中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)
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熊亚:教授、博士生导师,中山大学环境工程系系主任,中山大学环境学院清洁生产与循环经济中心主任,广东省清洁生产技术研究中心负责人 主要研究方向为污水深度处理新技术、固体废弃资源化和环境功能材料等

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-02-09  浏览次数:834
核心提示:熊亚:教授、博士生导师,中山大学环境工程系系主任,中山大学环境学院清洁生产与循环经济中心主任,广东省清洁生产技术研究中心负责人 主要研究方向为污水深度处理新技术、固体废弃资源化和环境功能材料等
中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)

中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)

  熊亚:教授、博士生导师,中山大学环境工程系系主任,中山大学环境学院清洁生产与循环经济中心主任,广东省清洁生产技术研究中心负责人,广东省环境科学学会清洁生产专业委员会主委,广东省清洁生产协会副会长,广东省环保产业专家技术委员会水污染防治组组长,广东省高等学校资源综合利用与清洁生产重点实验室学术委员会副主任,广东高校污水生态处理与修复工程技术研究中心技术委员会副主任,2006 全国太阳能光催化学术会议副主席,Global Journal of Biochemistry、The Scientific World Journal - Environmental Chemistry等杂志编委。近年来主要从事污染控制理论与技术的教学和科研,主要研究方向为污水深度处理新技术、固体废弃资源化和环境功能材料等。先后主持了5项国家自然科学基金项目和3项省自然科学基金项目(其中1项重点项目),2项广东省科技计划项目(其中1项重点),4项广州市科技计划项目,1项教育部留学归国人员基金项目,1项广东高校产学研结合示范基地及成果转化重大项目,1项广东省环保局科技开发项目,2项广州市环保局科技开发项目和百余项横向课题。在Environ. Sci. & Technol., Coord. Chem. Rev., Appl. Catal. B: Environ., Water Res.,Appl. Energy,J. Hazard. Mater.,Bioresource Technol.和 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 等国内外学术刊物上发表SCI收录的论文100多篇, 单篇论文SCI引用200多次,其中发表于Chem. Eng. J.的论文获得Elsevier出版社2011 和 2012年度 Chem. Eng. J. Top Cited Papers奖。获批国家发明专利10件,曾获得广东省科学技术二等奖,中国高等学校科学技术奖二等奖和中国环境科学学会第十届优秀环境科技工作者奖。 



(4) 环境功能材料制备与应用  




1993-1996年 武汉大学
1996-1998年 中山大学博士后流动站 
1998-1999年 中山大学化学与化学工程学院 环境治理研究室
1999-2000年  瑞典Lund 大学 工学院
2001-2005年 中山大学化学与化学工程学院 环境治理研究室 
2006-至今年  中山大学环境科学与工程学院环境工程系 



5项 国家自然科学基金项目
3项 省自然科学基金项目 (其中1项重点) 
3项 省科技计划项目(其中1项重点项目) 
1项 广东高校产学研结合示范基地项目及科技成果转化重大项目 
1项 教育部留学归国人员基金项目 
3项 市科技计划项目
3项 省、市环保局科技开发项目
1项 广东省博士后基金项





Book chapters

[1] C. He, X. H. Zhu and Y. Xiong*, Dependent-preparation characteristics and catalytic activity of two platinised TiO2 films towards the oxidation of organic pollutants, Chapter 2 in “New Topics in Catalysis Research”, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 33-49, 2007. ISBN: 1-60021-286-7(Book Chapter) [2] He C., Zhang Q.,Yang J. L.,Xu Z.C.,Shu D.,Shan C.,Zhu L.F.,Liao W.C.,Xiong Y,(2012) Visible-light-induced activity of AgI-BiOI composites for removal of organic contaminants from water and wastewater, Chapter in “Green Nanotechnology and the Environment”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (Book Chapter). 

