中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)
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高宝玉----- 山东大学 环境科学与工程学院 教授 博士生导师 院学术委员会主任; 泰山学者特聘专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家,山东省优秀科技工作者,济

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-10-06  浏览次数:560
核心提示:高宝玉----- 山东大学 环境科学与工程学院 教授 博士生导师 泰山学者特聘专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家,山东省优秀科技工作者,济南“泉城学者”,济南专业技术拔尖人才
中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)

中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)



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1996.03-1999.03    清华大学环境科学与工程系环境工程专业,获工学博士学位;
1984.09-1987.07    上海华东化工学院(现华东理工大学)环境工程系环境化工专业,获工学硕士学位;
1978.10-1982.07    华东石油学院(现中国石油大学)石油炼制系化学专业,获理学学士学位。

2012.11-至今        山东大学环境科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师,院学术委员会主任;
2001.01-2012.11    山东大学环境科学与工程学院,院长、教授、博士生导师;
2015.08-2015.09    美国Rice University土木与环境系,访问学者;
2008.06-2008.07     美国Stevens Institute of Technology土木、环境和海洋工程系环境系统中心,客座教授;
1999.09-2000.12    山东大学化学与环境科学学院,教授、副院长;
1999.11-2000.02    德国Karlsruhe大学水环境工程研究所,访问学者(DAAD资助);
2003.08-2003.11    德国Karlsruhe大学Englar-Bunte研究所水化学研究室,访问学者(DAAD资助);
1998.10-1999.10    山东大学环境工程系,副教授、副系主任;
1995.05-1998.10    山东大学环境工程系,副教授;
1995.01-1995.05    美国Saint Vincent 学院,客座教授;
1989.01-1995.04    山东大学环境科学中心,讲师、副教授;
1987.08-1988.12    山东大学化学系,助教,讲师;
1982.08-1984.08    华东石油学院石油炼制系有机化学教研室,助教。
《环境工程学报》副主编,《山东大学学报(理学版)》编委会常务委员,《Journal of Environmental Sciences》、《中国环境科学》、《Journal of Water Sustainability》、《JSM Environmental Science & Ecology》、《环境化学》、《安全与环境学报》、《精细化工》、《工业水处理》和《山东化工》等期刊编委
    先后承担或参加了国家“水体污染控制与治理” 科技重大专项课题、国家“863”课题、国家“十一五”科技攻关支撑计划重点课题、国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技惠民项目、教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目、教育部重点科技项目、高等学校博士点专项科研基金课题、山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金课题、山东省科技重大和重点攻关项目、山东省自然科学基金课题、山东省环境保护重点项目、济南市科技计划课题等60余项,鉴定成果25项,申请发明专利120余项(授权75项,其中美国专利1项)。在中外文学术期刊上发表学术论文660余篇(其中被SCI收录420余篇,SCI他引9000余次,h-index:50),国内外学术会议论文160余篇。研究成果获国际、国家和省部级奖励20余项(其中:国际水协(IWA)亚太地区项目创新奖和全球项目创新荣誉奖各1项,国家科技进步二等奖1项,教育部技术发明一等奖1项和二等奖1项,教育部自然科学二等奖1项,教育部科技进步二等奖1项,国家环境保护科学技术三等奖2项,山东省自然科学二等奖1项、三等奖1项,山东省科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖3项、三等奖8项,等等)。
在爱思唯尔发布的2014、2015和2016年中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单环境科学领域,榜上有名。
1. “Titanfloc for innovative water purification and sludge recycling”获The 2012 IWA Asia Pacific Regional Project Innovation Awards。
2. “Titanfloc for innovative water purification and sludge recycling”获2012 The IWA Project Innovation Global Honour Awards。
3. “无机高分子絮凝剂及高效絮凝技术”成果获2004年度国家科技进步二等奖。
4. “新型高分子絮凝剂、性能及其在水和废水中的应用”成果获2009年度教育部技术发明一等奖。
5. “新型水和废水处理用混凝剂与吸附材料研制及性能” 成果获2013年度山东省科技进步一等奖。
6. “受污染引黄水库水净化处理关键技术装备研究与示范工程” 成果获2011年度山东省科技进步一等奖。
7. “基于污泥和工业固体废物的环境友好材料的研制和应用”成果获2015年度教育部技术发明二等奖。
8. “新型混凝剂与吸附材料的特性、作用效果与行为研究” 成果获2013年度教育部自然科学二等奖。
9. “水和废水处理混凝剂和吸附剂的行为和作用机制研究”成果获2010年度山东省自然科学二等奖。
10. “聚合铝硅无机高分子水处理剂” 成果获2003年度教育部科技进步二等奖。
11. “高效多功能无机-有机复合水处理剂的研制及开发” 成果获2006年度山东省科技进步二等奖。
12. “硅酸根/硫酸根对部分水解铝盐混凝剂中铝的形态及性能影响研究” 成果获2008年度山东省科技进步二等奖。
13. “崂山生态及保护研究”成果获2008年度山东省科技进步二等奖。
14. “污泥低成本减量化、资源化关键技术与装备”成果获2016年度中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖。
在国内外核心期刊上发表论文660余篇(其中被SCI收录420余篇),国内外学术会议论文160 余篇。有代表性的论文如下(“*”为通信作者):
1. Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Bingjiang Wang. The chemical species distribution and transformation of polyaluminum silicate chloride coagulant. Chemosphere, 2002:46(6):809-813. (SCI和EI收录)
2. B.Y.Gao, H.H.Hahn, E. Hoffmann. Evaluation of aluminum-silicate polymer composite as a coagulant for water treatment. Water Research, 2002, 36:3573-3581. (SCI和EI收录)
3. Gao B Y*, Yue Q Y, Wang B J and Chu Y B. Poly-aluminum-silicate- chloride (PASiC)-a new type of composite inorganic polymer coagulant, Colloids and Surfaces A A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2003,229(1-3):121-127. (SCI和EI收录)
4. Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue. Effect of SO42-/Al3+ ratio and OH-/Al3+ value on the characterization of coagulant poly-aluminum-chloride-sulfate (PACS) and its coagulation performance in water treatment,Chemosphere,2005, 61(4):579-584. (SCI和EI收录)
5. Bao-Yu Gao*, Qin-Yan Yue, Yan Wang, Wei-Zhi Zhou. Color removal from dye-containing wastewater by magnesium chloride. Journal of Environmental Management, 2007, 82(2):167-172 (SCI收录) 
6. Bao-Yu Gao *, Yan Wang, Qin-Yan Yue, Jin-Cheng Wei, Qian Li. Color removal from simulated dye water and actual textile wastewater using a composite coagulant prepared by ployferric chloride and polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007,54(2):157-163.(SCI和EI收录) 
7. Bao Yu Gao*, Qin Yan Yue and Yan Wang. Coagulation Performance of Polyaluminum Silicate Chloride (PASiC)for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007,56:225-230(SCI和EI收录)
8. Q. Y. Yue, B. Y. Gao*, Y. Wang, H. Zhang, X. Sun, S. G. Wang, Roy R. Gu. Synthesis of polyamine flocculants and their potential use in treating dye wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2008,152:221–227 (SCI收录)
9. Yan Wang, Baoyu Gao* , Qinyan Yue, Jincheng Wei, Qian Li. The Characterization and Flocculation Efficiency of Composite Flocculant Iron Salts- Polydimethyldiallyl-ammonium Chloride. Chemical Engineering Journal,2008,142(2):175-181 (SCI收录)
10. Gao Baoyu*, Zhu Xiaobiao, Xu Chunhua, Yue Qinyan, Li Weiwei, Wei Jincheng.Influence of Extracellular Polymeric Substances on Microbial Activity and Cell Hydrophobicity in Biofilms. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology,2008,83:227-232 (SCI收录)
11. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Wenyi Wang, Qinyan Yue, Yu Wang, Shouqing Ni. Adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solutions onto modified wheat residue:characteristics, kinetic and column studies. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2009,70(1): 46–52 (SCI 收录)
12. Bao-Yu Gao*,  Xing Xu, Yu Wang, Qin-Yan Yue, Xiu-Ming Xu.Preparation and characterization of quaternary amino ion exchanger from wheat residue. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2009,165(1-3):461-468 (SCI收录)
13. J. C. Wei, B. Y. Gao*, Q. Y. Yue, Y. Wang. Comparison of coagulation behavior and floc structure characteristic of different polyferric-cationic polymer dual-coagulants in humic acid solution. Water Research, 2009,43(3):724-732 (SCI和EI收录)
14. Yan Wang, Baoyu Gao*, Xiu-Ming Xu, Wei-Ying  Xu, Gui-Ying  Xu. Characterization of floc size, strength and structure in various aluminum coagulants treatment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2009,332(2): 354-359. (SCI收录)
15. Jincheng Wei, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang. Effect of dosing method on color  removal performance and flocculation dynamics of polyferric-organic polymer dual-coagulant in synthetic dyeing solution. Chemical Engineering Journal 2009, 151(1-3) :176–182 (SCI收录)
16. Yujiang Li, Baoyu Gao, Tao Wu, Dejun Sun, Xia Li, Biao Wang, Fengjuan Lu. Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on aluminum magnesium mixed hydroxide. Water Research,2009,43(12):3067-3075. (SCI收录)
