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王华 中国人民大学环境学院 专业职称:教授 行政职务:环境学院院长

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核心提示:王华 中国人民大学环境学院 专业职称:教授 行政职务:环境学院院长











1979.09-1983.07 , 中国 , 南京大学 , 天体物理学 , 理学学士(B.S.)
1987.09-1990.07 , 中国 , 南京大学 , 环境地学 ,理学硕士(M.S.)
1991.08-1995.12 , 美国 , 北卡大学 , 经济学 ,理学硕士(M.S.)
1991.08-1997.12 , 美国 , 北卡大学 , 环境管理和政策哲学博士(Ph.D)


2000.07-2002.07,美国, 世界银行发展研究部,环境经济学家
2011.11-2016.03, 中国,国家环境保护部政策研究中心,研究员/部主任
2016.10 – 至今,中国,中国人民大学环境学院,资源环境经济学教授


(国际)中国环境与资源经济学家协会主席 (2016至今)
地球宪章国际组织理事会理事 (2014至今)
世界银行-国际货币基金组织中国职员协会主席 (2007-2009)
美国华人专业团体联合会副会长 (2007-2011),常务理事 (1998-2011) 
环球中国环境专家协会会长 (1997-1999), 理事会主席 (1999-2003; 2004-2008),名誉会长 (2009 至今)



[22]Hua Wang, Yuyan Shi, Yoonhee Kim, Takuya Kamata,2015,”Economic Value of Water Quality Improvement by One Grade Level in Erhai Lake: A Willingness-to-Pay Survey and a Benefit-Transfer Study,” Frontiers of Economics in China, 2015
[21]Hua Wang and Jie He, "Municipal Solid Waste Management in Small Counties: An Economic Analysis Conducted in Yunnan, China," Waste Management & Research, 2014.
[20]Hua Wang and Jie He, “Estimating economic value of statistical life in China: A study of willingness to pay for cancer prevention” Frontiers of Economics in China, 2014.
[19]Hua Wang, Yuyan Shi, Yoonhee Kim, Takuya Kamata, “Valuing water quality improvement in China: a case study of lake Puzhehei in Yunnan province,” Ecological Economics, 2013.
[18]Hua Wang, Jie He, Yoonhee Kim, and Takuya Kamata, “Willingness-to-pay for Water Quality Improvements in Chinese Rivers: An Empirical Test on the Ordering Effects of Multiple-Bounded Discrete Choices,” Journal of Environmental Management, 2013. 
[17]Jie He and Hua Wang, “Economic Structure, Development Policy and Environmental Quality: an Empirical Analysis of Environmental Kuznets Curves with Chinese Municipal Data,” Ecological Economics, 2012.
[16]Hua Wang, Ke Fang, Yuyan Shi, “Benefit-Cost Analysis with Local Residents’ Stated Preference Information: A Study of Non-Motorized Transport Investment in Pune, India,” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2011. 
[15]Hua Wang and Jie He, “Estimating Individual Valuation Distributions with Multiple Bounded Discrete Choice Data,” Applied Economics. 2010. (Public health in China)
[14]Hua Wang, JianXie and Honglin Li, “Water Pricing with Household Surveys: A Study of Acceptability and Willingness to Pay in Chongqing, China,” China Economic Review, 2009. 
[13]Judith Dean, Mary Lovely and Hua Wang, "Foreign Direct Investment and Pollution Havens: Evaluating the Evidence from China," Journal of Development Economics, 2009.
[12]Craig Meisner, Hua Wang and Benoit Laplante, “Welfare Measurement Convergence through Bias Adjustments in General Population and On-site Surveys: an Application to Water-Based Recreation at Lake Sevan, Armenia,” Journal of Leisure Research, 2008. 
[11]Hua Wang and Yanhong Jin, “Industrial Ownership and Environmental Performance: Evidence from China,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 2006.
[10]Hua Wang and David Wheeler, "Financial incentives and endogenous enforcement in China's pollution levy system," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2005.
[9]Hua Wang and Dale Whittington, "Measuring individuals' valuation distributions using a stochastic payment card approach," Ecological Economics. 2005. (Air pollution in Bulgaria)
[8]Hua Wang, Jun Bi, David Wheeler, Jinnan Wang, Dong Cao, Genfa Lu, Yuan Wang, "Environmental performance rating and disclosure: China's Green Watch program," Journal of Environmental Management. 2004.
[7]Hua Wang, NlanduMamingi, Benoit Laplante and SusmitaDasgupta, “Incomplete Enforcement of Pollution Regulation: Bargaining Power of Chinese Factories” Environmental and Resource Economics, 2003.
[6]Hua Wang and David Wheeler, “Equilibrium Pollution and Economic Development in China” Environment and Development Economics, 2003.
[5]Hua Wang and SomikLall, “Valuing Water for Chinese Industries: A Marginal Productivity Analysis,” Applied Economics, 2002. 
[4]Hua Wang, “Pollution Regulation and Abatement Efforts: Evidence from China” Ecological Economics, 2002.
[3]Dasgupta, S., B. Laplante, Hua Wang and D. Wheeler, “Confronting the Environmental Kuznets Curve,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2002.
[2]Dasgupta S., B. Laplante, N. Manmingi, and Hua Wang, “Inspections, Pollution Prices, and Environmental Performance: Evidence from China,” Ecological Economics, 2001. 
[1]Hua Wang, “Treatment of Don’t-Know Responses in Contingent Valuation Surveys: A Random Valuation Model”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, February, 1997. (Water resource in U.S.A.)

