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刘振刚--2009年7月中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境工程专业,工学博士。2009年7月至2014年2月先后在日本名古屋大学及新加坡国立大学从事研究工作,分别担任Assistant Specialis

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-08-09  来源:刘振刚--2009年7月中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境工程专  浏览次数:92
核心提示: 刘振刚--2009年7月中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境工程专业,工学博士。2009年7月至2014年2月先后在日本名古屋大学及新加坡国立大学从事研究工作,分别担任Assistant Specialist 和Senior Assistant Researcher。 2014年2月任生态环境研究中心研究员。研究方向: 危险固体废物处理处置;有机固体废弃物资源化利用;废弃生物质能源化及材料化利用;生物质基纳米炭材料的制备及应用;污染土壤修复技术及材料研发


姓名 刘振刚 性别:
职称 研究员 学历 博士
电话 010-62915966 传真: 010-62915966
Email: 邮编: 100085
地址 北京海淀区双清路18号

2003年7月陕西师范大学化学专业,理学学士; 2006年7月兰州大学无机化学,理学硕士;2009年7月中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境工程专业,工学博士。2009年7月至2014年2月先后在日本名古屋大学及新加坡国立大学从事研究工作,分别担任Assistant Specialist 和Senior Assistant Researcher。 2014年2月任生态环境研究中心研究员。






1. Q. Lang., B. Zhang., Z. Liu*., Z. Chen., Y. Xia., D. Li., J. Ma., C. Gai. Co-hydrothermal carbonization of corn stalk and swine manure: Combustion behavior of hydrochar by thermogravimetric analysis. Bioresoruce Technology 2019,271,75-83.
2. Q. Lang.,M. Chen.,Y. Guo.,Z. Liu*.,C. Gai. Effect of hydrothermal carbonization on heavy metals in swine manure: Speciation, bioavailability and environmental risk. Journal of Environmental Management 2019:234,97-103.
3. Q. Lang., B. Zhang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., Y. Xia., Z. Chen., D. Li., J. Ma., C. Gai. Properties of hydrochars derived from swine manure by CaO assisted hydrothermal carbonization. Journal of Environmental Management 2019,233:440-446.
4. J. Ma., M. Chen., T. Yang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., D. Li., C. Gai. Gasification performance of the hydrochar derived from co-hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge and sawdust. Energy 2019,173:732-739.
5. C. Gai., N. Zhu., S.K. Hoekman., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., N. Peng. Highly dispersed nickel nanoparticles supported on hydrochar for hydrogen-rich syngas production from catalytic reforming of biomass. Energy Conversion and Management 2019,183:474-484.
6. J. Ma., H. Luo., Y. Li., Z. Liu*., D. Li., C. Gai., W. Jiao. Pyrolysis kinetics and thermodynamic parameters of the hydrochars derived from co-hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge and sawdust using thermogravimetric analysis. Bioresource Technology 2019,282:133-141.
7. D. Li., Y. Li., H. Liu., J. Ma., . Liu*., W. Jiao. Synthesis of biomass tar-derived foams through spontanesous forming for ultra-efficient herbicide removal from aqueous solution. Sciences of the Total Environment 2019,673:110-119.
8. Y. Xia., T. Yang., N. Zhu., D. Li., Z. Chen., Q. Lang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Enhanced adsorption of Pb(II) onto modified hydrochar: Modeling and mechnism analysis. Bioresource Technology 2019;288:121596.
9. Y. Xia., H. Liu., Y. Guo., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Immobilization of heavy metas in contaminated soils by modified hydrochar: efficiency, risk assessement and poterntial mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment 2019;685:1201-1208.
10. Q. Lang., H. Luo., Y. Li., D. Li., Z. Liu*., T. Yang. Thermal behavior of hydrochar from co-hydrothermal carbonziation of swine manure and sawdust: effect of process water recirculation. Sustainable Energy and Fuel 2019,3,2329-2336.
11. Q. Lang., B. Zhang., Y. Li., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Formation and toxicity of polycyclic hydrocarbons during CaO assissted hydrothermal carbonzaiton of swine manure. Waste Management 2019,100:84-90.
12. D. Li., T. Yang., Y. Li., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Facile and green synthesis of highly dispersed tar-based heterogeneous Fenton catalytic nanoparticles for the degradation of methylene blue. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019,119033.
13. T. Liu., Q. Lang., Y. Xia., Z. Chen., D. Li., J. Ma., C. Gai., Z. Liu*. Combination of hydrothermal carbonization and oxy-fuel combustion process for sewage sludge tratment: Combustion characteriistics and kinetics analysis. Fuel 2019;242:265-276
14. C. Gai., T.Yang., H. Liu., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Green synthesis of hydrochar supported bimetallic nanocatalysts for sustainable H2 production by sorption-enhanced steam reforming of acetic acid. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2, 11, 7279-7289
15. T. Liu., Z. Liu*., Q. Zheng., Q. Lang., Y. Xia., N. Peng., C. Gai. Effect of hydrothermal carbonization on migration and environmental risk of heavy metals in sewage sludge during pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology 2018;247:282-290.
16. C. Gai., F. Zhang., T. Yang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., N. Peng., T. Liu., Q. Lang., Y. Xia. Hydrochar supported bimetalliuc Ni-Fe nanocatalysts with tailored composition, size and shape for improved biomass steam reforming performance. Green Chemistry 2018,20,2788-2800.
17. Q. Lang., Y. Guo.. Q. Zheng., Z. Liu*. Co-hydrothermal carbonization of lignocellulosic biomass and swine manure: Hydrochar properties and heavy metal transformation behavior. Bioresoruce Technology 2018,266,242-248.
18. C. Gai., F. Zhang., Q. Lang., T. Liu., N. Peng., Z. Liu*. Facile one-pot synthesis of iron nanoparticles immobilized into the porous hydrochar for catalytic decomposition of phenol. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2017;204:566-76.
19. C. Gai., F. Zhang., Y. Guo., N. Peng., T. Liu., Q. Lang., Y. Xia., Z. Liu*. Hydrochar-supported, in-situ generated nickel nanoparticles for sorption-enhanced catalytic gasification of sewage sludge. ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering  2017;5:7613-7622.
20. 彭娜娜,刘婷婷,盖超,刘振刚,李益。城市垃圾生物质组分混煤燃烧过程积灰结渣的特性及其灰分环境效应。环境工程学报 2017(2):1075-1079.

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