17. Jincheng Wei, Baoyu Gao,*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang. Strength and regrowth properties of polyferric-polymer dual-coagulant flocs in high organic surface water treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010,175(1-3).949-954.(SCI收录)
18. Weiying  Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang. Effect of Shear Force and Solution pH on Flocs Breakage   and Re-growth formed by Nano-Al13 polymer. Water Research, 2010,2010,44(6): 1893-1899..(SCI收录)
19. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Wenyi Wang, Qinyan Yue, Yu Wang, Shouqing Ni. Effect ofmodifying agents on the preparation and properties of the new adsorbents from wheat straw. Bioresource Technology, 2010,101(5) : 1477-1481.(SCI收录)
20. Ting Chen, Baoyu Gao*,Qinyan Yue. Effect of dosing method and pH on color removal performance and floc aggregation of polyferric chloride-polyamine dual-coagulant in synthetic dyeing wastewater treatment. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010,355(1-3): 121-129.(SCI收录)
21. Zhonglian Yang, Bao Yu Gao*, Qin Yan Yue,Yan Wang.Effect of pH on the coagulation performance of Al-based coagulants and residual aluminum speciation during the treatment of humic acid-kaolin synthetic water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 178(1-3): 596-603.(SCI收录)
22. Yan Wang, Bao-Yu Gao*, Xiu-Ming Xu,Wei-Ying Xu. The effect of total hardness and ionic strength on the coagulation performance and kinetics of aluminum salts to remove humic acid. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010,160(1): 150-156.(SCI收录)
23. Xiao Zhan, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Wang. Coagulation efficiency of polyaluminum chloride for natural organic matter removal from low specific UV absorbance surface water and the  subsequent effects on chlorine decay. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010,161:60–67. (SCI收录)
24. Xing Xu, BaoYu Gao*,Qinyan Yue,Qianqian Zhong.Preparation of agricultural by-product anion exchanger                              and its utilization for nitrate and phosphate removal. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(22): 8558–8564. (SCI收录)
25. Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao* , Qin-Yan Yue, Qian-Qian Zhong, Xiao Zhan. Preparation, characterization of wheat residue based anion exchangers and its utilization for the phosphate removal from aqueous solution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010,82(4):1212-1218. (SCI收录)
26. Zhonglian Yang, Baoyu Gao*, Weiying Xu, Baichuan Cao, Qinyan Yue.Coagulation performance and residual aluminum speciation of Al2(SO4)3 and polyaluminum chloride (PAC) in Yellow River water treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal,2010,165:122-132. (SCI收录)
27. Xiao Zhan, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Bin Liu, Xing Xu, Qian Li. Removal Natural Organic Matter by Coagulation-Adsorption and Evaluating the Serial Effect through a Chlorine Decay Model. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,183(1-3): 279–286. (SCI收录)
28. Zhang Yongqiang, Gao Baoyu*, Lu Lei, Yue Qinyan, Wang Qian, Jia Yuyan. Treatment of Produced Wastewater from Polymer Flooding in Oil Production by the Combined Method of Hydrolysis Acidification-Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor-Coagulation Process. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2010,74(1-2):14-19. (SCI收录)
29. Yuanfang Wang, Li Shu, Veeriah Jegatheesan,Baoyu Gao. Removal and adsorption of diuron through nanofiltration membrane: The effects of ionic environment and operating pressures. Separation and Purification Technology, 2010,74(2): 236-241 . (SCI收录)
30. Y.X. Zhao, B.Y. Gao*, B.C. Cao, H.K. Shon, J.-H. Kim. Coagulation Characteristics of Titanium (Ti) Salt Coagulant Compared with Aluminum (Al) and Iron (Fe) Salts. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2011,185(2-3): 1536-1542.(SCI收录)
31. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*,QinyanYue,Qianqian Zhong.Sorption of phosphate onto giant reed based adsorbent: FTIR, Raman spectrum analysis and dynamic sorption/desorption properties in filter bed. Bioresource Technology, 2011,102(9):5278-5282.(SCI收录)
32. Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao*, Qin-Yan Yue, Qian-Qian Zhong. Characteristics of amine-crosslinked wheat straw and its adsorption mechanisms for phosphate and chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011,84(3):1054-1060.(SCI收录)
33. Y.X. Zhao, B.Y. Gao*, B.C. Cao, Z.L. Yang, Q.Y.Yue, H. Y. Shon. J.-H. Kim. Comparison of Coagulation Behavior and Floc Characteristics of Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and Polyaluminum chloride (PACl) with Surface Water Treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011,166(2):544-550.(SCI收录)
34. Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao*, Qin-Yan Yue, Qian-Qian Zhong, Qian Li. Preparation of new types of anion exchange resins from agricultural by-products and their utilization in the removal of various toxic anions from solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011,167(1):104-111.(SCI收录)
35. Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao*, Qin-Yan Yue, Qian-Qian Zhong. Characteristics of amine-crosslinked wheat straw and its adsorption mechanisms for phosphate and chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011,84(3):1054-1060.(SCI收录)
36. Baoyu Gao*,Bin Liu, Ting Chen, Qinyan Yue. Effect of aging period on the characteristics and coagulation behavior of polyferric chloride and polyferric chloride–polyamine composite coagulant for synthetic dying wastewater treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,187(1-3):413–420 (SCI收录)
37. Y.X. Zhao, Baoyu Gao*,H.K. Shon,J.-H. Kim, Q.Y. Yue. Effect of shear force, solution pH and breakage period on characteristics of flocs formed by Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and Polyaluminum chloride (PACl) with surface water treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011,187(1-3):495–501 (SCI收录)
38. Xing Xu, Bao-Yu Gao*, Xin Tang, Qin-Yan Yue, Qian-Qian Zhong, Qian Li. Characteristics of cellulosic amine-crosslinked copolymer and its sorption properties for Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 189(1-2):420–426.(SCI收录)
39. Zhonglian Yang, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qian Wang, Qinyan Yue. Aluminum fractions in surface water from reservoirs by coagulation treatment with polyaluminum chloride (PAC): influence of initial pH and OH-/Al3+ ratio. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 170(1),107–113.(SCI收录)
40. Weiying Xu,Baoyu Gao*,Yan Wang, Zhonglian Yang, Xiaowen Bo. Role of Al13 Species in Removal of Natural Organic Matter from Low Specific UV Absorbance Surface Water and the Aggregates Characterization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011(3), 171: 926–934. (SCI收录)
41. Bo Liu, Baoyu Gao*,Wei Hong, Qinyan Yue,Ying Li, Ying Su, Xing Xu. Treatment of pulp and paper wastewater by using the mimic enzyme prepared from iron-based biomimetic compound. Desalination,2011, 278(1-3):36-41.(SCI收录)
42. Qian Wang, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Weiying Xu, Xiao Zhan, Zhonglian Yang. Effect of pH on Humic Acid Removal Performance in Coagulation – Ultrafiltration Process and the Subsequent Effects on Chlorine Decay. Separation and Purification Technology,2011, 80(3):549-555.(SCI收录)