Main papers

[1] S. Lan, J. Feng, Y. Xiong*, S. Tian, S. Liu, L. Kong, Performance and mechanism of piezo-catalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol: Finding of effective piezo-dechlorination. Environmental Science & Technology. On line. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06426; 
[2] Shenyu Lan, Ya Xiong∗, Shuanghong Tian∗, Jinxi Feng, Tianyao Xie, Enhanced self-catalytic degradation of CuEDTA in the presence of H2O2/UV: Evidence and importance of Cu-peroxide as a photo-active intermediate, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,83 (2016):371–376.
[3] Hongwei Suna, Xingxing Peng, Shuping Zhang, Shengwei Liu, Ya Xiong, Shuanghong Tian Jingyun Fang, Activation of peroxymonosulfate by nitrogen-functionalized sludge carbon for efficient degradation of organic pollutants in water. Bioresource Technology (2017), In press 
[4] Lingjun Kong, Yuting Zhu, Min Wang, Zhixuan Li, Zhicong Tan,Ruibin Xu, Hongmei Tang, Xiangyang Chang, Ya Xiong, Diyun Chen, Simultaneous reduction and adsorption for immobilization ofuranium from aqueous solution by nano-flake Fe-SC, Journal of Hazardous Materials 320 (2016) 435–441
[5] Jinxi Feng, Siyang Li, Yong Sheng, Ya Xiong*, Shenyu Lan, Shuanghong Tian*, Lingjun Kong, Chao Fan, Remarkable improvement of cycling Fenton process for catalytic degradation of phenol: Tuning of triggering effect, Applied Catalysis A, General 542 (2017) 21–27 
[6] Wei Lv, Lingjun Kong, Shenyu Lan,Jinxi Feng, Ya Xiong* and Shuanghong Tian*, Enhancement effect in the piezoelectric degradation of organic pollutants by piezo-Fenton process, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, In press (DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4981) 
[7] Lingjun Kong*, Ya Xiong*, Ting Liu, Yuting Tu, Shuanghong Tian, Lianpeng Sun, Ting Chen,Effect of fiber natures on the formation of “solid bridge” for preparing wood sawdust derived biomass pellet fuel. Fuel Processing Technology 144 (2016) 79–84.
[8] Xin Chen; Lingjun Kong; Xingyu Wang; Shuanghong Tian*,Ya Xiong*; Accelerated start-up of moving bed biofilm reactor by using a novel suspended carrier with porous surface, Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2015.2.1, 38(2): 273-285. 
[9] Jun Chen, Shuanghong Tian∗, Jiang Lu, Ya Xiong*,Catalytic performance of MgO with different exposed crystal facets towards the ozonation of 4-chlorophenol. Applied Catalysis A: General 506 (2015) 118–125 
[10] Jun Chen; Shuanghong Tian*; Lingjun Kong; Yuting Tu; Jiang Lu; Ya Xiong*; Efficient degradation of nitrobenzene by an integrated heterogeneous catalytic ozonation and membrane separation system with active MgO(111) catalyst, Desalination and Water Treatment 2015, 56(8) 2168-2180.
