中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)
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海水淡化新境界 铸就黄金标准 - “预计未来十年新建海水淡化厂的数量将增加一倍以上” 来源: IWA全球水行业动态

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-04-02  来源:海水淡化新境界 铸就黄金标准 - “预计未来十年新建海水淡化  浏览次数:112
核心提示:海水淡化新境界 铸就黄金标准 - “预计未来十年新建海水淡化厂的数量将增加一倍以上” 来源: IWA全球水行业动态
中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)

中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)







海水淡化新境界 铸就黄金标准

-来源: IWA全球水行业动态 


作者:Nikolay Voutchkov 是沙特阿拉伯 ENOWA 水创新中心的执行主任。该中心正在突破海水淡化领域的新界限。随着 2024 年国际水协LET大会的临近,他解释了最新的发展是如何将海水淡化技术推向循环原则,以实现可再生能源和资源回收的液体零排放目标。

关注IWA LET 2024大会

大多数海水淡化厂用于为全球干旱的沿海城市抗旱供水。全球约 44% 的海水淡化能力位于中东地区。在过去的 30 年中,中东地区的海水淡化厂的规模从每天 400,000 立方米到 100 万立方米不等,是新海水淡化项目增长最快的地区。

如今,中东地区海水淡化能力加速增长的趋势仍在继续。目前属于NEOM的ENOWA水创新中心计划成为海水淡化和盐水开采技术创新的前沿阵地。该地区位于沙特阿拉伯西北部,是沙特阿拉伯 "2030 愿景 "的产物,旨在发展关键领域面向未来的卓越典范,包括可再生能源驱动的海水淡化和零液体排放(ZLD)循环水生产。自 2017 年该地区正式宣布计划为最新技术设计一个 "生活实验室 "以来,NEOM 团队一直在吸引最聪明的人才,并与在各自行业处于领先地位的合作伙伴合作,推动开发和全面实施环境和财政上可持续的海水淡化技术。

截至 2022 年 7 月中旬,全球海水淡化淡水产量为 1.2 亿立方米/天。在目前运行的 20,000 个海水淡化厂中,约 74% 采用膜反渗透 (RO) 技术进行盐分分离;21% 采用热蒸发技术;5% 采用电渗析和离子交换等其他盐分分离技术生产淡水。到 2024 年,全球海水淡化厂的总产能预计将达到每天 1.5 亿立方米,到 2030 年将翻一番,超过每天 2.5 亿立方米。

虽然目前全世界只有约 5%的供水是通过海水淡化生产的,但预计未来十年新建海水淡化厂的数量将增加一倍以上。这可归因于气候变化的影响、人口增长导致的需求增加、新的廉价陆地水源有限,以及膜技术的进步预计将进一步降低海水淡化的成本和能耗。

与海水淡化相关的能源和成本稳步下降的趋势,加上日益严格的监管要求推高了传统水处理和水再利用的成本,预计将加速对海洋的依赖,使其成为具有吸引力和竞争力的水源。预计这一趋势将持续下去,并在未来 15 年内进一步将海洋水淡化确立为全球许多沿海社区可靠、抗旱的替代水源。

最近,一种旨在降低淡水生产成本的趋势是使用海水反渗透 (SWRO) 系统配置,将海水淡化厂的总体回收率从通常的 40-50% 提高到 55-60%。
根据最近对高回收率系统进行的全面测试,海水盐度为 35,000 mg/l 和 43,000 mg/l 时,海水反渗透系统的能耗分别为 2.1 kWh/m3和 2.9 kWh/m3。这样的能耗与使用压力交换器回收海水的传统 SWRO 系统的能耗相当,但主要区别在于高回收率系统的可持续回收率要高出 10-20%。为实现更高的回收率而设计水厂取水和预处理系统,可为新建水厂节省大量资金和制水成本,并能以相对较低的资金投入提高现有水厂的淡水生产能力。