43. Weiying Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Ranran Mao, Qinyan Yue. Influence of floc size and structure on membrane fouling in coagulation-ultrafiltration hybrid process - The role of Al13 species. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 193(193): 249–256.(SCI收录)
44. Y.X. Zhao,Baoyu Gao*,H.K. Shon,J.-H. Kim,Q.Y. Yue, Y. Wang. The impacts of coagulant aid-polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride on coagulation performances and floc characteristics in humic acid-kaolin synthetic water treatment with Titanium tetrachloride. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 173(2): 376– 384.(SCI收录)
45. Xiaowen Bo, Baoyu Gao*, Nana Peng,Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue,Yingcan Zhao. Coagulation performance and floc properties of compound bioflocculant- aluminum sulfate dualcoagulant in treating kaolin-humic acid solution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 173(2):.400–406. (SCI收录)
46. Baichuan Cao, Baoyu Gao*, Xin Liu, Mengmeng Wang, Zhonglian Yang, Qinyan Yue. The impact of pH on floc structure characteristic of polyferric chloride in a low DOC and high alkalinity surface water treatment. Water Research, 2011,45(18): 6181-6188. (SCI收录)
47. Y.X. Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, H.K. Shon, Y. Wang, J.-H. Kim, Q.Y. Yue. The effect of second coagulant dose on the regrowth of flocs formed by charge neutralization and sweep coagulation using Titanium(TiCl4). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 198: 70–77.(SCI收录)
48. Bo Liu, Baoyu Gao*, Xing Xu, Wei Hong, Qinyan Yue,Yan Wang, Ying Su.The combined use of magnetic field and iron-based complex in advanced treatment of pulp and paper wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011,178: 232–238(SCI收录)
49. Xiaowen Bo, Baoyu Gao*, Nana Peng, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Yingcan Zhao. Effect of dosing sequence and solution pH on floc properties of the compound bioflocculant-aluminum sulfate dual-coagulant in kaolin-humic acid solution treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2012,113: 89–96.(SCI收录)
50. Yuan-Fang Wang, Bao-Yu Gao*, Qin-Yan Yue, Yan Wang, Zhong-Lian Yang.Removal of acid and direct dye by epichlorohydrin-dimethylamine: flocculation performance and floc aggregation properties. Bioresource Technology, 2012,113:265–271. (SCI收录)
51. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Yaqing Zhao, Suhong Chen, Xin Tan, Qinyan Yue, Jianya Lin, Yan Wang. Nitrate removal from aqueous solution by Arundo donax L. reed based anion exchange resin. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012,203-204: 86–92.(SCI收录)
52. Weiying Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qin Zhang, Qinyan Yue. Influences of polysilicic acid in Al13 species on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation/ultrafiltration hybrid process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,181-182: 407–415.(SCI收录)
53. Y.X. Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, H.K. Shon, Y. Wang, J.-H. Kim, Q.Y. Yue, X.W. Bo. Anionic polymer compound bioflocculant as a coagulant aid with aluminum sulfate and titanium tetrachloride. Bioresource Technology, 2012,108:45-54.(SCI收录)
54. Weiying Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qin Zhang, Qinyan Yue. Effect of second coagulant addition on coagulation efficiency, floc properties and residual Al for humic acid treatment by Al13 polymer and polyaluminum chloride (PACl). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 215–216: 129–137.(SCI收录)
55. Min Dong, Baoyu Gao*, Weiying Xu, Yan Wang, Ranran Mao.Effect of calcium on floc properties and membrane foulings in coagulation-ultrafiltration process by polyaluminum chloride (PACl) of different OH/Al3+ values. Desalination, 2012,294:30-35. (SCI收录)
56. Weiying Xu, Baoyu Gao*. Effect of different shear conditions on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation/ultrafiltration hybrid process – The significance of Alb species, Journal of Membrane Science,2012:415-416:153-160. (SCI收录)
57. Shuang Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Xiangzuo Li, Min Dong. Influence of using Enteromorpha extract as a coagulant aid on coagulation behavior and floc characteristics of traditional coagulant in Yellow River water treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,200-202:569-576.(SCI收录)
58. Xin Tan,Baoyu Gao*, Xing Xu,Yan Wang, Jianya Ling, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li. Perchlorate uptake by wheat straw based adsorbent from aqueous solution and its subsequent biological regeneration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,211-212:37-45.(SCI收录)
59. Zhonglian Yang; Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang; Xinxin Liu; Qinyan Yue.Synthesis and application of polyferric chloride-poly (epichlorohydrin-dimethylamine) composites using different crosslinkers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012,213:8-15.(SCI收录)
60. Zhonglian Yang, Baoyu Gao*,Yan Wang,Xiaoxiao Zhang.Qinyan Yue.Relationship between residual Al species, floc operational marameters and coagulation performance during reservoir water treatment by PAC-PDMDAAC. Separation and Purification Technology, 2012,102:147-156.(SCI收录)
61. Y.X. Zhao, S. Phuntsho, Baoyu Gao*, X. Huang, Q.B. Qi, Q.Y.Yue, Y.Wang, Jong-Ho Kim, Hokyong Shon. Preparation and characterization of novel polytitanium tetrachloride coagulant for water purification. Environmental Science and Technology,2013, 47(22), 12966-12975. (SCI收录)
62. Defang Ma, Baoyu Gao*, Dianxun Hou, Yan Wang,Qinyan Yue, Qian Li.Evaluation of a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) coupled with chlorine disinfection for municipal wastewater treatment and reuse. Desalination,2013,313:134-139.(SCI收录)
63. Defang Ma, Baoyu Gao*, Shenglei Sun, Yan Wang,Qinyan Yue, Qian Li.Effects of dissolved organic matter size fractions on trihalomethanes formation in MBR effluents during chlorine disinfection. Bioresource Technology,2013,136:535-541.(SCI收录)
64. Hongyan Rong, Baoyu Gao*, Min Dong, Yanxia Zhao, Shenglei Sun, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li. Characterization of size, strength and structure of aluminum-polymer dual-coagulant flocs under different pH and hydraulic conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013, 252-253:330-337.(SCI收录)
65. Y.X. Zhao; Baoyu Gao*, Q.B. Qi; Y. Wang; S. Phuntsho; J.-H Kim; Q.Y. Yue; Q. Li; H.K.Shon.Cationic polyacrylamide as coagulant aid with titanium tetrachloride for low molecule organic matter removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013, 258-259:84-92.(SCI收录)
66. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Xin Tan, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Dongting Yue, Qinyan Yue.Uptake of perchlorate from aqueous solutions by amine-crosslinked cotton stalk. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013,98:132-138.(SCI收录)
67. Shuang Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Hongyu Dong, Han Yan. Study of Enteromorpha polysaccharides as a new-style coagulant aid in dye wastewater treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers,2014,103:179-186. (SCI收录)
68. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li;,Yingying Zhang.Coagulation performance and flocs properties of a new composite coagulant: polytitanium-silicate-sulfate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014,245:173-179. (SCI收录)
69. Hongyan Rong,Baoyu Gao*, Ruihua Li, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li.Effect of dose methods of a synthetic organic polymer and PFC on floc properties in dyeing wastewater coagulation process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 243:169-175. (SCI收录)
70. Hongyu Dong, Baoyu Gao,* Qinyan Yue, Hongyan Rong, Shenglei Sun, Shuang Zhao. Effect of Fe (III) species in polyferric chloride on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation-ultrafiltration process. Desalination, 2014,335:102-107. (SCI收录)
71. Xin Huang,Xiaowen Bo, Yanxia Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang,; Shenglei Sun, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li. Effects of compound bioflocculant on coagulation performance and floc properties for dye removal. Bioresource Technology, 2014,165:116-121. (SCI收录)
72. Defang Ma, Bo Peng, Yuhang Zhang, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li. Influences of dissolved organic matter characteristics on trihalomethanes formation during chlorine disinfection of membrane bioreactor effluents. Bioresource Technology, 2014,165:81-87. (SCI收录)
73. Defang Ma, Baoyu Gao*, Chufan Xia, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li. Effects of sludge retention times on reactivity of effluent dissolved organic matter for trihalomethanes formation in hybrid powdered activated carbon membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 2014,166:381-388. (SCI收录)
74. Hongyu Dong, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue*,Shenglei Sun, Yan Wang, Qian Li. Floc properties and membrane fouling of different monomer and polymer Fe coagulants in coagulation-ultrafiltration process: the role of Fe (III) species. Chemical Engineering Journal,2014,258:442-449. (SCI收录)
75. Ruihua Li, Baoyu Gao*, Xin Huang, Hongyu Dong, Xiaochen Li, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li.Compound bioflocculant and polyaluminum chloride in kaolin-humic acid coagulation: Factors influencing coagulation performance and floc characteristics. Bioresource Technology, 2014,172:8-12.(SCI收录)
76. Pan Liu, Baoyu Gao*, Ho Kyong Shon, Defang Ma, Hongyan Rong, Pin Zhao, Shuang Zhao, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li.Water flux behavior of blended solutions of ammonium bicarbonate mixed with eight salts respectively as draw solutions in Forward Osmosis. Desalination, 2014,35:39-47. (SCI收录)
77. Xing Xu,Baoyu Gao*,Wen Song, Xin Huang, Qinyan Yue.Physicochemical characteristics of epichlorohydrin, pyridine and trimethylamine functionalized cotton stalk and its adsorption/desorption properties for perchlorate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 440:219-228.(SCI收录)
78. Shuang Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Shenglei Sun, Wuchang Song, Ruibao Jia. Influence of Enteromorpha polysaccharides on variation of coagulation behavior, flocs properties and membrane fouling in coagulation-ultrafiltration process. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015, 285:294-303. (SCI收录)
79. Wen Song, Baoyu Gao*, Tengge Zhang, Xing Xu, Xin Huang, Huan Yu, Qinyan Yue. High-capacity adsorption of dissolved hexavalent chromium using amine-functionalized magnetic corn stalk composites. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 190:550-557.(SCI收录)
80. Hongyu Dong, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li.Effect of pH on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation - ultrafiltration process with ferric chloride and polyferric chloride. Chemosphere,2015, 130:90-97.(SCI收录)
81. Shenglei Sun, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Ruihua Li, Fan Bu,Shuang Zhao, Ruibao Jia, Wuchang Song.Comparison of epichlorohydrin-dimethylamine with other cationic organic polymers as coagulation aids of polyferric chloride in coagulation-ultrafiltration process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016,307:108-118. (SCI收录)
82. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*. Removal of anionic pollutants from liquids by biomass materials: A review. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016,215:565-595. (SCI收录)
83. Defang Ma, Chufan Xia, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang.C-, N-DBP formation and quantification by differential spectra in MBR treated municipal wastewater exposed to chlorine and chloramine. Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,291:55-63.(SCI收录)
84. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Yangyang Sun, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li. Effects of solution pH and synthetic method on destabilization process of polytitanium-silicate-chloride. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016,311:230-236. (SCI收录)
85. Wen Song, Baoyu Gao*, Xing Xu, Lulu Xing, Shuang Han, Pijun Duan, Wuchang Song, Ruibao Jia. Adsorption-desorption behavior of magnetic amine/Fe3O4 functionalized biopolymer resin towards anionic dyes from wastewater. Bioresource Technology,2016,210:123-130. (SCI收录)
86. Ying Liu*, Shi Chen, Jian Zhang, Baoyu Gao. Growth, microcystin-production and proteomic responses of Microcystis aeruginosa under long-term exposure to amoxicillin. Water Research,2016,93:141-152. (SCI收录)
87. Fan Bu, Baoyu Gao*,Ruihua Li, Shenglei Sun, Qinyan Yue.Impacts of epichlorohydrin–dimethylamine on coagulation performance and membrane fouling in coagulation/ultrafiltration combined process with different Al-based coagulants. Chemosphere,2016,259: 228–234.(SCI收录)
88. Xue Shen,Baoyu Gao*, Xin Huang, Fan Bu, Qinyan Yue, Ruihua Li, Bo Jin. Effect of the Dosage Ratio and the Viscosity of PAC/PDMDAAC on Coagulation Performance and Membrane Fouling in a Hybrid Coagulation-Ultrafiltration Process. Chemosphere, 2017,173 :288-298(SCI收录)
89. Ruihua Li, Baoyu Gao*, Kangying Guo, Qinyan Yue, Huaili Zheng, Yan Wang.Effects of papermaking sludge-based polymer on coagulation behavior in the disperse and reactive dyes wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology,2017, 240:59-67. (SCI收录)
90. Chen Wang, Baoyu Gao*, Exploration of polyepoxysuccinic acid as a novel draw solution in the forward osmosis process. RSC Advances, 2017, 7:30687 – 30698. (SCI收录)
91. Feng Wang, Baoyu Gao*,Effects of ozonation, powdered activated carbon adsorption and coagulation on the removal of disinfection by-product precursors in reservoir water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017,24:17945–17954.(SCI收录)





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  1.  baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, bingjiang wang. the chemical species distribution and transformation of polyaluminum silicate chloride coagulant. chemosphere, 2002:46(6):809-813. (sci和ei收录)
  2. b.y.gao, h.h.hahn, e. hoffmann. evaluation of aluminum-silicate polymer composite as a coagulant for water treatment. water research, 2002, 36:3573-3581. (sci和ei收录)