[11] Wei Qian, Jialin Zhang, Ya Xiong*, Xin Chen, Shuanghong Tian*, Lingjun Kong, Yi Gu, Construction and performance of a novel integrative Fenton-like and upward flow biological filter bed, Chemical Engineering Journal 273 (2015) 166–172
[12] Wei Qian,Ya Xiong*, Shuanghong Tian*, Lianpeng Sun, Xin Chen, Lingjun Kong and Jialin Zhang, Effects of hydrogen peroxide on an upward flow biological filter bed (BFB) containing manganese dioxide fillers. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 28448–28453
[13] Hongwei Sun, Ting Chen, Lingjun Kong,Quan Cai,Ya Xiong*,Shuanghong Tian*, Potential of Sludge Carbon as New Granular Electrodes for Degradation of Acid Orange 7. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 5468−5474 
[14] Xin Chen; Wei Qian; Lingjun Kong; Ya Xiong∗; Shuanghong Tian*; Performance of a suspended biofilter as a new bioreactor for removal of toluene, Biochemical Engineering Journal 2015.6.15, 98 : 56–62
[15] Zhijian Wu, Lingjun Kong, Hang Hu, Shuanghong Tian* and Ya Xiong*, Adsorption Performance of hollow spherical sludge carbon prepared from sewage sludge and pPolystyrene foam wastes. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2015, 3, 552−558 
[16] Liang Xiao,Ya Xiong*, Zhanhao Wen and Shuanghong Tian, Adsorption behavior of one-dimensional coordination polymers [Cu(bipy)X]n (X=2Cl- and SO42-) toward acid orange 7 and methyl orange. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 61593–61600.
[17] Liang Xiao; Ya Xiong*; Shuanghong Tian*; Chun He; Qingxian Su; Zhanhao Wen; One-dimensional coordination supramolecular polymer [Cu(bipy)(SO4)]n as an adsorbent for adsorption and kinetic separation of anionic dyes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015 265,157–163 
[18] Zhijian Wu; Ya Xiong*; Guoqiang Guan; Lingjun Kong*; Shuanghong Tian; Preparation and adsorption behavior of new hollow-like spherical sludge chars for methylene blue, RSC Adv., 2014.10.8, 4(98): 55256–55262.
[19] Yuting Tu; Ya Xiong; Shuanghong Tian; Lingjun Kong; Claude Descorme*; Catalytic wet air oxidation of 2-chlorophenol over sewage sludge-derived carbon based catalytsts. Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2014.7.15,274: 88–96.
[20] Shenyu Lan;Ya Xiong*; Shuanghong Tian; Lianpeng Sun*; Tianyao Xie; Xin Wang; and Lingjun Kong; Simultaneous determination of Cu-EDTA and its degradation intermediates by capillary Electrophoresis with a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector. Electroanalysis 2014.11, 26(11): 1 – 8
[21] Lingjun Kong,Ya Xiong∗,Lianpeng Sun,Shuanghong Tian, Xianyan Xu,Cunyuan Zhao,Rongshu Luo,Xin Yang,Kaimin Shih,Haiyang Liu,Sorption performance and mechanism of a sludge-derived char as porous carbon-based hybrid adsorbent for benzene derivatives in aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014. 6.15, 274: 205–211.
[22] Yuting Tu,Ya Xiong∗,Claude Descorme,Lingjun Kong,and Shuanghong Tian*,Heterogeneous photo-Fenton oxidation of Acid Orange II over iron–sewage sludge derived carbon under visible irradiation. J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2014.4,89(4): 544-551.
[23] Jun Chen; Weijie Wen; Linjun Kong; Shuanghong Tian*; Fuchuan Ding; and Ya Xiong*; Magnetically Separable and Durable MnFe2O4 for Efficient Catalytic Ozonation of Organic Pollutants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014.4.16, 53(15) : 6297−6306
[24] Yuanyuan Zhang∗; Ya Xiong; Yankui Tang; Yinghui Wang; Degradation of organic pollutants by an integrated photo-Fenton-like catalysis/immersed membrane separation system. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2013.1.15,244–245(5): 758–764
[25] Shuanghong Tian*; Jialin Zhang; Jun Chen; Linjun Kong; Jiang Lu; Fuchuan Ding; and YaXiong*; Fe2(MoO4)3 as an effective photo-fenton-like catalyst for the degradation of anionic and cationic dyes in a wide pH range. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013.8.22, 52(5): 13333−13341
[26] Lingjun Kong; Ya Xiong*; Shuanghong Tian; Rongshu Luo; Chun He; Preparation and characterization of a hierarchical porous char from sewage sludge with superior adsorption capacity for toluene by a new two-step pore-fabricating process, Bioresource Technology , 2013.10 ,146: 457–462
[27] Lingjun Kong; Shuanghong Tian; Zhaohui Li; Rongshu Luo; Dingsheng Chen,Yuting Tu, Ya Xiong*, Conversion of recycled sawdust into high HHV and low NOx emission bio-char pellets using lignin and calcium hydroxide blended binders, Renewable Energy , 2013.7.2, 60 : 559-565
[28] Xin Wang; Ya Xiong*; Tianyao Xie; Virender K. Sharma; Yuting Tu; Jiannan Yang; Shuanghong Tian; Chun He*; Separation and determination of degradation products of acid orange 7 by capillary electrophoresis/capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector, Talanta , 2013.3.22, 111: 54–61 
[29] Lingjun Kong; ShuangHong Tian; Rongshu Luo; Wei Liu; YuTing Tu; and Ya Xiong*; Demineralization of sludge-based adsorbent by post-washing for development of porosity and removal of dyes, J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2013.8; 88(8): 1473–1480.
