lot of experience in technology research and development, engineering design, project construction and investment operation.
To create value for our customers is the root of our existence.In order to effectively improve the efficiency of customer service, we rely on the shareholders' resources, ensure the capital needs, establish the scientific and systematic technical and management innovation mechanism, improve the service evaluation system, improve the service level, and concretely provide customers with practical and efficient and stable comprehensive solutions for energy conservation and environmental protection.
Standing at the forefront of the new era, the people of Dong Shi Kai Neng, inherit the previous career, open up the future road, overcome difficulties and move forward without fear. We hope to achieve the win-win cooperation with all sectors of the community that aim at the energy conservation and environmental protection, implement the concept of green development, and promote the construction of ecological civilization. Achieve the effective use with low carbon in the filed of energy conservation and new energy, to ensure the green development and pursue the green dream. On the other hand, achieve the wonderful blueprint with gorgeous environment, green water and mountains in the filed of environmental protection to make great contributions to the construction of beautiful China, ecological China and green China.


Chen Zhongwei, Chairman of        
Guang DongDong Shi Kai Neng Energy Co., Ltd.





总经理  宋纪元    

The statements of General Manager

Energy conservation and environmental protection and new energy are the national strategic emerging industries and the 19th CPC National Congress points out the direction for its development in a new era. Dong Shi Kai Neng, relying on the powerful strength of platform of Dongguan Industry Group, is committed to the new industry to become a big high-tech enterprise which pursues the "low-carbon and high efficiency and green dreams," and aims to achieve the goal of "gorgeous environment and wonderful blueprint".
Practice the mission and make it happen.We need to seize the opportunity of the state to continue to attach importance to the development of energy conservation and environmental protection industries, and combine with the requirements of "13th Five-Year" energy-saving environmental protection industry development planning to make sure that the energy management advantages of energy efficiency in energy conservation areas are made solid, and gradually expand the scale of operation to achieve rolling development. At the same time, we will expand the business of solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, municipal waste generation, sludge disposal and distributed energy.
Inherit the causes of our predecessors, forge ahead into the future and bravely stand at the forefront. First of all, we need actively promote the combination between the industry and achieve the capital marketization. Relying on Dongguan Industry Group and through project financing, environmental acquisition fund and other financing methods, we can solve the huge capital demand in energy conservation and environmental protection and new energy in the future.
Secondly, We need clarify the strategic development goals of Dong Shi Kai Neng,integrate the cooperation advantages of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, and carefully build management and professional technical teams. In line with the spirit of "innovation and self-improvement, virtuousness and integrity", we will promote the development and application of energy conservation and environmental protection technologies and new energy technologies, and promote the rapid and healthy growth of enterprises.
Third, we will strive to strengthen energy efficiency in three to five years, establish a foothold in the environmental protection industry, set up a new flag and become a leading enterprise in the field of solid waste in the domestic energy conservation and environmental protection industry within five to ten years.
The sky is blue, the wind is clear and anything returns to what it belongs to.We need to seize the historical opportunity, strive for innovation, keep lengthening the industrial chain vertically, gather the resources of the industrial elements horizontally, and plan in the fields of solid waste disposal, waste heat generation, distributed energy and other fields.In addition, we will continuously improve the core competitiveness of Dong Shi Kai Neng, with excellent engineering and technology accumulation, and serve the customers with sincerity and mutual benefit to make great efforts to construct a beautiful China and achieve that sky becomes blue, ground becomes green and water becomes clear.


Song Jiyuan, General Manager of     
Guangdong Dong Shi Kai Neng Energy Co., Ltd.


 national and even global energy saving and emission reduction!