  3. bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, bing-jian wang. electrphoretic nature and evaluation of poly-aluminum-chloride-sulfate(pacs) as a coagulant for water and wastewater treatment. journal of environmental science and health- part a, toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering, 2003, vol.a38 (5): 897-907.(sci和ei收录)
  4. baoyu gao*, qinyan yue and jing miao. evaluation of polyaluminum ferric chloride (pafc) as a composite coagulant for water and wastewater treatment. water science and technology, 2002, 47(1): 127-132.(sci和ei收录)
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  6. baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, bingjian wang. coagulation efficiency and residual aluminum content of polyaluminum silicate chloride in water treatment. acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 2004, 32 (2): 125-130. (sci收录)
  7. bao-yu gao*, yong-bao chu, qin-yan yue, bing-jian wang, shu-guang wang. characterization and coagulation of a polyaluminum chloride (pac) coagulant with high al13 content. journal of environmental management, 2005, 76(2):143-147. (sci收录)
  8. baoyu gao*, qinyan yue. effect of so42-/al3+ ratio and oh-/al3+ value on the characterization of coagulant poly-aluminum-chloride-sulfate (pacs) and its coagulation performance in water treatment,chemosphere,2005, 61(4):579-584. (sci和ei收录)
  9. bao-yu gao*, yan wang, qin-yan yue. the chemical species distribution of aluminum in composite flocculants prepared from polyaluminum chloride (pac) and polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride (pdmdaac). acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 2005, 33(4): 365-371 (sci收录)
  10. qi kang,baoyu gao*, jingtian hu and dazhong shen. influence of light scattering by residual alumina nanoparticles on the analysis of surfactants adsorption using spectroscopy. adsorption, 2005,11:519-527. (sci和ei收录)
  11. bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, and bing-jian wang. properties and coagulation preformance of coagulant poly-aluminum-ferric-silicate-chloride in water and wastewater ttreatment. j. environmental science and health-part a, toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering,2006, a41(7):1281-1292. (sci和ei收录)
  12. weizhi zhou, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, lili liu,yan wang. al-ferron kinetics and quantitative calculation of al (iii) species in polyaluminum chloride coagulants. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects 278 ,2006,235-240. (sci和ei收录)
  13. chu yongbao, gao baoyu*, yue qinyan, wang yan, wang shuguang. characterization and separation of al13 species using gel-filtration chromatography. science in china: series b chemistry, 2006, 49(4):326-331 (sci和ei收录)
  14. gao, b. y. *, abbt-braun, g., frimmel, f. h. preparation and evaluation of poly- aluminum-chloride-sulfate (pacs) as a coagulant to remove natural organic matterfrom water. acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 2006,34(5):491-497。 (sci 收录)
  15. bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, yan wang, wei-zhi zhou. color removal from dye-containing wastewater by magnesium chloride. journal of environmental management, 2007, 82(2):167-172 (2007年1月出版)(sci收录) (if=1.446)
  16. bao-yu gao *, yan wang, qin-yan yue, jin-cheng wei, qian li. color removal from simulated dye water and actual textile wastewater using a composite coagulant prepared by ployferric chloride and polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride. separation and purification technology, 2007,54(2):157-163.(sci和ei收录)
  17. bao yu gao*, qin yan yue and yan wang. coagulation performance of polyaluminum silicate chloride (pasic)for water and wastewater treatment. separation and purification technology, 2007,56:225-230(sci和ei收录)
  18. qi kang, baoyu gao, qingyan yue, weizhi zhou, dazhong shen. residual color profiles of reactive dyes mixture during a chemical flocculation process, colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects. 2007,299(1-3):45-53(sci和ei收录)
  19. yan wang, bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, jin-cheng wei, wei-zhi zhou, ruochuan gu. color removal from textile industry wastewater using composite flocculants. environmental technology,2007,28:629-637(sci收录)
  20. wang yu, gao baoyu, yue wenwen, yue qinyan. adsorption kinetics of nitrate from aqueous solutions onto modified wheat residue. colloids and surfaces a: physicochem. eng. aspects, 2007, 308:1-5 (sci和ei收录)
  21. q. y. yue, b. y. gao*, y. wang, h. zhang, x. sun, s. g. wang, roy r. gu. synthesis of polyamine flocculants and their potential use in treating dye wastewater. journal of hazardous materials,2008,152:221–227 (sci收录)
  22. yan wang, baoyu gao* , qinyan yue, jincheng wei, qian li. the characterization and flocculation efficiency of composite flocculant iron salts- polydimethyldiallyl-ammonium chloride. chemical engineering journal,2008,142(2):175-181 (sci收录)
  23. gao baoyu*, zhu xiaobiao, xu chunhua, yue qinyan, li weiwei, wei jincheng.influence of extracellular polymeric substances on microbial activity and cell hydrophobicity in biofilms. journal of chemical technology & biotechnology,2008,83:227-232 (sci收录)
  24. chu yongbao, gao baoyu*, yue qinyan, wang yan. investigation of dynamic processing on aluminum floc aggregation: cyclic shearing recovery and effect of sulfate ion. science in china series b: chemistry, 2008,51(4): 386-392.(sci收录)
  25. bao-yu gao*,yan wang,qin-yan yue,jin-cheng wei, qian li. the size and coagulation behavior of a novel composite inorganic-organic coagulant. separation and purification technology, 2008, 62 :544–550 (sci收录)
  26. yujiang li, baoyu gao, tao wu, weisuo chen, xia li, biao wang. adsorption kinetics for removal of thiocyanate from aqueous solution by calcined hydrotalcite. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2008, 325(1-2):38-43(sci收录)
  27. xing xu, baoyu gao*, wenyi wang, qinyan yue, yu wang, shouqing ni. adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solutions onto modified wheat residue:characteristics, kinetic and column studies. colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces,2009,70(1): 46–52 (sci 收录)
  28. bao-yu gao*, xing xu, yu wang, qin-yan yue, xiu-ming xu.preparation and characterization of quaternary amino ion exchanger from wheat residue. journal of hazardous materials,2009,165(1-3):461-468 (sci收录)
  29. jincheng wei, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, yan wang, lei lu. performance and mechanism of polyferric-quaternary ammonium salt composite flocculants in treating high organic matter and high alkalinity surface water. journal of hazardous materials,2009,165(1-3):789-795. (sci收录)
  30. j. c. wei, b. y. gao*, q. y. yue, y. wang. comparison of coagulation behavior and floc structure characteristic of different polyferric-cationic polymer dual-coagulants in humic acid solution. water research, 2009,43(3):724-732 (sci和ei收录)
  31. yujiang li, baoyu gao, tao wu, biao wang, xia li. adsorption properties of aluminum magnesium mixed hydroxide for the model anionic dye reactive brilliant red k-2bp. journal of hazardous materials, 2009,100(2-3):1098-1104(may 2009)(sci收录)