[30] Lingjun Kong; Ya Xiong*; Shuanghong Tian*; Zhaohui Li; Ting Liu; Rongshu Luo; Intertwining action of additional fiber in preparation of waste sawdust for biofuel pellets, Biomass and Bioenergy , 2013.12,59: 151-157 
[31] Lingjun Kong; Shuang-Hong Tian; Chun He; Changming Du; Yu-TingTu; Ya Xiong*; Effect of waste wrapping paper fiber as a ‘solid bridge’ on physical characteristics of biomass pellets made from wood sawdust. Applied Energy, 2012.5.11, 98 : 33 –39. 
[32] R. L. Qiu*; D. D Zhang; Z. h. Diao; X. F. Huang; C. He; J. L. Morel; Y. Xiong; Visible light induced photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) over polymer-sensitized TiO2 and its synergism withphenol oxidation. Water Research. 2012.2.9, 46: 2299 -2306.
[33] Yuting Tu; Shuanghong Tian; Lingjun Kong; Ya Xiong*; Co-catalytic effect of sewage sludge-derived char as the support of Fenton-like catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal. , 2012.3.15,185–186: 44–51
[34] Linfei Zhu; Chun He*; Yanling Huang; Zhuohua Chen; Dehua Xia; Minhua Su; Ya Xiong; Shiyu Li ;Dong Shu*; Enhanced photocatalytic disinfection of E. coli 8099 using Ag/BiOI composite under visible light irradiation. Separation and Purification Technology ,2012, 91: 59–66
[35] Minhua Sua; Chun He*; Virender K. Sharma; Mudar Abou Asia; Dehua Xia; Xiang-zhong Li; Huiqi Denga; Ya Xiong; Mesoporous zinc ferrite: Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic activity with H2O2/visible light. Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2012, 211–212: 95–103
[36] Minhua Su; Chun He*; Linfei Zhu; Zhenjie Sun; Chun Shan; Qiong Zhang; Dong Shu; Rongliang Qiu; Ya Xiong; Enhanced adsorption and photocatalytic activity of BiOI–MWCNT composites towards organic pollutants in aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2012. 229–230 : 72–82
[37] Changming Du*; Hongxia Li; Lu Zhang; Jing Wang; Dongwei Huang; Mudan Xiao; Jiawen Cai; Yabin Chen; Hanlu Yan; Ya Xiong; Yi Xiong; Hydrogen production by steam-oxidative reforming of bio-ethanol assisted by Laval nozzle arc discharge, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2012, 37(10): 8318-8329.
[38] Chang Ming Du*; Jing Wang; Lu Zhang; Hong Xia Li; Hui Liu; and Ya Xiong; The application of a non-thermal plasma generated by gas–liquid gliding arc discharge in sterilization, New Journal of Physics, 2012,14: 1-16.
