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张辉 (Zhang Hui) ---- 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 副教授

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-09-07  浏览次数:476
核心提示:张辉 (Zhang Hui) ---- 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 副教授


张 辉(Zhang Hui) 副教授 
办公室电话:021-54748942   传真:

1. 土壤、水系统中的污染物行为化学

2. 土壤痕量金属污染快速钝化修复

3. 市政污泥处理处置中的污染物行为及转化控制






中国地质学会会员、美国化学会(American Chemical Society)会员
国际医学地质协会(International Medical Geology Association)会员
美国明尼苏达大学土木工程系(CE, University of Minnesota) Visiting Professor (2009)
美国"Science Publications" 特约编辑(2011---)
"American Journal of Environmental Sciences" 编辑(2012---)
"Journal of Earth Science Research" 编委(2013---)

"Environmental Research"、"Water Science and Technology"、"Environmental Earth Sciences"、"Environmental Monitoring and Assessment"、

"Science in China Series B /中国科学 B 辑(化学)" 、"Science of the Total Environment"、"Environmental Science and Pollution Research" 等期刊审稿人
"Bentham Science Publishers” Book 评审人




A. 专业著作及教材
2009,张 辉. 土壤环境学实验教程. 上海交通大学出版社: 上海, pp.148, ISBN 720057 -5025-7246-5.

2006,张 辉. 土壤环境学. 化学工业出版社: 北京, pp.210, ISBN 720057 -5025-7246-5.

2003,Safiuddin M., Zhang Hui, Wang L., Guo H., Maria L., Daniel Lerda, Amer Siddiqi, Peterson H.G., Rafael M.G., Konstantin V., Thirunavukkarasu O.S., Ptacek C.J., Khandaker N.R. Aquatic arsenic toxicity and treatment. Murphy T. and Guo J. eds.,Backhuys Publishers: Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.165. ISBN 90-5782-130-3, SCI IDS BX85Y.

2000,张 辉. 污染生态学. 内蒙古大学出版社:呼和浩特, pp.180. ISBN7-81074-112- 8/Q.

B. 期刊论文
2013, Hui Zhang. Arsenic movement and traces in the groundwater from the Hetao Area, Inner Mongolia. Environmental Earth Sciences 69/DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1992-5.


2012, Hui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Qi Yang, Lina Zhong and Xu Zhang. The impact of anthropogenic activities recorded by mercury in the sediment from Dianshan lake. American Journal of Environmental Science 8 (4).

2011, Hui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Lina Zhong. A 1955–2004 record of Hg contamination in Dianshan Lake sediments, Shanghai. Environ Chem Lett 9.

2009, Hui Zhang, Xiaoyi Zhou. Speciation Variation of Trace Metals in Coal Gasification and Combustion. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 21(2).

2009, Zhang Hui. An assessment of heavy metals contributed by industry in urban atmosphere from Nanjing, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 154.

2008, Zhang Hui. A Comparison Between Heavy Metals Released from Soil and Its Efficient Speciation Extracted by Sequential Extraction Procedure. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 27.

2007, Zhang Hui. The Orientation of Water Quality Variation from the Metropolis River — Huangpu River, Shanghai. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 127.

2006, Zhang Hui. Groundwater Arsenic Pollution from Inner Mongolia and the Course of Formation Evidence. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 25.

2006, Zhang Hui. Water Quality Evolvement from Huangpu River, Shanghai, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 25.

2006, Zhang Hui, Zhou Xiaoyi. A New Schedule for Copper Chemical Speciation Analysis in Soil and Water Sediment. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 25.

2004, Zhang Hui. Heavy-Metal Pollution and Arseniasis in Hetao Region, China. AMBIO 33(3). 


        主持包括国家自然科学基金、国际协作研究基金等国家及省部级投资、资助项目10余项; 作为主要参加人参与完成国家及省部级各类项目二十余项。第一作者或通讯作者在国内外核心学术期刊发表研究论文计60余篇,编著出版专业教材3部——“污染生态学”、“土壤环境学”、“土壤环境学实验教程”; 应约参编出版国际水As中毒与治理研究专著1部——“Aquatic Arsenic Toxicity and Treatment” (Backhuys Publishers,The Netherlands)。

        研究成果分别为哈佛大学和麻省理工学院合办专业网站(The Arsenic Website Project)、斯坦福大学学术网站(HighWire Press)收录,迄今为SCI源期刊他引计100余次。发表在AMBIO/(人类环境杂志) 上的论文(Heavy-Metal Pollution and Arseniasis in Hetao Region, China)于2010被美国国家医学图书馆Medline数据库选评为全球同主题2004-2009年间最佳10篇论文。编著的“土壤环境学”获第八届中国石油和化学工业优秀教材奖二等奖与第十一届上海交通大学优秀教材奖二等奖。