  32. yan wang, baoyu gao*, xiu-ming xu, wei-ying  xu, gui-ying xu. characterization of floc size, strength and structure in various aluminum coagulants treatment. journal of colloid and interface science,2009,332(2): 354-359. (sci收录)
  33. jincheng wei, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, yan wang. effect of dosing method on color removal performance and flocculation dynamics of polyferric-organic polymer dual-coagulant in synthetic dyeing solution. chemical engineering journal 2009, 151(1-3) :176–182 (sci收录)
  34. yan wang,wei-zhi zhou, bao-yu gao*, xiu-ming xu, gui-ying xu. the effect of total hardness on the coagulation performance of aluminum salts with different al species. separation and purification technology, 2009,66:457-462. (sci收录)
  35. shuying pan, baoyu gao*,qinyan yue. effect of adding sorbents on adsorption capability of soil for nano-tio2. chemical research in chinese universities, 2009,25 (4):446-450. (sci收录)
  36. yujiang li, baoyu gao, tao wu, dejun sun, xia li, biao wang, fengjuan lu. hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on aluminum magnesium mixed hydroxide. water research,2009,43(12):3067-3075. (sci收录)
  37. yuanfang wang, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, xiao zhan, xiaohui si, chunxiao li. flocculation performance of epichlorohydrin-1 dimethylamine polyamine in treating dyeing wastewater. journal of environmental management, 2009,91:423-431.(sci收录)
  38. yuanfang wang, li shu, jega v.jegatheesan, baoyu gao*. coagulation and nano-filtration: a hybrid system for the removal of lower molecular weight organic compounds (lmwoc). desalination and water treatment,2009,11(1-3):23-31.(sci收录)
  39. y. wang, x. xu, v. jegatheesan, b. gao*. effect of coagulants on the fouling and performance of ultrafiltration (uf) membranes. desalination and water treatment, 2009,11(1-3):32-37.(sci收录)
  40. jincheng wei, baoyu gao,*, qinyan yue, yan wang. strength and regrowth properties of polyferric-polymer dual-coagulant flocs in high organic surface water treatment. journal of hazardous materials, 2010,175(1-3).949-954.(sci收录)
  41. weiying xu, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, yan wang. effect of shear force and solution ph on flocs breakage   and re-growth formed by nano-al13 polymer. water research, 2010,2010,44(6): 1893-1899..(sci收录)
  42. xing xu, baoyu gao*, wenyi wang, qinyan yue, yu wang, shouqing ni. effect ofmodifying agents on the preparation and properties of the new adsorbents from wheat straw. bioresource technology, 2010,101(5) : 1477-1481.(sci收录)
  43. ting chen, baoyu gao*,qinyan yue. effect of dosing method and ph on color removal performance and floc aggregation of polyferric chloride-polyamine dual-coagulant in synthetic dyeing wastewater treatment. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2010,355(1-3): 121-129.(sci收录)
  44. bai chuan cao, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, ying fu, chunhua xu.coagulation effect and floc properties of polyferric silicate sulphate and polyferric sulphate in the yellow river water treatment. science china-chemistry,2010,53(3): 664-670.(sci收录) 
  45. zhong lian yang, bao yu gao*, qin yan yue,yan wang.effect of ph on the coagulation performance of al-based coagulants and residual aluminum speciation during the treatment of humic acid-kaolin synthetic water. journal of hazardous materials, 2010, 178(1-3): 596-603.(sci收录)
  46. yan wang, bao-yu gao*, xiu-ming xu,wei-ying xu. the effect of total hardness and ionic strength on the coagulation performance and kinetics of aluminum salts to remove humic acid. chemical engineering journal, 2010,160(1): 150-156.(sci收录)
  47. yumei guo, qinyan yue, baoyu gao*. probing the molecular mechanism of ci acid red 73 binding to human serum albumin. environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 2010, 30(1): 45-51.(sci收录) 
  48. zhong lian yang, bao yu gao* chun xiao li, qin yan yue, bin liu. synthesis and characterization of hydrophobically associating cationic polyacrylamide. chemical engineering journal,2010, 161: 27–33.(sci收录)
  49. xiao zhan, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, yan wang, qian wang. coagulation efficiency of polyaluminum chloride for natural organic matter removal from low specific uv absorbance surface water and the subsequent effects on chlorine decay. chemical engineering journal, 2010,161:60–67. (sci收录)
  50. xing xu, baoyu gao*,qinyan yue,qianqian zhong.preparation of agricultural by-product anion exchanger and its utilization for nitrate and phosphate removal. bioresource technology. 2010, 101(22): 8558–8564. (sci收录)
  51. xing xu, bao-yu gao* , qin-yan yue, qian-qian zhong, xiao zhan. preparation, characterization of wheat residue based anion exchangers and its utilization for the phosphate removal from aqueous solution. carbohydrate polymers, 2010,82(4):1212-1218. (sci收录)
  52. zhonglian yang, baoyu gao*, weiying xu, baichuan cao, qinyan yue.coagulation performance and residual aluminum speciation of al2(so4)3 and polyaluminum chloride (pac) in yellow river water treatment. chemical engineering journal,2010,165:122-132. (sci收录)
  53. xing xu, bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, qian-qian zhong. preparation and utilization of wheat straw bearing amine groups for the sorption of acid and reactive dyes from aqueous solutions. journal of hazardous materials,2010, 182(1-3):1-9. (sci收录)
  54. xiao zhan, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, bin liu, xing xu, qian li. removal natural organic matter by coagulation-adsorption and evaluating the serial effect through a chlorine decay model. journal of hazardous materials,2010,183(1-3): 279–286. (sci收录)
  55. xiao zhan, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue,yan wang, baichuan cao. coagulation behaviour of polyferric chloride for removing nom from surface water with low concentration of organic matter and its effect on chlorine decay model. separation and purification technology, 2010,75(1):61-68. (sci收录)
  56. zhang yongqiang, gao baoyu*, lu lei, yue qinyan, wang qian, jia yuyan. treatment of produced wastewater from polymer flooding in oil production by the combined method of hydrolysis acidification-dynamic membrane bioreactor-coagulation process. journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2010,74(1-2):14-19. (sci收录)
  57. yuanfang wang, li shu, veeriah jegatheesan,baoyu gao. removal and adsorption of diuron through nanofiltration membrane: the effects of ionic environment and operating pressures. separation and purification technology, 2010,74(2): 236-241 . (sci收录)
  58. qian li,qin-yan yue*,yuan su, bao-yu gao, hong-jian sun. equilibrium, thermodynamics and process design to minimize adsorbent amount for the adsorption of acid dyes onto cationic polymer-loaded bentonite. chemical engineering journal, 2010,158(3): 489-497.(sci收录)
  59. xiao zhan, baoyu gao*, yan wang, qinyan yue. influence of velocity gradient on aluminum and iron floc property for nom removal from low organic matter surfacewater by coagulation. chemical engineering journal, 2011,166:116-121.(sci收录)