[39] Rongliang Qiu*; Dongdong Zhang; Zenghui Diao; Xiongfei Huang; Chun He; Jean-Louis Morel; Ya Xiong; Visible light induced photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) over polymer-sensitized TiO2 and its synergism with phenol oxidation, Water Research , 2012,46(7) : 2299-2306.
[40] Yuanyuan Zhang; Chun He; Virender K. Sharma; Xiang-zhong Li; Shuanghong Tian; Ya Xiong*; A new reactor coupling heterogeneous Fenton-like catalytic oxidation with membrane separation for degradation of organic pollutants. J Chem Technol Biotechnol ,2011, 86(12): pp 1488–1494.
[41] Yuanyuan Zhang; Chun He; Virender K. Sharma; Xiang-zhong Li; Shuanghong Tian; Ya Xiong*; A coupling process of membrane separation and heterogeneous Fenton-like catalytic oxidation for treatment of acid orange II-containing wastewater. Separation and Purification Technolog, 2011, 80(1): 45–51.
[42] G Meng*; Z. b. Zhou; B. J.e Ni; X. Zheng; G. C. Huang; X. S. Jia; S. Y. Li; Y. Xiong; M. Kraume; Characterization of the size-fractionated biomacromolecules: Tracking their role and fate in a membrane bioreactor. Water Research 2011, 45(15): 4661 -4671
[43] S. H. Tian; Y.T. Tua; D.S. Chen; X. Chen; Y. Xiong∗; Degradation of Acid Orange II at neutral pH using Fe2(MoO4)3 as a heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011,169(1-3): 31–37.
[44] Du CM*; Xiong Y.; Zhang, LL ; Wang, J; Jia, SG; Chan, CY ; Shi, TH , Degradation of Acid Orange 7 Solution by Air-liquid Gliding Arc Discharge in Combination with TiO2 Catalyst. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Tevhnologie 2011, 14 (1): 17-22.
[45] Mudar Abou Asi; Chun He*; Minhua Su; Dehua Xia; Long Lin; Huiqi Deng; Ya Xiong; Rongliang Qiu; Xiang-zhong Li; Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons using AgBr/TiO2 nanocomposites under visible light, Catalysis Today , 2011,175(1): 256–263.
[46] Y.Y. Zhang; J.H. Deng; C. He; S.S. Huang; S.H. Tian; and Y. Xiong*; Application of Fe2V4O13 as a new multi-metal heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for the degradation of organic pollutants. Environmental Technology ,20102, 31(2): 145-154.
[47] Shande Li; Shuanghong Tian∗; Yunfeng Feng; Jiajia Lei; Piaopiao Wang; Ya Xiong*, A comparative investigation on absorption performances of three expanded graphite-based complex materials for toluene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010,183(1-3): 506–511.
[48] Shande Li; Shuanghong Tian; Changming Du; Chun He; Chaoping Cen; Ya Xiong*; Vaseline-loaded expanded graphite as a new adsorbent for toluene, Chemical Engineering Journal , 2010, 162: 546–551.
[49] Chun He*; Dong Shu; Minhua Su; Dehua Xia; Mudar Abou Asi; Long Lin; Ya Xiong, Photocatalytic activity of metal (Pt, Ag, and Cu)-deposited TiO2 photoelectrodes for degradation of organic pollutants in aqueous solution, Desalination,2010,253: 88–93.
[50] Shuxian Jiang; Junxiong Qu; Y. Xiong*; Removal of chelated copper from wastewaters by Fe2+-based replacement–precipitation. Environ Chem Lett,,2010., 8(4): pp 339–342
[51] Baoping Xie*; Chun He; Peixiang Cai; Ya Xiong*; Preparation of monoclinic BiVO4 thin film by citrate route for photocatalytic application under visible light. Thin Solid Films , 2010, 518(8): pp 1958–1961
[52] Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Chun He, Jing-Heng Deng, Yu-Ting Tu, Jian-Ke Liu, Ya Xiong*,. Photo-Fenton-like and Fenton-like catalytic activities of nano-lamellar Fe2V4O13 towards degradation of organic pollutants. Research on Chemical Intermediates. 35(2009) 727-737
[53] Jingheng Deng, Jingyuan Jiang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xiaoping Lin, Changming Du, Ya Xiong*, FeVO4 as a highly active heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst towards the degradation of AO II. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 84 (2008) 468–473.