为降低海水淡化的能源消耗和淡水生产成本,最近的一个趋势是开发纳米结构(Nanostructured- NST)反渗透膜,与现有的传统膜相比,它能提供更高效的水传输。NST 膜是一种反渗透膜,包含嵌入随机薄膜聚合物基质中的单个直线纳米级通道,或者完全由成群的纳米级通道(纳米管)组成。
NST 膜技术在过去 10 年中发展迅速,最近开发的 NST 膜要么在传统膜聚合物薄膜中加入了无机纳米粒子,要么由纳米管密集排列的高结构多孔膜制成。据报道,这些 NST 膜与传统的反渗透膜相比,在几乎相同的高盐排斥率下,具有更高的比渗透性。此外,与在相同条件下运行的传统薄膜复合反渗透膜相比,NST 膜的堵塞率相当或更低,而且可以设计成增强对特定离子的排斥选择性。
人们日益认识到,开发和应用清洁能源技术以及可持续产品、工艺和制造业将需要大量稀有金属和贵重元素,包括铂族金属(如锂、铜、钴、银和金)。最新的技术趋势表明,镁在汽车、电脑和手机行业中正在取代铝,因为镁的重量比铝轻 30%以上。虽然世界上的镁矿产资源有限,但海水盐水中含有大量的镁,可以通过浓缩海水淡化盐水,然后用吸附法进行选择性提取来回收镁。
盐水的有益再利用也可能是解决海水淡化的能源可持续性挑战的关键。一种下一代核电站将使用钍和铷代替铀作为能源。功率在 10 到 50 MW之间的小型核电站可为大中型海水淡化厂提供电力。这种新能源的主要优势在于,可以直接从海水淡化厂的盐水中提取足够数量的核燃料。除了容易从盐水中提取之外,这些稀有元素的另一个优点是它们不能被用于制造原子武器,从而使海水淡化浓盐水成为和平利用原子能的新燃料,为人类带来更大的利益。
氯化铁和硫酸铁是目前常用的海水预处理混凝剂。过去,这些化学药剂的投加速度恒定,剂量相对较高。海水淡化行业已采用自动监测海水中的固体含量,并根据水中悬浮固体的实际含量按比例自动调整混凝剂的用量。在过去 10 年中,全球大多数海水淡化厂都采用了这一操作策略,从而将混凝剂的使用量减少到原来的一半以下。
直到 2010 年,许多海水淡化厂还普遍使用阻垢剂和氢氧化钠,主要是为了防止海水淡化水中硼的去除产生结垢。2011 年,世界卫生组织将饮用水中硼的指导限值从 0.5 毫克/升提高到 2.4 毫克/升,自此以后,大多数海水淡化厂停止添加氢氧化钠和阻垢剂。
在探索可再生能源替代方案的同时,美国、沙特阿拉伯和欧洲的世界领先的研究中心正在开发新一代能源回收装置、高压泵和膜,旨在将海水淡化厂的总能耗降至 2.45 kWh/m3以下,反渗透海水淡化的能耗需求降至 1.8 kWh/m3以下。这些进步将使海水淡化厂的总能耗和碳足迹减少 30% 以上。
自 2001 年引入第一台压力交换器以来,这项颠覆性技术已将海水淡化厂的能源回收效率从 75% 提高到 96%。不过,仍有机会将能源回收率提高到 99% 的理论最高值。
  1. 创造新一代 NST 膜,大大提高生产率,并能根据需要就地调整膜性能;
  2. 延长膜的抗氧化和抗生物污损能力及其使用寿命;
  3. 更换海水淡化厂的大部分钢制设备,使用成本更低、重量更轻的塑料设备和管道;
  4. 使用现场 3D 打印技术生产备件;
  5. 采用三维设计、三维操作和维护 (O&M) 手册以及为工厂员工提供三维虚拟现实培训;
  6. 使用低成本的三维可打印无线传感器对工厂关键部件进行性能监测;
  7. 将工厂监测和控制自动化到可实现远程无人操作的水平;
  8. 开发低成本连续膜清洗方法,以减少停机时间和化学清洗成本。
这些进步正在推动一场革命,降低过去阻碍更多采用海水淡化的障碍--海水淡化为全球水安全带来了巨大机遇。目前,海水淡化为美国、欧洲、澳大利亚和中东的沿海城市中心提供了约 10% 的市政供水,为海湾合作委员会国家提供了 50% 以上的饮用水。到 2030 年,这一比例预计将分别超过 25% 和 80%。
创新技术正在解决阻碍这种替代资源开发的问题。纳米颗粒增强膜、仿生膜和正渗透等技术,以及从海水淡化厂产生的浓盐水中提取稀有金属的有益技术,都旨在降低能耗(高达 35%)和投资成本(高达 30%),提高工艺的可靠性和灵活性,并大大减少浓盐水的排放量。这些技术将使海水淡化成为沿海干旱地区负担得起的、可持续的选择,这些地区因气候变化而面临日益严重的缺水问题。我们拥有在全球范围内改善生活和生计的工具,也拥有更迅速、更可持续地实现这一目标的技术。