  60. y.x. zhao, b.y. gao*, b.c. cao, z.l. yang, q.y.yue,h. y. shon. j.-h. kim. comparison of coagulation behavior and floc characteristics of titanium tetrachloride (ticl4) and polyaluminum chloride (pacl) with surface water treatment. chemical engineering journal, 2011,166:544-550. (sci收录)
  61. y.x. zhao, b.y. gao*, b.c. cao, h.k. shon, j.-h. kim. coagulation characteristics of titanium (ti) salt coagulant compared with aluminum (al) and iron (fe) salts. journal of hazardous materials,2011,185(2-3): 1536-1542.(sci收录)
  62. xingxu, baoyu gao*,qinyanyue,qianqian zhong.sorption of phosphate onto giant reed based adsorbent: ftir, raman spectrum analysis and dynamic sorption/desorption properties in filter bed. bioresource technology, 2011,102(9):5278-5282.(sci收录)
  63. xing xu, bao-yu gao*, qian-qian zhong, qin-yan yue, qian li. sorption of nitrate onto amine-crosslinked wheat straw: characteristics, column sorption and desorption properties. journal of hazardous materials.2011,186(1):206-211. (sci收录)
  64. xing xu, bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, qian-qian zhong. characteristics of amine-crosslinked wheat straw and its adsorption mechanisms for phosphate and chromium (vi) removal from aqueous solution. carbohydrate polymers, 2011,84(3):1054-1060.(sci收录)
  65. y.x. zhao, b.y. gao*, b.c. cao, z.l. yang, q.y.yue, h. y. shon. j.-h. kim. comparison of coagulation behavior and floc characteristics of titanium tetrachloride (ticl4) and polyaluminum chloride (pacl) with surface water treatment. chemical engineering journal, 2011,166(2):544-550.(sci收录)
  66. xing xu, bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, qian-qian zhong, qian li. preparation of new types of anion exchange resins from agricultural by-products and their utilization in the removal of various toxic anions from solutions. chemical engineering journal, 2011,167(1):104-111.(sci收录)
  67. xing xu, bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, qian-qian zhong. characteristics of amine-crosslinked wheat straw and its adsorption mechanisms for phosphate and chromium (vi) removal from aqueous solution. carbohydrate polymers, 2011,84(3):1054-1060.(sci收录)
  68. baoyu gao*,binliu, ting chen, qinyan yue. effect of aging period on the characteristics and coagulation behavior of polyferric chloride and polyferric chloride–polyamine composite coagulant for synthetic dying wastewater treatment. journal of hazardous materials, 2011,187(1-3):413–420 (sci收录)
  69. baoyu gao*, yuyan jia, qian li, qinyan yue,yongqiang zhang. performance of dithiocarbamate-type flocculant in treating simulated polymer flooding produced water. journal of environmental sciences,2011, 23(1) :37-43.(sci收录)
  70. y.x. zhao, baoyu gao*,h.k. shon,j.-h. kim, q.y. yue. effect of shear force, solution ph and breakage period on characteristics of flocs formed by titanium tetrachloride (ticl4) and polyaluminum chloride (pacl) with surface water treatment. journal of hazardous materials. 2011,187(1-3):495–501 (sci收录)
  71. weiying xu, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue, yan wang. effect of preformed and non-preformed al13 species on evolution of floc size, strength and fractal nature of humic acid flocs in coagulation process. separation and purification technology,2011(1),78:83-90 (sci收录)
  72. zhonglian yang, baoyu gao*, weiying xu, baichuan cao, qinyan yue. effect of oh-/al3+ and si/al molar ratios on the coagulation performance and residual al speciation during surface water treatment with poly-aluminum-silicate-chloride (pasic). journal of hazardous materials. 2011, 189(1-2): 203–210. (sci收录)
  73. xing xu, bao-yu gao*, xin tang, qin-yan yue, qian-qian zhong, qian li. characteristics of cellulosic amine-crosslinked copolymer and its sorption properties for cr(vi) from aqueous solutions. journal of hazardous materials, 2011, 189(1-2):420–426.(sci收录)
  74. zhonglian yang, baoyu gao*, yan wang, qian wang, qinyan yue. aluminum fractions in surface water from reservoirs by coagulation treatment with polyaluminum chloride (pac): influence of initial ph and oh-/al3+ ratio. chemical engineering journal, 2011, 170(1),107–113.(sci收录)
  75. weiying xu,baoyu gao*,yan wang, zhonglian yang, xiaowen bo. role of al13 species in removal of natural organic matter from low specific uv absorbance surface water and the aggregates characterization. chemical engineering journal, 2011(3), 171: 926–934. (sci收录)
  76. bo liu, baoyu gao*,wei hong, qinyan yue,ying li, ying su, xing xu. treatment of pulp and paper wastewater by using the mimic enzyme prepared from iron-based biomimetic compound. desalination,2011, 278(1-3):36-41.(sci收录)
  77. qian wang, baoyu gao*, yan wang, weiying xu, xiao zhan, zhonglian yang. effect of ph on humic acid removal performance in coagulation – ultrafiltration process and the subsequent effects on chlorine decay. separation and purification technology,2011, 80(3):549-555.(sci收录)
  78. xing xu, yue gao, baoyu gao*, xin tan,yanqin zhao,yan wang,qinyan yue. characteristics of diethylenetriamine-crosslinked cotton stalk/wheat stalk and their biosorption apacities for phosphate. journal of hazardous materials, 2011,192(3): 1690– 1696.(sci收录)
  79. weiying xu, baoyu gao*, ranran mao, qinyan yue. influence of floc size and structure on membrane fouling in coagulation-ultrafiltration hybrid process - the role of al13 species. journal of hazardous materials, 2011, 193(193): 249–256.(sci收录)
  80. y.x. zhao,baoyu gao*,h.k. shon,j.-h. kim,q.y. yue, y. wang. floc characteristics of titanium tetrachloride (ticl4) compared with aluminum and iron salts inhumic acid-kaolin synthetic water treatment. separation and purification technology,2011, 81:332–338. (sci收录)
  81. y.x. zhao,baoyu gao*,h.k. shon,j.-h. kim,q.y. yue, y. wang. the impacts of coagulant aid-polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride on coagulation performances and floc characteristics in humic acid-kaolin synthetic water treatment with titanium tetrachloride. chemical engineering journal, 2011, 173(2): 376– 384.(sci收录)
  82. xiaowen bo, baoyu gao*, nana peng,yan wang, qinyan yue,yingcan zhao. coagulation performance and floc properties of compound bioflocculant- aluminum sulfate dualcoagulant in treating kaolin-humic acid solution. chemical engineering journal, 2011, 173(2):.400–406. (sci收录)
  83. baichuan cao, baoyu gao*, xin liu, mengmeng wang, zhonglian yang, qinyan yue. the impact of ph on floc structure characteristic of polyferric chloride in a low doc and high alkalinity surface water treatment. water research, 2011,45(18): 6181-6188. (sci收录)
  84. y.x. zhao, baoyu gao*, h.k. shon, y. wang, j.-h. kim, q.y. yue. the effect of second coagulant dose on the regrowth of flocs formed by charge neutralization and sweep coagulation using titanium(ticl4). journal of hazardous materials, 2011, 198: 70–77.(sci收录)
  85. bo liu, baoyu gao*, xing xu, wei hong, qinyan yue,yan wang, ying su.the combined use of magnetic field and iron-based complex in advanced treatment of pulp and paper wastewater. chemical engineering journal, 2011,178: 232–238(sci收录)