[54] Rongliang, Qiu*, Dongdong Zhang, Yueqi Mo, Lin Song; Eric Brewer, Xiongfei Huang, Ya Xiong, Photocatalytic activity of polymer-modified ZnO under visible light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 156(1-3), 80-85.
[55] Shuxian Jiang, Fenglian Fu, Junxiong Qu, Ya Xiong*, A simple method for removing chelated copper from wastewaters: Ca(OH)2-based replacement-precipitation. Chemosphere 73 (2008) 785–790.
[56] Fenglian Fu, Runming Chen, Ya Xiong*, Comparative investigation of N,N’-bis-(dithiocarboxy)piperazine an1 diethyldithiocarbamate as precipitants for Ni(II) in simulated wastewater. J. Hazardous Materials. 142 (2007) 437–442
[57] Fenglian Fu, Haiyan Zeng, Qinhong Cai, Rongliang Qiu, Jimmy Yu, Ya Xiong*, Effective removal of coordinated copper from wastewater using a new dithiocarbamate-type supramolecular heavy metal precipitant. Chemosphere 69 (2007) 1783–1789
[58] Fenglian Fu, Ya Xiong*, Baoping Xie, Runming Chen, Adsorption of Acid Red 73 on copper dithiocarbamate precipitate-type solid wastes. Chemosphere. 66 (2007) 1–7. 
[59] F. L. Fu, R. M. Chen, Y. Xiong*, Application of a novel strategy-coordination polymerization precipitation to the treatment of Cu2+-containing wastewaters. Separat. Purif. Technol. 52 (2006) 388–393.
[60] C. He, Y. Xiong*, D. Shu, X. H. Zhu, X. Z. Li, Preparation and photoelectrocatalytic activity of Pt(TiO2)–TiO2 hybrid films. Thin Solid Films 503 (2006) 1 – 7.
[61] Baoping Xie, Hanxia Zhang, Peixiang Cai, Rongliang Qiu,Ya Xiong*,Simultaneous photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) and oxidation of phenol over monoclinic BiVO4 under visible light irradiation. Chemosphere 63 (2006) 956–963.
[62] Fenglian Fu, Runming Chen, Ya Xiong*, Removal of Cu2+ and dye from wastewater using the heavy metal precipitant N,N-bis-(dithiocarboxy)piperazine. Environ. Chem. Lett. (2006) 4: 41–44
[63] Chun He, Dong Shu, Ya Xiong*, Xihai Zhu, Xiangzhong Li, Comparison of catalytic activity of two platinised TiO2 films towards the oxidation of organic pollutants. Chemosphere 63 (2006) 183–191.
[64] B. P. Xie, Y. Xiong*, R. M. Chen , J. Chen, P. X. Ca, Catalytic activities of Pd–TiO2 film towards the oxidation of formic acid. Catal. Commun. 6 (2005) 699–704.
[65] C. He, X Z. Li, Y. Xiong*, X. H. Zhu, S. R. Liu, The enhanced PC and PEC oxidation of formic acid in aqueous solution using a Cu–TiO2/ITO film. Chemosphere 58 (2005) 381–389. 
[66] X.Z. Li, C. He, N. Graham and Y. Xiong, Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A in aqueous solution using Au–TiO2/ITO film. J. Applied Electrochem. (2005) 35:741–750.
[67] C. He, Y. Xiong, X. Zhu, X. Li,A platinised TiO2 film with both photocatalytic and non-photocatalytic activities towards the oxidation of formic acid. Applied Catalysis A 2004, 275 (1-2): 55-60.