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彭永臻院士直播预告丨城市污水生物脱氮除磷新技术与发展/2022年中国污泥大会(第十三届)/工业污泥大会/固废大会/渗滤液大会 直播预告 | 8月21日 中外雨水管理经验和挑战研讨会 中国给水排水    留德华人资源与环境学会  潘伯寿博士,于1991年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学获工学博士学位。曾受聘德国GKW工程设计及咨询公司,贝
清水绕村庄,农家换新颜 山东加快推进农村生活污水及黑臭水体治理--8月9日上午,山东省在日照市召开2022年全省东部片区农村生活污水和农村黑臭水体治理现场推进会,参会代表现场观摩学习了岚山区、高新区等 【水大会直播二位码】中国污水处理厂提标改造/污水处理提质增效/排水管网、水环境综合治理/再生水利用/水环境综合治理大会目次及报告日程
威立雅应对碳中和愿景的思路 原创 Veolia 威立雅水务技术 《中国给水排水》第十八届年会暨水安全保障及水环境综合整治高峰论坛日程
污水千人大会参观典型项目:长春英俊污水处理厂扩容提标改造项目技术介绍 中国给水排水直播预告 | 排水系统数字孪生的核心:借助排水模型开启全面诊断模式   窦秋萍  Vivian Dou   华霖富中国区总经理
中国给水排水2022年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第六届)邀请函 中国给水排水2022年中国排水管网大会(水环境综合治理)邀请函(污水千人大会同期会议)  中国给水排水 “高标准”下的苏伊士工业园区污水解决方案     来源:中国给水排水直播平台
水务企业如何实现智慧水务创新升级?这场直播告诉你:工业互联网专题第三期(汪秋婉 水务行业解决方案总监):百度智能云开物-智慧水务行业创新与升级 重要线上培训| 城镇排水管道养护与管理培训班你想知道的都在这里,6月9-11线上见!
城市供水管网的漏损跟踪及定位分析解决方案SimOn-Water 中国给水排水直播: 2022中国给水排水线上大会|《深入打好城市黑臭水体治理攻坚战实施方案》解读/《基于管网模型的污水管网外水入流量和入流点估计》
中国给水排水直播报告题目:协同超净化水土共治技术在流域河湖生态整体修复中的应用     报告人:张亚非 教授     上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院教授,亚太材料科学院院士,长江学者特聘教授,SC 重要线上培训:关于举办“《室外排水设计标准》(GB 50014-2021)宣贯  暨室外排水设计技能提升线上培训班”的通知
三位智慧水务专家同场直播 | 奥格科技 AWater 智慧水务解决方案云上分享会 中国给水排水直播 报告题目:“东京都下水道事业2021经营规划”解读和思考   报告人:孙跃平,东京都立大学土木工程硕士,教授级高工,日本国家注册技术士(P.E.Jp),亚太地区注册工程师(APEC
QDTX型智慧推流器 | 南京贝特环保通用设备制造有限公司 中国给水排水直播题目:污水提标改造也能事半功倍  主讲人: 程忠红 苏伊士亚洲   技术推广经理   特邀嘉宾:刘智晓,北京首创生态环保集团高级技术专家,教授级高工,工学博士。 直播赠送5套得利满水处
【重要培训】关于举办2022非开挖顶管施工及探测培训班(在线培训)的通知(专家日程) 2022年中国排水管网水环境大会:报告题目:“东京下水道事业2021经营规划”解读和思考   报告人: 上海管丽建设工程有限公司 孙跃平 总经理 /博士
中国给水排水直播:报告题目:集约快速型BFM用于雨季溢流污水的处理   报告人:青岛思普润水处理股份有限公司 副总经理 吴迪 博士 ,男,正高级工程师,青岛市高层次人才、享受市政府特殊津 国家发改委、工信部、生态环境部、住建部等:同臣环保-浙江绍兴滨海污泥清洁化处置示范项目--2023中国污泥大会(第十三届)参观项目之一
题目:《得利满水处理手册》 系列讲座  之  生物滤池 程忠红    苏伊士亚洲   技术推广经理 课程内容包括十多种生物滤池介绍: ·         苏伊士第六代生物滤池首发介绍 · 报告题目:膜技术在饮用水水源污染因子处理中的研究及应用  报告人:中国市政工程西北设计研究院有限公司副院长,高级工程师;注册公用设备(给水排水)工程师,中国土木工程学会水工业分会机械设备委员会委员,全
直播题目:得利满水处理手册系列讲座之 气浮池 籍文法,南洋理工大学博士,苏伊士水务工程市政总工 课程名称:  苏伊士云课堂  《得利满水处理手册》系列讲座之 活性炭吸附池