Striving for desalination’s gold sustainability standard

© strizh / iStock

Nikolay Voutchkov, who heads a world-leading innovation centre that is breaking new boundaries in desalination, spoke at last year’s IWA LET conference. With the 2024 edition of the event coming up, he explains how the latest developments are moving the technology towards circular principles to achieve a target of zero liquid discharge that embraces renewable energy and resource recovery.

Most desalination plants are used to drought-proof water supplies for the world’s arid urban coastal municipalities. Approximately 44% of global desalination capacity is found in the Middle East. With mega-projects of sizes reaching between 400,000 and one million m3/day, plants in the region have yielded the highest growth of new desalination projects over the past 30 years.

The trend of accelerated growth of desalination capacity in the Middle East continues today. The ENOWA Water Innovation Center, currently being developed in NEOM, plans to be at the forefront of innovation in desalination and brine mining technologies. This region in north-west Saudi Arabia is born of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 to develop future-proofed models of excellence in key areas, including renewable energy-driven production of desalinated and recycled water with zero liquid discharge (ZLD). Since the region’s official announcement in 2017 of its plans to design a living laboratory for the latest technologies, the team at NEOM has been attracting the brightest minds and working with partners who lead in their respective industries to drive development and full-scale implementation of environmentally and fiscally sustainable desalination technologies.

Worldwide production of freshwater by desalination through mid-July 2022 was 120 million m3/day. Approximately 74% of the existing 20,000 desalination plants currently in operation use membrane reverse osmosis (RO) technology for salt separation; 21% apply thermal evaporation; and 5% employ other salt separation technologies, such as electrodialysis and ion exchange to produce freshwater. By 2024, the total worldwide desalination plant capacity is projected to reach 150 million m3/day and to nearly double by 2030, exceeding 250 million m3/day.

While only around 5% of current water supply worldwide is produced by desalination, construction of new desalination plants is expected to more than double in the next decade. This can be attributed to the impact of climate change, increased demand because of population growth, limited availability of new, inexpensive terrestrial water sources, and advances in membrane technology that are projected to further reduce the cost and energy use of desalination.

The steady trend of reduction of energy and costs associated with desalination, coupled with increasingly stringent regulatory requirements that drive up the cost of conventional water treatment and water reuse, are expected to accelerate reliance on the ocean as an attractive and competitive water source. This trend is forecast to continue and to further establish ocean water desalination as a reliable, drought-proof alternative for many coastal communities worldwide in the next 15 years.

Innovation in the making

Over the past decade, seawater desalination has experienced accelerated growth, driven by advances in membrane technology and material science. Recent technological advancements – such as advanced pressure exchanger-based energy recovery systems, higher efficiency RO membranes, nanostructured RO membranes, innovative membrane vessel configurations, and high recovery RO systems – are projected to further decrease the energy and costs for seawater desalination, and become a backbone for disruptive decreases in the cost of freshwater produced by desalination of saline sources (i.e., seawater, brackish water and treated wastewater).

High recovery SWRO systems

A recent trend aimed at reducing the cost of freshwater production is the use of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) system configurations that increase the desalination plant’s overall recovery from a typical range of 40-50% to a range of 55-60%.