[68] Y. Xiong* C. He, H. Karlsson, X. Zhu, Performance of a three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor for the reduction of COD in simulated wastewater-containing phenol. Chemosphere 2003, 50(1) 131-136.
[69] C. He, Y. Xiong*, J. Chen, C. Zha and X. Zhu, Photoelectrochemical performance of Ag-TiO2/ITO film and photoelectrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of organic pollutants. J. Photochem. Photobiol, A: Chem. 2003, 157(1) 71-79.
[70] C. He, Y. Xiong*, X. Zhu, Improving photocatalytic activity of Cu-loaded TiO2film using a pulse anodic bias. Catal. Commun.2003, 4(4) 183-187.
[71] C. He, Y. Xiong*, C. Zha, X. Zhu, Approach to a pulse photoelectrocatalytic process for the degradation of organic pollutants. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2003 78(6) 717-723. 
[72] Y. Xiong *, C. He, X. Zhu And H. Karlsson, Removal of formic acid from wastewater using three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor. Water, air and soil pollution 2003, 144 67-79.
[73] Y. Xiong*, C. He, T. C. Cha and X. Zhu, An approach to the structure and spectra of copper barbiturate trihydrate. Transition Met. Chem. 2003, 28 69-73. 
[74] Y. Xiong*, C. He, T. An, Q. Yu, C. Cha and X. Zhu, Performance of COD removal from acid scarlet BS-containing solution in a novel packed-bed hollow-tube photocatalytic (php) reactor. J. Evirion. Sci. Health A 2003, 38(5) 935-947. 
[75] C. He, Y. Xiong* and X. Zhu, Towards understanding the TiO2-mediated photoredox process of Cu(II)-formic acid solution. J. Envrion. Sci. & Health. A. 2003, 38(5) 949-963. 
[76] Y. J. Lu, J. H. Liu, Y. Xiong, X. Zhu, Study of a mathematical model of metal ion complexes in solvent sublation. J Colloid Interf. Sci. 263 (1): 261-269, 2003 
[77] Taicheng An∗, Haofei Gu, Ya Xiong, Weiguo Chen, Xihai Zhu, Guoying Sheng and Jiamo Fu2. Decolourization and COD removal from reactive dye-containing wastewater using sonophotocatalytic technology. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2003, 78 (11): 1142.
[78] C. He, Y. Xiong* and X. Zhu, A novel method for enhancing photocatalytic efficiency: the combination of Ag deposition with application of external electric field. Thin Solid Films, 2002,422(1-2) 235-238. 
[79] T. An, Y. Xiong*, G. Li, C. Zha, X. Zhu, Synergetic effect in degradation of formic acid using new photoelectrochemical reactor. J. Photochem. Photobiol, A: Chem. 2002, 152 155-165. 
[80] Y. Xiong*, Q. Zhong, A. Tai, Y. Liu and X. Zhu. Removal of cyanide from dilute solution using a cell with three-phase three-dimensional electrode. J. Environ. Sci. Health A, 2002, 37(4) 715-724.
[81] T. An, X. Zhu and Y. Xiong*, Feasibility study of photoelectrochemical degradation of methylene blue aqueous solution with three-dimensional electrode-photocatalytic reactor. Chemosphere. 2002, 46(6), 897-903.
[82] Ya Xiong*, Hans T. Karlsson, An experimental investigation of chemical oxygen demand removal from the wastewater containing oxalic acid using three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor. Advance in Environ. Res. 2002, 7 (1): 139-145.
[83] Y. Xiong* L. N. Ji., Crystal structure and supramolecular assembly of 1:2 piperazine with O- and P-nitrophenol. J Chem Crystallogr. 2002, 32 (8)219-225. 
[84] C. He, Y. Xiong*, X. Zhu, Strategies for regeneration of metal(0)-fouled TiO2 photoelectrocataltytic film. J. Environ. Sci. Health A, 2002, 37(8), 1545-1562. 