[8]王华尚宏博安祺李丽平,2012, “关于改善中国参与全球环境治理的战略思路”,环境与可持续发展,2012。
[7]安祺、王华,2013,“环保非政府组织与全球环境治理”,环境与可持续发展, 2013。
[6]尚宏博、王华,2013,“建立推动机制应对全球环境治理面临的挑战”,环境与可持续发展, 2013。
[5]郭红燕、黄德生、王华,2014,“网络时代的环境治理”,环境与可持续发展, 2014。
[4]王华、郭红燕, 2015,“国家环境社会治理工作存在的问题与对策建议”,环境保护 , 2015。
[3]王华、郭红燕、黄德生, 2016,“我国环境信息公开现状、问题与对策”,中国环境管理, 2016。

[27]Hua Wang, David Wheeler, 1996, Pricing Industrial Pollution in China: An Economic Analysis of the Levy System, WPS 1644.
[26]Susmita Dasgupta, Hua Wang, David Wheeler, 1997, Surviving Success: Policy Reform and the Future of Industrial Pollution in China, WPS 1856.
[25]Hua Wang, Ming Chen, 1999, How the Chinese System of Charges and Subsidies Affects Pollution Control Efforts by China's Top Industrial Polluters, WPS 2196.
[24]Hua Wang, Somik Lall, 2000, Valuing Water for Chinese Industries: A Marginal Productivity Assessment, WPS2236.
[23]Hua Wang, Dale Whittington, 2000, Willingness to Pay for Air Quality Improvements in Sofia, Bulgaria , WPS 2280.
[22]Susmita Dasgupta, Benoi't Laplante, Nlandu Mamingi, Hua Wang, 2000, Industrial Environmental Performance in China: The Impact of Inspections, WPS 2285.
[21]Hua Wang, 2000, Pollution Charges, Community Pressure, and Abatement Cost of Industrial Pollution on China, WPS 2337.
[20]Hua Wang, David Wheeler, 2000, Endogenous Enforcement and Effectiveness of China's Pollution levy System, WPS 2336.
[19]Hua Wang, Nlandu Mamingi, Benoit Laplante, Susmita Dasgupta, 2002, Incomplete Enforcement of Pollution Regulation: Bargaining power of Chinese Factories, WPS 2756.
[18]Hua Wang, Jun Bi, David Wheeler, Jinnan Wang, Dong Cao, Genfa Lu, Yuan Wang, 2002, Environmental Performance Rating and Disclosure: China's Green-Watch Program, WPS 2889.
[17]Hua Wang, Wenhua Di, 2002, The Determinants of Government Environmental Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Townships, WPS 2937.
[16]Hua Wang, Yanhong Jin, 2002, Industrial Ownership and Environmental Performance: Evidence from China, WPS 2936.
[15]Hua Wang, Benoit Laplante, Xun Wu, Craig Meisner, 2004, Estimating Willingness-to-Pay with Random Valuation Models: An Application to Lake Sevan, Armenia, WPS 3367.
[14]Jian Xie, Jitendra J. Shah, Elisabetta Capannelli, Hua Wang, 2004, Phasing out Polluting Motorcycles in Bangkok: Policy Design by Using Contingent Valuation Surveys, WPS 3402.
[13]Benoit Laplante, Craig Meisner, Hua Wang, 2005, Environment as Cultural Heritage: The Armenian Diaspora’s Willingness to Pay to Protect Armenia’s Lake Sevan, WPS 3520.
[12]Judith M. Dean, Mary E. Lovely,Hua Wang,2005,Are Foreign Investors Attracted To Weak Environmental Regulations? Evaluating the Evidence from China,WPS3505.
[11]Craig Meisner, Hua Wang, Benoît Laplante, 2006, Welfare Measurement Bias in Household and On-Site Surveying of Water-Based Recreation: An Application to Lake Seven, America, WPS3932.
[10]Hua Wang, JianXie, Honglin Li, 2008, Domestic Water Pricing with Household Surveys: A Study of Acceptability and Willingness to Pay in Chongqing, China, WPS4690.
[9]Hua Wang, Ke Fang, Yuyan Shi, 2010, Economic Valuation of Development Projects: A Case Study of a Non-Motorized Transport Project in India, WPS5422.
[8]Hua Wang, Jie He, 2010, The Value of Statistical Life: A Contingent Investigation in China, WPS5421.
[7]Yanhong Jin, Hua Wang, David Wheeler, 2010, Environmental Performance Rating and Disclosure: An Empirical Investigation of China’s Green Watch Program, WPS5420.
[6]Yanhong Jin, Hua Wang, David Wheeler, 2010, The Impact of Environmental Performance Rating and Disclosure: An Empirical Analysis of Perceptions by Polluting Firms’ Managers in China, WPS5419.
[5]Elisea G. Gozun, Benoit Laplante, Hua Wang, 2011, Design and Implementation of Environmental Performance Rating and Public Disclosure Programs: A Summary of Issues and Recommendations Based on Experiences in East Asian Countries, WPS5551.
[4]Hua Wang, Jie He, Yoonhee Kim, Takuya Kamata, 2011, Municipal Solid Waste Management in Small Towns: An Economic Analysis Conducted in Yunnan, China, WPS5767.
[3]Hua Wang, Yuyan Shi, Yoonhee Kim, Takuya Kamata, 2011, Valuing Water Quality Improvement in China: A Case Study of Lake Puzhehei in Yunnan Province, WPS5766.
[2]Hua Wang, 2011, Stakeholder Dialogue as an Institutional Strategy for Sustainable Development in China: The Case of Community Environmental Roundtables, WPS5759.
[1]Jie He, Hua Wang, 2011 , Economic Structure, Development Policy and Environmental Quality: An Empirical Analysis of Environmental Kuznets Curves with Chinese Municipal Data, WPS5756.