  86. xiaowen bo, baoyu gao*, nana peng, yan wang, qinyan yue, yingcan zhao. effect of dosing sequence and solution ph on floc properties of the compound bioflocculant-aluminum sulfate dual-coagulant in kaolin-humic acid solution treatment. bioresource technology, 2012,113: 89–96.(sci收录)
  87. yuan-fang wang, bao-yu gao*, qin-yan yue, yan wang, zhong-lian yang.removal of acid and direct dye by epichlorohydrin-dimethylamine: flocculation performance and floc aggregation properties. bioresource technology, 2012,113:265–271. (sci收录)
  88. xing xu, baoyu gao*, yaqing zhao, suhong chen, xin tan, qinyan yue, jianya lin, yan wang. nitrate removal from aqueous solution by arundo donax l. reed based anion exchange resin. journal of hazardous materials, 2012,203-204: 86–92.(sci收录)
  89. weiying xu, baoyu gao*, yan wang, qin zhang, qinyan yue. influences of polysilicic acid in al13 species on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation/ultrafiltration hybrid process. chemical engineering journal, 2012,181-182: 407–415.(sci收录)
  90. zhao, baoyu gao*, y. wang*, h.k. shon, x.w. bo, q.y. yue. coagulation performance and floc characteristics with polyaluminum chloride using sodium alginate as coagulant aid: a preliminary assessment. chemical engineering journal, 2012, 183: 387–394.(sci收录)
  91. y.x. zhao, baoyu gao*, h.k. shon, y. wang, j.-h. kim, q.y. yue, x.w. bo. anionic polymer compound bioflocculant as a coagulant aid with aluminum sulfate and titanium tetrachloride. bioresource technology, 2012,108:45-54.(sci收录)
  92. weiying xu, baoyu gao*, yan wang, qin zhang, qinyan yue. effect of second coagulant addition on coagulation efficiency, floc properties and residual al for humic acid treatment by al13 polymer and polyaluminum chloride (pacl). journal of hazardous materials, 2012, 215–216: 129–137.(sci收录)
  93. min dong, baoyu gao*, weiying xu, yan wang, ranran mao.effect of calcium on floc properties and membrane foulings in coagulation-ultrafiltration process by polyaluminum chloride (pacl) of different oh/al3+ values. desalination, 2012,294:30-35. (sci收录)
  94. weiying xu, baoyu gao*. effect of different shear conditions on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation/ultrafiltration hybrid process – the significance of alb species, journal of membrane science,2012:415-416:153-160. (sci收录)
  95. zhonglian yang; baoyu gao*, yan wang; xiaoxiao zhang; qinyan yue. the effect of additional poly-diallyl dimethyl ammonium-chloride on the speciation distribution of residual aluminum (al) in a low doc and high alkalinity reservoir water treatment. chemical engineering journal, 2012,197:56-66. (sci收录)
  96. zhou li, baoyu gao*, qinyan yue. uasb-a/o-baf treatment of high strength wastewater: a case study for soybean protein wastewater. desalination and water treatment, 2012,47:24-30.(sci收录)
  97. shuang zhao, baoyu gao*, xiangzuo li, min dong. influence of using enteromorpha extract as a coagulant aid on coagulation behavior and floc characteristics of traditional coagulant in yellow river water treatment. chemical engineering journal, 2012,200-202:569-576.(sci收录)
  98. xin tan,baoyu gao*, xing xu,yan wang, jianya ling, qinyan yue, qian li. perchlorate uptake by wheat straw based adsorbent from aqueous solution and its subsequent biological regeneration. chemical engineering journal, 2012,211-212:37-45.(sci收录)
  99. zhonglian yang; baoyu gao*, yan wang; xinxin liu; qinyan yue.synthesis and application of polyferric chloride-poly (epichlorohydrin-dimethylamine) composites using different crosslinkers. chemical engineering journal, 2012,213:8-15.(sci收录)
  100. zhonglian yang, baoyu gao*,yan wang,xiaoxiao zhang.qinyan yue.relationship between residual al species, floc operational marameters and coagulation performance during reservoir water treatment by pac-pdmdaac. separation and purification technology, 2012,102:147-156.(sci收录)  


  1. “titanfloc for innovative water purification and sludge recycling”获the 2012 iwa asia pacific regional project innovation awards和2012 the iwa project innovation global honour awards。
  2. “无机高分子絮凝剂及高效絮凝技术”成果获2004年度国家科技进步二等奖。
  3. “新型高分子絮凝剂、性能及其在水和废水中的应用”成果获2009年度教育部技术发明一等奖。
  4. “受污染引黄水库水净化处理关键技术装备研究与示范工程” 成果获2011年度山东省科技进步一等奖。
  5. “水和废水处理混凝剂和吸附剂的行为和作用机制研究”成果获得2010年度山东省自然科学二等奖。
  6. “高效多功能无机-有机复合水处理剂的研制及开发” 成果获2006年度山东省科技进步二等奖。
  7. “聚合铝硅无机高分子水处理剂” 成果获2003年度教育部科技进步二等奖。
  8. “纳米聚合铝盐无机高分子混凝剂的研究”成果获2009年度山东省科技进步三等奖。
  9. “硅酸根/硫酸根对部分水解铝盐混凝剂中铝的形态及性能影响研究” 成果获2008年度山东省科技进步二等奖。
  10. “崂山生态及保护研究” 成果获得2008年度山东省科技进步二等奖。
  11. “新型混凝剂聚合硅铝铁的基础及应用性能研究” 成果获2006年度山东省科技进步三等 奖。
  12. “水和废水处理用混凝剂/絮凝剂的特性及应用基础研究” 成果获2007年度山东省自然科学三等奖。
  13. “山东省环境容量及主要污染物排放总量控制研究” 成果获2007年度山东省科技进步三等奖。
  14. “高效多功能有机高分子絮凝剂”成果获2002年度山东省科技进步三等奖。
  15. “se-z3型分散阻垢剂” 研究成果获1999年度山东省科技进步三等奖。
  16. “jx-ii型絮凝剂” 成果获1995年度山东省科技进步三等奖。


  1. 高宝玉,王燕,岳钦艳。“聚合铝—二甲基二稀丙基氯化铵均聚物无机有机复合絮凝剂及其制备工艺”,发明专利号:zl 2004 1 0024480.1。
  2. 高宝玉,张子健,岳钦艳,王曙光。“一种高alb含量聚合氯化铝混凝剂的制备方法和应用”,发明专利号:zl 200510043663.2。
  3. 高宝玉,王燕,岳钦艳。“聚合铁—二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵均聚物无机有机复合絮凝剂及其制备工艺”,发明专利,专利号:zl 200510043802.1。
  4. 高宝玉,许春华,张 建,岳钦艳,徐世平,刘程华。“强化混凝与动态膜一体式污水处理工艺”,发明专利,专利号:zl 200610044415.4。
  5. 高宝玉,孙逊,岳钦艳,张栋华,王元方,王晓娜。“聚合铝—聚环氧氯丙烷胺无机有机复合絮凝剂及其制备工艺”,发明专利,专利号:zl 200610044382.3。
  6. 高宝玉,孙逊,岳钦艳,张栋华,王元方,卢磊。“聚环氧氯丙烷—二甲胺有机高分子絮凝剂及其制备工艺 ”,发明专利,专利号:zl 200610044383.8。
  7. 王曙光,张栋华,李久义,刘贤伟,巩文信,孙 逊,岳钦艳,高宝玉。利用两段式生物反应器实现污泥减量化的工艺。申请日期:2005.09.08,发明专利号:zl 200510044557.6。
  8. 王曙光,裴元生,刘贤伟,巩文信,高宝玉。“一种多孔介质筛护岸方法”,发明专利,专利号:zl 2005 1 0044265.2。
  9. 王曙光,巩文信,杨珊珊,刘贤伟,高宝玉。一种硝基酚降解好氧污泥颗粒化方法。申请日期:2006.03.30,发明专利号:zl 200610043360.5。
  10. 王曙光,刘贤伟,巩文信,杨珊珊。高宝玉。专属有毒有机物降解干性好氧颗粒污泥的生产方法。申请日期: 2006.03.30,发明专利号:zl 200610043400.6。
  11. 张建,邱宪锋,高宝玉,张成禄。一种动态膜生物反应器的反冲洗运行方法,发明专利,专利号:zl 200610043822.3。
  12. 张 建,邱宪锋,张成禄,高宝玉。内循环动态膜生物反应器,发明专利,专利号: zl 200610044778.8。
  13. 张 建,邱宪锋,张成禄,高宝玉,滕少香,聂 玮。三维滤布动态膜生物反应器,发明专利,专利号:zl 200610068769.2。
  14. 王曙光,裴元生,刘贤伟,巩文信,高宝玉。一种多孔介质筛护岸方法,发明专利,专利号:zl 200510044265.2。
  15. 高宝玉,许醒,岳钦艳,王 燕,王 宇,岳文文。农业废弃物季铵盐阳离子型吸附剂及其制备工艺,发明专利,专利号:zl 200710014909.2。
  16. 岳钦艳,李 静,李 倩,原爱娟,高宝玉。聚环氧氯丙烷二甲胺阳离子膨润土的制备方法。申请日期:2008.07.04,发明专利号:zl 200810138049.8
  17. 岳钦艳,原爱娟,李 倩,高宝玉。聚环氧氯丙烷二甲胺阳离子膨润土颗粒的制备方法,发明专利,专利号:zl 200710114795.9。
  18. 岳钦艳,韩术鑫,岳 敏,李仁波,赵雅琴,高宝玉。一种污泥陶粒在污水处理中的应用。申请日期:2008.07.08,申请号:200810138313.8。
  19. 高宝玉,张永强,卢磊,贾玉岩,王倩。一种污水处理工艺及设备,发明专利,专利号:zl 200810015579.3。
  20. 高宝玉,李春晓,高悦,岳钦艳,卢磊,贾玉岩,张永强。一种阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺反相微乳液的制备方法,申请日期:2008.04.14,发明专利号:zl 200810015684.7。
  21. 付英,于水利,高宝玉,于衍真,邱立平,冯 研,谭 娟。无机氧化性高分子硅铁混凝剂及其制备工艺和应用。申请日期:2008.05.07,申请号:200810015784.x。
  22. 岳钦艳,李 静,李 倩,原爱娟,高宝玉。聚环氧氯丙烷二甲胺阳离子膨润土的制备方法。申请日期:2008.07.04,发明专利号:zl 200810138049.8
  23. 岳钦艳,原爱娟,李 倩,高宝玉,李 静,贾洪玉。酸化污泥膨润土颗粒的制备方法。申请日期:2008.09.27,发明专利号:zl 200810157252.x。
  24. 岳钦艳,王文懿,高宝玉,许 醒,张 建。利用高纤维素含量植物制备季胺盐阳离子型吸附剂的方法。申请日期:2008.07.03,发明专利号:zl 200810138205.0。
  25. 岳钦艳,司晓慧,高宝玉,王晓娜,李春晓,王元方。一种阳离子型疏水缔合聚合物及其制备方法与应用。申请日期:2008.06.25,发明专利号:zl 200810017063.2。
  26. 岳钦艳,高 悦,齐元峰,吴苏清,吴春松,高宝玉。一种利用dsd酸工业污泥制备轻质陶粒的方法。申请日期:2009.08.18,申请号:200910018006.0。发明专利号:zl 200910018006.0。
  27. 岳钦艳,齐元峰,李雁杰,高宝玉,郗斐,高悦。一种碳化活化一体式活性炭烧结装置的工作方法。申请日期:2009.12.29,申请号: 200910256102.9。发明专利号:zl200910256102.9
  28. 岳钦艳,齐元峰,李文红,高宝玉,郗斐,高悦。一种混合型污泥陶砂曝气头及其制造方法。申请日期:2009.12.29,发明专利号:zl 200910256101.4。
  29. 岳钦艳,李雁杰,高悦,于欢,高宝玉,赵海霞,于慧。一种造纸污泥颗粒活性炭填料及其制备方法。申请日期:2010.04.25,发明专利号:zl 201110103056.6。
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