Based on full-scale testing of a high recovery system implemented recently, the energy used by the SWRO system for seawater salinities of 35,000 mg/l and 43,000 mg/l was 2.1 kWh/m3 and 2.9 kWh/m3, respectively. Such energy use is comparable with that of conventional SWRO systems with pressure exchangers operating SWRO system recovery, but with the key difference that the sustainable recovery of the high recovery system ranges from 10-20% more. Designing plant intake and pretreatment systems for such higher recoveries enables significant savings in capital and cost of water production for new plants, and can enhance freshwater production capacity in existing plants with relatively low capital investment.


Advanced membrane technologies and materials

A recent trend in the quest for lowering the energy use and freshwater production costs of desalination is the development of  nanostructured (NST) RO membranes, which provide more efficient water transport compared with existing conventional thin film membrane elements. NST membranes are RO membranes that contain either individual straight-line nano-size channels (tubes/particles) embedded into the random thin film polymer matrix, or they can be made entirely of clustered nano-size channels (nanotubes).

NST membrane technology has evolved rapidly over the past 10 years, and recently developed NST membranes either incorporate inorganic nanoparticles within the traditional membrane polymeric film or are made of highly structured porous film that consists of a densely packed array of nanotubes. These NST membranes reportedly have much higher specific permeability than conventional RO membranes at practically the same high salt rejection. In addition, NST membranes have comparable or lower fouling rates than conventional thin film composite RO membranes operating at the same conditions, and can be designed for enhanced rejection selectivity of specific ions.

Beneficial use of concentrate

A circular economy is the only path to sustainable economic growth worldwide. For example, applying the circular economy model, brine generated from desalination plants can be used as a source of valuable minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and sodium chloride. Rare earth elements – including lithium, strontium, thorium, and rubidium – can also be extracted from brine.

Recent stresses in the global market of rare earth elements have brought the availability and supply of rare metals to the forefront of the sustainability debate and research agenda. These metals are used to fabricate critical components of numerous products, including aeroplanes, cars, smartphones, and biomedical devices.

There is a growing realisation that the development and deployment of clean energy technologies and sustainable products, processes and manufacturing industries will require large amounts of rare metals and valuable elements, including platinum group metals such as lithium, copper, cobalt, silver and gold.

The latest technology trends show that magnesium is replacing aluminium in the car, computer and cell phone industries because it is more than 30% lighter. While the world’s mining sources of magnesium are limited, seawater brine contains very large quantities of magnesium, which could be recovered through the concentration of desalination brine, followed by selective extraction by adsorption.

Over the past few years, the desalination industry has developed several brine concentration and mineral extraction technologies to enable the manufacture of commercially valuable products from brine.

Extracting minerals from seawater is a more environmentally friendly enterprise than terrestrial mining. Moreover, seawater extraction will not require freshwater for processing or create volumes of contaminated water or waste materials for disposal. In addition, these new brine concentration technologies enable a dramatic reduction in, or complete elimination of, brine discharge to the sea.

As technologies for beneficial reuse of brine evolve, revenues from commercial scale extraction of high-value minerals from brine, such as magnesium, lithium, and pure sodium chloride, can offset the costs of producing desalinated water, thereby converting desalination from the highest- to the lowest-cost sustainable source of freshwater supply.

Beneficial reuse of brine could also be the key to solving the energy sustainability challenges of desalination. A type of next generation nuclear power plant will use thorium and rubidium as a power source instead of uranium. Very small plants with capacity of between 10 and 50 MW could power a medium or large desalination plant. The key advantage of this new energy source is that the building blocks can be directly extracted in adequate quantities from seawater desalination plant brine. Besides being readily extractible from the brine, a further advantage of these rare elements is that they cannot be used to build atomic weapons, presenting desalination brine as the new fuel for peaceful use of atomic energy for the greater benefit of humanity.

Chemical free desalination

Chemicals used for brackish and seawater RO membrane cleaning are typically the same as those used in toothpaste, soaps, and commercial detergents. Backwash water and membrane cleaning water are typically treated to remove solids or other contaminants before being added to the desalination concentrate for discharge. State-of-the-art desalination processes employed in contemporary plants use a very limited amount of chemicals.