        目前与美国明尼苏达大学Patrick L. Brezonik教授(美国国家自然科学基金会环境工程部前主任、湖泊环境领域著名学者)、William Arnold 教授(Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology、Chemosphere、Environmental Pollution 等期刊副主编)等学者合作, 就受城市发展影响的湖泊污染演化等问题开展研究。

        研究组工作兴趣主要在城市痕量金属、持久性有机物污染研究, 区域性N、P、As等元素污染行为及其演化研究(在土壤、水中的迁移、转化机理、演化趋势及同位素计时、示踪), 以及城市自然水体污染监测、污泥及污染沉积物处理处置中污染物的行为与转化控制研究等方面。

  中国科学院环境地球化学国家重点实验室、美国明尼苏达大学土木工程系环境工程实验室(EE Labs of CE, UMN)等国内外一流学术部门的技术设备和信息资源。



1. "Heavy-metal pollution and arseniasis in Hetao Region, China"/AMBIO/人类环境杂志 2004,33(3)

     论文被美国 Medline 数据库评为2004-2009该主题最佳10篇论文/Top 10 articles published on the

     same topic since published, 2010.

2. “中国理工科环境类专业环境地学教学现状思考” 获中国科学协会“中国教育学报”优秀论文奖, 2008.

3.  第八届中国石油和化学工业优秀教材奖 二等奖/省部级, 2007.

4.  第十一届上海交通大学优秀教材奖 二等奖, 2007.

5.  IET教育基金理事会IET奖, 2002.

6.  世川良一奖1997年度特等奖, 1997.



Hui ZHANG / Group of Pollutant Behavior Chemistry

School of Environmental Science and Engineering

Shanghai Jiaotong University

800 Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai 200240, P.R. China

Room 119 (O), 104 (Lab)

Tel: 86-21-54748942, Fax: 86-21-54740825, E-mail:

Ph.D./Geochemistry, Nanjing University, 2001

Associate Professor, School Envir. Sci. & Eng., Shanghai Jiaotong University/ 2001----

Visiting Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota / 2009


Professional Society Memberships:

China Geology Society

American Chemical Society

Int. Medical Geol. Association


Editor and Reviewer Serving for Journals and Publisher:

Editor for:

"Science Publications" (contributing editor, 2011---)

"American Journal of Environmental Sciences" (editor, 2012---)

"Journal of Earth Science Research" (editoral board member, 2013--)

Reviewer for:

Environmental Research

Water Science and Technology

Environmental Earth Sciences

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Environmental Pollution Research

Science in China Series B

Science of the Total Environment

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Bentham Science Publishers Book  etc.


Recent interests are focused on the impacts of human activity in geo-chemical cycles of substances on water and soil quality change (trace metals, arsenic, nitrogen, phosphorus and sensitive organic pollutants) in natural and engineered systems (water, soil, and polluted material treating systems).

Our goal is to restrain and repair the effects of the pollution caused by economic development and social life through deepening understanding the behavior of the pollutants in environment. Studies including simulated experimental manipulations in focused systems, theory approaches, and isotope tracing and dating for pollutants are emphasized in most of our efforts.

Research projects are in three main areas: (1) arsenic geochemistry and health; (2) metals, nitrogen, phosphorus and sensitive organic pollutants in urban and regional agricultural systems, especially water eutrophication from soil nitrogen; (3) behavior and controlling for pollutants (inorganic and organic) in the treatment for sewage sludge; and (4) fast passivation remediation for metal contaminated soil.


The metal, arsenic, nitrogen, phosphorus and sensitive organic pollutant research is concerned with their chemical transformations in soil, river, lake ecosystems, with emphasis on physical and chemical processes and interactions between the forms, kinds of these substances in soil and water bodies.

My group work on geo-chemical cycles of the elements is highly interdisciplinary and involves comparative analyses for urban, regional agricultural areas in Inner Mongolia, Shanghai and Nanjing (Jiangsu Province, China) metropolitan districts. Current efforts on environmental behavior of organic pollutants and trace metals are mainly for soil and water systems of urban, as well as for contaminated material treatment in engineered system. Some of this research is conducted through multi-disciplinary projects. For example, the research of a lake in Shanghai was done in cooperation with water chemist, environmental scientists, and geo-chemists from several institutions and agencies in China and USA (joined with Professor Patrick L. Brezonik and Professor William Arnold, University of Minnesota). Recent research has been carried out in a variety of locations, including Hetao Area, Inner Mongolia, which is a heavy arsenic poisoning region from groundwater in China, Dianshan Lake and Huangpu River in Shanghai, the evolution of water ecosystem of areas rich in water in Southern China.

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