[17]王华、郭红燕、黄德生, 2015,“关于加快改进我国环境信息公开工作的建议”,环境战略与政策研究专报, 2015年。
[16]郭红燕、王华,2015,“我国环境纠纷化解之道及改进建议”,环境战略与政策研究专报, 2015年。
[13]王华,2015,“ 加强环境圆桌对话,突破环境社会治理瓶颈”,环境战略与政策研究专报,第141期,2015。
[11]王华、郭红燕,2015,“ 新媒体时代环境事件舆情应对策略分析”,环境战略与政策研究专报,第138期,2015。
[10]王华、黄德生,2015,“ 环境社会底线:特征、评估及应用”,环境战略与政策研究专报,第136期,2015。
[8]郭红燕, 黄德生, 王华, 2014, “互联网时代的环境治理”,环境战略与政策研究专报,2014。
[2]王华、尚宏博,2012,“用环境经济政策促进绿色增长:经济合作组织的经验和启示”,中日中心环境信息专报, 2012。
[1]王华、郭红燕,2012,“大规模投入绿色技术改造,化解我国环境和经济双重压力”,环境政策法规参考, 2012。

[11]王华、郭红燕(编著),2015,《环境社会治理: 从理念到实践》北京: 中国环境科学出版社, 2015年。
[10]郭红燕、黄德生、王华, 2015,“网络时代的生态环境治理”. 《网络与治理——中国信息化发展报告2015》,中国信息化发展报告课题组主编, 电子工业出版社, 2015年8月。
[9]Hua Wang, 2014,“Benefit-Cost Analysis of Ambient Water Quality Improvement in China,” in The Oxford Companion to the Economics of China, edited by Fan, Kanbur, Wei and Zhang, Oxford University Press, 2014.
[7]James Roumasset, Kimberly Burnett and Hua Wang, 2008, “Environmental Resources and Economic Growth in China”, in Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski, China’s Great Transformation: Origins, Mechanisms, and Consequences of the Post-Reform Economic Boom, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
[6]周国梅、王华(主编),2008,《环境优化发展: 从边缘走向主流》,中国环境科学出版社,2008.
[5]Changhua Wu and Hua Wang,2007, ”China: Seeking Meaningful Decentralization to Achieve Sustainability”, in Albert Breton, Giorgio Brosio, SilvanaDalmazzone, and Giovanna Garrone (eds.), Environmental Governance and Decentralization: Country Studies, Cheltenham: Elgar, 2007. 
[4]SusmitaDasgupta, Hua Wang, David Wheeler, 2006, “Disclosure Strategies for Pollution Control”, in T. Tietenberg and H. Folmer (eds.), International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. X, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, U.K., 2006.
[3]Hua Wang and Changhua Wu, 2004,”Environmental Institutions in China”, in Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in China, The National Academies Press, Washington, U.S. 2004.
[2]David Wheeler,Hua Wang and Susmita Dasgupta, 2003,”Can China Grow and Safeguard Its Environment? The Case of Industrial Pollution”, How Far Across the River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium, Stanford University Press, 2003.



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