All chemicals added in various treatment processes of desalination plants are of food grade quality, biodegradable, and specifically selected not to be toxic to aquatic life. The discharges from seawater desalination plants are neither toxic nor harmful to marine life, and are engineered to dissipate rapidly and without permanent alterations to the surrounding marine ecosystem.

Recent shifts towards chemical-free desalination and recovery of valuable minerals and rare metals from concentrate are expected to transform desalination into one of the most environmentally sound and sustainable water supply alternatives of the century.

Over the past five years, many countries with large desalination plants, such as Australia, Spain, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere in the Middle East, have initiated the implementation of comprehensive programmes for green desalination, which aim to reduce both the amount and types of chemicals used in the production of desalinated water. These programmes will ultimately convert all existing facilities into chemical free seawater desalination plants by using the latest advancements in desalination technology and science.

Desalination plants used to continuously chlorinate their intake seawater using sodium hypochlorite to suppress the growth of marine life in the intake piping and on the RO membranes. Such practice was abandoned by most desalination plant operators close to a decade ago and, currently, chlorination is used only one to two times per month for a period of six to eight hours. In addition, some desalination plant operators do not apply any disinfectants to the intake seawater because they prefer to use the pretreatment system of the plant to control biofouling, instead of using chemicals.

Ferric chloride and ferric sulphate are the commonly used coagulants for pretreatment of seawater at present. These chemicals used to be dosed at a constant rate and at a relatively high dosage. The desalination industry has adopted automated monitoring of the content of solids in seawater, along with automated adjustments to the coagulant dosage proportionally to the actual content of suspended solids in the water. This operational strategy, introduced over the past 10 years at most plants worldwide, has reduced the use of coagulant to less than half of what it once was.

Acids and flocculants were used for optimisation of the chemistry of water treatment in many desalination plants until a decade ago. Most advanced desalination plants and skilled plant operators now no longer use acids and flocculants for pretreatment; instead, they rely on optimised pretreatment systems and operations to manage water chemistry.

Until 2010, antiscalants and sodium hydroxide were commonly applied in many desalination plants, mainly to prevent scaling associated with the removal of boron from desalinated water. Since 2011, when the World Health Organization increased the drinking water guideline limit for boron from 0.5 mg/l to 2.4 mg/l, most desalination plants discontinued the addition of sodium hydroxide and antiscalants.

The next step in this development of adopting new chemical-free, renewable energy-based technologies, is the use of calcium extracted from brine for post-treatment of the desalinated water, instead of using commercially supplied calcium compounds, such as lime from limestone.

Breaking down energy use barriers

Salt separation from seawater requires a significant amount of energy to overcome the naturally occurring osmotic pressure exerted on RO membranes. Even though the carbon footprint for production of desalinated water is higher than that of the production of drinking water from traditional freshwater resources, it is smaller than other human activities that improve quality of life, such as the refrigeration of food, heating of water for bathing, driving a personal vehicle, or flying.

At present, most desalination plants are supplied by power generated from fossil fuel. However, several recent SWRO desalination plants in Australia have implemented wind driven power generation projects, which produce as much power as that used by the desalination plants. Several MENA countries have taken the initiative to develop a robust portfolio of renewable power generation plants to provide electricity for seawater desalination.

In parallel with the exploration of renewable power alternatives, the world’s leading research centres in the USA, Saudi Arabia and Europe are working on the development of new generation energy recovery devices, high pressure pumps, and membranes that aim to bring the total energy use of desalination plants to less than 2.45 kWh/m3, and the energy demand of RO desalination below 1.8 kWh/m3. These advancements will result in the reduction of the total energy use and carbon footprint of desalination plants by more than 30%.

Since 2001, when the first pressure exchangers were introduced, this disruptive technology has increased the energy recovery efficiency of seawater desalination plants from 75% to 96%. However, there is still an opportunity for the energy recovery barrier to be pushed closer to the theoretical maximum of 99%.