[85] C. He, Y. Xiong*, D. Su and X. H. Zhu, Electrochemical degradation of aniline in water with a three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor. Bulletin of Electrochem. 2002, 18(12) 535-542. 
[86] Y. Xiong*, P. Strunk, H. Xia , X. Zhu and H. Karlsson. Treatment of dye wastewater containing acid orange II with three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor. Water Research 2001, 35(17) 4226-4230. 
[87] Y. H. Liu, Y. C. Chung and Y. Xiong, Purification and characterization of a dimethoate-degrading enzyme of Aspergillusinger ZHY256 isolated from sewage. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2001, 67(8) 3746-3749.
[88] Y. Xiong*, H. Karlsson, An approach to a two-step process of dye wastewater containing acid red B. J. Environ. Sci. Health 36A, 2001, 3, 543. 
[89] Y. Xiong*, M. Tong L. N. Ji.., Aquabis(3,5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-kN2) (malnonato-k2O,O') copper (II)dihydrate. Acta Cryst.2001, C57:1385-1387. 
[90] T. An, X. Zhu and Y. Xiong*, Synergic degradation of reactive brilliant red X-3B using three demension electrode-photocatalytic reactor. J. Enviorn. Sci. Health A36(10), 2001, 2068-2082. 
[91] Xiao-Hua Zou, Hong Li, Guang Yang, Hong Deng, Jie Liu, Run-Hua Li, Qian-Ling Zhang, Ya Xiong, and Liang-Nian Ji*, Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of a fictionalized ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex with fused triazionone as ligand. Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 7091-7095.
[92] Y. Lu, Y. S. Wang, Y. Xiong, X. Zhu, The kinetics of thermodynamics of surfactants in solvent sublation. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 2001, 307(8), 1091-1095. 
[93] X.-H. Zou, B –H. Ye*, H. Li, J. G.g Liu, Y. Xiong, L. N Ji*, Mono- and bi-nuclear ruthenium(II) complexes containing a new asymmetric ligand 3-(pyrazin-2-yl)-as-triazino [5,6-f]1,10-phenanthroline: synthesis, characterization and DNA-binding properties. J. C. S. Dalton Transactions 1999 (9), 1423. 
[94] Y. Xiong and L. Ji,* Synthesis, DNA-binding and DNA-mediated luminescence quenching of Ru(II) polypyridine complexes. Coord. Chem. Rev., 1999, 185-6,711-733.
[95] Ya Xiong*, Xiao-Feng He, Xiao-Hu Zou, Jian-Zhong Wu, Xiao-Ming Chen,Liang-Nian Ji,* Run-Hua Li, Jian-Ying Zhou and Kai-Bei Yu Interaction of polypyridyl ruthenium(II)complexes containing non-planar ligands with DNA. J. C. S. Dalton Transactions, 1999, 1:19. 
[96] Ya, Xiong; Xiaohua, Zou; Wu, Jianzhong; Huiying, Yang; Liangnian, Ji*. Synthesis, characterization and proton-dependent electronic spectra of a series of novel ruthenium(II) complexes containing an imidazole unit. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry (1998), 28(9), 1445-1454.
[97] C. He, X. H. Zhu and Y. Xiong*, Dependent-preparation characteristics and catalytic activity of two platinised TiO2 films towards the oxidation of organic pollutants, Chapter 2 in “New Topics in Catalysis Research”, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 33-49, 2007. ISBN: 1-60021-286-7(Book Chapter)
[98] He C., Zhang Q.,Yang J. L.,Xu Z.C.,Shu D.,Shan C.,Zhu L.F.,Liao W.C.,Xiong Y,(2012) Visible-light-induced activity of AgI-BiOI composites for removal of organic contaminants from water and wastewater, Chapter in “Green Nanotechnology and the Environment”, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (Book Chapter). 

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