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卜令君, 湖南大学土木工程学院 副教授,博/硕士生导师,岳麓学者

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-03-31  来源:卜令君, 湖南大学土木工程学院 副教授,博/硕士生导师,岳  浏览次数:119
核心提示:卜令君, 湖南大学土木工程学院 副教授,博/硕士生导师,岳麓学者



所在单位 : 土木工程学院|学科 : 土木工程
更新 : 2023-03-20人气 : 14123










2014年09月-2019年06月      湖南大学  市政工程专业  工学博士(直接攻博)

2017年10月-2018年10月      辛辛那提大学  环境工程专业  联合培养

2010年09月-2014年06月      湖南大学  给排水科学与工程专业  工学学士


2023年01月至今                   湖南大学土木工程学院   副教授 博士生导师

2019年07月-2022年12月      湖南大学土木工程学院   助理教授 硕士生导师





Water Res., Appl. Catal. B Environ., Chem. Eng. J., J. Hazard. Mater., Chemosphere等SCI期刊审稿人





[1] 国家自然科学基金 青年基金,饮用水组合消毒工艺中含氮自由基及卤代硝基苯酚的生成机制及调控研究,主持

[2] 湖南省自然科学基金,有机胺对紫外/氯体系中含氮自由基及(亚)硝基消毒副产物生成的作用机制研究,主持

[3] 青年教师成长计划项目,微量亚硝酸盐在基于紫外高级氧化工艺中的转化规律及生成HNMs的作用机制研究,主持

[4] 横向课题,水厂原水藻类去除技术研发,主持

[5] 横向课题,BDD电极原理及性能正交分析,主持

[6] 横向课题,海绵型道路径流污染控制技术研究,主持

[7] 横向课题,BDD电极原理探究及慢性毒性确认,主持



[1] Lingjun Bu, Julong Sun, Yangtao Wu, Weiqiu Zhang, Xiaodi Duan, Shiqing Zhou*, Dionysios D Dionysiou, John C Crittenden. Non-negligible risk of chloropicrin formation during chlorination with the UV/persulfate pretreatment process in the presence of low concentrations of nitrite, Water Research, 2020, 168, 115194.  ESI高被引论文

[2] Lingjun Bu, Shiqing Zhou*, Shumin Zhu, Yangtao Wu, Xiaodi Duan, Zhou Shi, Dionysios D Dionysiou*. Insight into carbamazepine degradation by UV/monochloramine: Reaction mechanism, oxidation products, and DBPs formation, Water Research, 2018, 146, 288-297.

[3] Yuwei Wu, Lingjun Bu*, Shumin Zhu, Fan Chen, Tianbing Li, Shiqing Zhou*, Zhou Shi. Molecular transformation of algal organic matter during sequential ozonation-chlorination: Role of pre-ozonation and properties of chlorinated disinfection byproducts, Water Research, 2022, 223, 119008.

[4] Pin Wang, Lingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Jing Deng, Shiqing Zhou*. Mechanistic insights into paracetamol transformation in UV/NH2Cl process: Experimental and theoretical study, Water Research, 2021, 194, 116938.

[5] Shiqing Zhou, Ling Li, Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu*, Ningyuan Zhu, Lingjun Bu*, Dionysios D. Dionysiou. UV365 induced elimination of contaminants of emerging concern in the presence of residual nitrite: Roles of reactive nitrogen species, Water Research, 2020, 178, 115829.

[6] Shiqing Zhou, Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu, Julong Sun, Lingjun Bu*, Dionysios D Dionysiou. Nitrogen conversion from ammonia to trichloronitromethane: Potential risk during UV/chlorine process, Water Research, 2020, 172, 115508. 

[7] Pin Wang, Lingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Xiaodi Duan, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Shiqing Zhou. Reactivity of Reactive Nitrogen Species and Degradation Kinetics of Micropollutants in the UV/Monochloramine Process, ACS ES&T Water, 2022, 2(8), 1422-1430.

[8] Yangtao Wu, Xiaojun Chen, Lingjun Bu*, Shumin Zhu, Shiqing Zhou*, Wenhai Chu. Molecular Insights into the Enhanced Formation of Halonitrophenols after the UV/Chloramine Process, ACS ES&T Water, 2022, 2(5), 798-806.

[9] Lingjun Bu, Ningyuan Zhu, Chunquan Li, Ying Huang, Minghao Kong, Xiaodi Duan*, Dionysios D Dionysiou. Susceptibility of atrazine photo-degradation in the presence of nitrate: Impact of wavelengths and significant role of reactive nitrogen species, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388, 121760.

[10] Yuwei WuLingjun Bu*, Xiaodi Duan, Shiqing Zhou*, John C. Crittenden. Insights into the molecular compositions of CX3R-type disinfection byproduct precursors in algal organic matter from algae-laden water, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 136921.

[11] Yuanxi HuangLingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Shumin Zhu, Shiqing Zhou*, Zhou Shi, Dionysios D. Dionysiou. Degradation of contaminants of emerging concern in UV/Sodium percarbonate Process: Kinetic understanding of carbonate radical and energy consumption evaluation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 442, 135995.

[12] Ting CaiLingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Shiqing Zhou, Zhou Shi*. Accelerated degradation of bisphenol A induced by the interaction of EGCG and Cu(II) in Cu(II)/EGCG/peroxymonosulfate process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 395, 125134.

[13] Lingjun Bu, Chen Bi, Zhou Shi, Shiqing Zhou*. Significant enhancement on ferrous/persulfate oxidation with epigallocatechin-3-gallate: Simultaneous chelating and reducing, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 321, 642-650.

[14] Lingjun Bu, Jing Ding, Ningyuan Zhu, Minghao Kong, Yangtao Wu, Zhou Shi, Shiqing Zhou*, Dionysios D Dionysiou*. Unraveling different mechanisms of persulfate activation by graphite felt anode and cathode to destruct contaminants of emerging concern, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 253, 140-148.


2022年 全国大学生先进成图大赛(水利类)优秀指导教师

2022年 湖南省教学成果二等奖(9/9)

2021年 湖南省自然科学二等奖(3/6)

2021年 湖南省优秀博士学位论文

2020年 湖南大学优秀博士学位论文

2020年 湖南大学岳麓学者晨星B岗

2019年 湖南大学新聘教师微格演练二等奖


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