Innovation in plant operations

As the industry moves towards large and mega-sized desalination projects becoming mainstream, their complexity increases and creates challenges with the availability and reliability of plant operations. Further improvement of plant operations and the reduction of downtime can be made possible by:

  • Creating a new generation of NST membranes of significantly higher productivity and ability to adjust membrane performance in situ and on demand;
  • Extending the oxidation and biofouling resistance of membranes and their useful life;
  • Replacing most of the desalination plant’s steel equipment and using lower cost/lower weight plastic equipment and piping;
  • Using onsite 3D printing for spare parts;
  • Adopting 3D design, 3D operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals and 3D virtual reality training for plant staff;
  • Using low-cost 3D printable wireless sensors for performance monitoring of key plant components;
  • Automating plant monitoring and control to a level that allows remote unmanned plant operation;
  • Developing methods for low-cost continuous membrane cleaning to reduce downtime and chemical cleaning costs.

The water industry is increasingly using digitalisation to improve efficiency. This trend is being adopted for desalination plants, with digital water management providing an integrated platform that includes water production and supply asset management, water management software, intelligent controls, and professional expertise to drive down operating costs and water losses. Digitalisation in desalination has advanced to a level where the leading industry design firms are developing digital twins for future desalination projects that use a common digital platform for the 3D design of the desalination plant, digital O&M manuals and digital operator training tools, enhanced with virtual-reality training modules and equipment.

These advancements are driving a revolution that is lowering barriers that have, in the past, hindered greater adoption of desalination – and the opportunity that desalination presents for global water security is vast. At present, desalination provides approximately 10% of the municipal water supply of urban coastal centres in the USA, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East, and more than 50% of the drinking water of the Gulf Cooperation Countries. By 2030, this percentage is expected to exceed 25% and 80% respectively.

Innovative technologies are addressing issues that have hampered the development of this alternative resource. Technologies, such as nanoparticle enhanced membranes, biomimetic membranes, and forward osmosis, as well as the beneficial extraction of rare metals from the brine generated by desalination plants, are aimed at reducing energy consumption (up to 35%) and capital costs (up to 30%), improving process reliability and flexibility, and greatly reducing the volume of the concentrate (brine) discharge. Such technologies will make desalination an affordable, sustainable option for arid coastal regions facing increasing water scarcity as a result of climate change. We have the tools to improve lives and livelihoods across the globe, and the technology to now do this more swiftly and sustainably. •

Nikolay Voutchkov is executive director of ENOWA Water Innovation Center in Saudi Arabia. He presented a keynote on latest developments in desalination at the 2023 IWA LET Conference in Daegu, Korea.

IWA’s 2024 LET conference

For details of IWA’s 2024 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, taking place in Essen, Germany on 24-28 June, see

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国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 直播时间:2022年11月3日 16:00—18:00 2022-11-03 16:00:00 开始 中国给水排水直播 会议预告 | 国际水协会哥本哈根世界水大会成果分享系列网络会议 国合环境
精彩预告 | 黄河中上游水环境国际论坛·颗粒污泥水处理创新与应用  来源:《中国给水排水》 全球环境科学高峰论坛系列讲座( BEST):电活性微生物:生物地球化学循环、生物能提升、生物修复、金属腐蚀以及新型电子设备    报告人:马萨诸塞州州立大学-阿默斯特分校的Derek Lovley教授
彭永臻院士直播预告丨城市污水生物脱氮除磷新技术与发展/2022年中国污泥大会(第十三届)/工业污泥大会/固废大会/渗滤液大会 直播预告 | 8月21日 中外雨水管理经验和挑战研讨会 中国给水排水    留德华人资源与环境学会  潘伯寿博士,于1991年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学获工学博士学位。曾受聘德国GKW工程设计及咨询公司,贝
清水绕村庄,农家换新颜 山东加快推进农村生活污水及黑臭水体治理--8月9日上午,山东省在日照市召开2022年全省东部片区农村生活污水和农村黑臭水体治理现场推进会,参会代表现场观摩学习了岚山区、高新区等 【水大会直播二位码】中国污水处理厂提标改造/污水处理提质增效/排水管网、水环境综合治理/再生水利用/水环境综合治理大会目次及报告日程