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曹心德----上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 教授

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核心提示:曹心德----上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 教授


曹心德(Cao Xinde) 教授 
办公室电话:021-34202841   传真:
  • 1.污染场地生态环境效应及修复技术;
  • 2.土壤生物炭的固碳技术及其生态环境效应;
  • 3.固废基环境污染修复功能材料的研发;
  • 4.污染物的生物可利用性与人体健康。
  • 1998年毕业于中国科技大学化学系,获博士学位;
  • 2000-2003 美国University of Florida  博士后;
  • 2003-2005 美国Stevens Institute of Technology  博士后;
  • 2005-2009 美国University of Florida 研究员。


  • 1. XD Cao, LQ Ma, Y Liang, et al. 2011 Simultaneous immobilization of lead and atrazine in contaminated soils using dairy-manure biochar. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 4884-4889.

  • 2. XD Cao, WG Harris 2010 Properties of dairy manure-derived biochar pertinent to its potential use in remediation. Bioresour. Technol. 101, 5222-5228.

  • 3. XD Cao, LQ Ma, A Shiralipour 2010 Bomass reduction and arsenic transformation during composting arsenic-rich hyperaccumulator Chinese brake fern (Pteris Vittata L.). Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 17, 586-564.

  • 4. XD Cao, LQ Ma, B Gao, et al. 2009 Dairy manure-derived biochar effectively sorbs lead and atrazine. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 3285–3291.

    5. XD Cao, LQ Ma, A Wahbi, et al. 2009 Immobilization of Cu, Zn, and Pb in contaminated soils using phosphate rock and phosphoric acid. J. Hazard. Mat. 164, 555-564.

    6. XD Cao, WG Harris 2008 Magnesium and carbonate interactive effects on calcium phosphate precipitation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 436-442.

    7. XD Cao, LQ Ma, S Singh 2008 Phosphate-induced lead immobilization from different lead minerals in soils under varying pH conditions Environ. Pollut. 152, 184-192.

    8. XD Cao, D Dermatas, X Xu, et al. 2008 Immobilization of lead in shooting range soils by means of cement, quicklime, and phosphate amendments. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 15, 120-127.

    9. XD Cao, D Dermatas 2008 Evaluating the applicability of regulatory leaching tests for assessing lead leachability in shooting range soils. Environ. Monit. Assess. 139, 1-13.

    10. XD Cao, W Harris, M Josan, et al. 2007 Inhibition of calcium phosphate precipitation under environmentally-relevant conditions. Sci. Total Environ. 383, 205-215.

    11. XD Cao, LQ Ma. 2007 Transformation of lead bullets and phosphate-induced lead immobilization in shooting range soils. In Rachel H. Plattenberg (ed). Environmental Pollution: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York pp. 99-119.  (ISBN: 1-60021-285-9)

    12. XD Cao, D Dermatas, G Shen, et al. 2005 Lead contamination and immobilization at shooting range sites. In A. Al-Tabbaa and J. A. Stegemann, (eds). Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation. Taylor & Francis Group, London. p. 315–321. (ISBN: 1-60021-285-9)

    13. XD Cao, LQ Ma, D Rhue, et al. 2004 Mechanisms of lead, copper, and zinc retention by phosphate rock. Environ. Pollut. 131, 435-444

    14. XD Cao, LQ Ma 2004 Effects of compost and phosphate on plant arsenic uptake from contaminated soils near pressure-treated wood. Environ. Pollut. 132, 435-442

    15. XD Cao, LQ Ma, C Tu 2004 Antioxidative responses to arsenic in the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. Environ. Pollut. 128, 317-325

    16. XD Cao, LQ Ma, M Chen, et al. 2003 Weathering of lead bullets and their environmental effects at outdoor shooting ranges J. Environ. Qual. 32, 526-534

    17. XD Cao, LQ Ma, S Singh, et al. 2003 Phosphate-induced metal immobilization in a contaminated site Environmental Pollution 122, 19-28

    18. XD Cao, LQ Ma, M Chen, et al. 2003 Lead transformation and distribution in the soils of shooting ranges in Florida, USA. Sci. Total Environ. 307, 179-189

    19. XD Cao, LQ Ma, A Shiralipour 2003 Effects of compost and phosphate amendments on the arsenic leachability in the soil and arsenic uptake by Brake fern (Pteris Vittata L.). Environ. Pollut. 126, 157-167

    20. XD Cao, LQ Ma, S Singh, et al. 2002 Impacts of phosphate amendments on lead biogeochemistry at a contaminated site. Environ. Sci.Technol. 36, 5296-5304


       曾主持和主要参与完成了美国国家自然科学基金、美国农业部、美国国防部等资助项目10多项。现主持国家自然科学基金、科技部国际合作项目、教育部留学回国基金、教育部博士点基金、上海市人才计划等项目9项。建立了电子垃圾加工回收场地、射击场、化工厂等污染场地修复示范工程4项。在包括环境科学与技术领域顶级期刊《Environmental Science and Technology》(IF=4.825, 5篇) 等国际杂志上发表SCI收录学术论文60多篇,其中第一或通讯作者40多篇,SCI论文总引用1322次,他引总次数1167,单篇引用最高次数119,论文总体评估h因子为20。合作专著4本,其中英文2本。获省部级奖3项,其中2004年因在稀土元素的环境化学行为及其对水生生态系统的影响方面的研究有突出贡献而获得国家教育部科技进步一等奖。多次担任国际会议组委会委员及分会主席并做特邀报告,其中2005年担任由美国科学院主办的第一届国际环境科学与技术大会组委会及学术委员会委员以及土壤污染与修复分会主席。2006年土壤中重金属的原位钝化修复方面的一些创新性研究成果被美国化学与工程新闻周刊《Chemical and Engineering News 》采访及详细报道,2007年并被美国化学学会授予年度“Awarded Chemist”。2009年1篇SCI论文引用频次入围ESI世界前1%的顶级论文。2011年入选上海市“浦江人才”计划。目前,担任国际SCI期刊《Chemosphere》副主编,国际SCI期刊《The Science of Total Environment》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》编委。




        Dr. Xinde Cao, professor of Environmental Chemistry, member of American Chemical Society, Soil Science Society of American, etc. Dr. Cao obtained Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1998. After the graduation, Dr. Cao worked in Nanjing University from 1998 to 2000. He was a postdoc research associate at University of Florida and Stevens Institute of Technology between 2000 and 2005. Dr. Cao was employed as an environmental Chemist at University of Florida between 2005 and 2009. He joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a professor since 2008.12. Dr. Cao received several awards including the First place Award of Scientific and Technology Progress by China Ministry of Education in 2004 and the Awarded Chemist of the year by American Chemical Society in 2005. He served several International Conferences including an advisory committee and a session chair for the First International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, sponsored by America Academy of Science in 2005. His breakthrough results on the research of characterization and immobilization of lead in shooting range sites was highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News in 2006. As a Principal Investigator (PI) and co-PI, Dr. Cao has been in charge of more than 10 projects which were supported by U.S.NSF, and U.S.DA, U.S.DoE, and China NSFC. He has published more than 60 SCI-indexed research papers in refereed journals including Environ. Sci. Technol., Bioresour. Technol., etc. His research achievements are recognized by other scientists worldwide, with the SCI paper having total citation of 1322 and overall evaluation h-index of 20. Dr. Cao completed 4 book chapters including 2 in English and presented his work in 19 international conferences. Dr. Cao serves several SCI journals including Editor and Associate Editor for Chemosphere, and Editorial Board for Sci. Total Environ., Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., etc.

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