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杨波 职务:副院长 深圳大学化学与环境工程学院 广东省“千百十人才工程”省级人才,深圳市高层次专业技术地方级领军人才,深圳大学首届“荔园优秀青年教师”

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-01-12  来源:深圳大学化学与环境工程学院  浏览次数:142
核心提示:杨波 职务:副院长 深圳大学化学与环境工程学院 广东省“千百十人才工程”省级人才,深圳市高层次专业技术地方级领军人才,深圳大学首届“荔园优秀青年教师”


深圳大学化学与环境工程学院 导师 -杨波

杨波 职务:副院长

硕士生导师,广东省“千百十人才工程”省级人才,深圳市高层次专业技术地方级领军人才,深圳大学首届“荔园优秀青年教师”。本科(1993.9-1997.7)、硕士(1999.9-2002.7)分别毕业于华南理工大学化学工程专业和环境工程专业;博士(2002.9-2007.1)毕业于清华大学环境系环境工程专业。2008.12月从清华大学环境系博士后出站,到深圳大学化学与化工学院工作。现主持在研及完成国家级项目8项,参与完成国家及省部级项目30余项。目前,在国内外学术期刊上累计发表论文200余篇;其中SCI论文130余篇,他引逾3000次。国际期刊Emerging Contaminants编辑。中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会第一届委员;中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会第一届委员。深圳市环境化学与生态修复重点实验室副主任。

1. 高级还原及高级氧化进行持久性有毒污染物的降解去除研究
2. 电化学还原与电化学氧化进行工业废水的处理及资源化研究
3. 新型污染物的环境化学行为归趋及其物化深度处理方法研究

1.Chen HH, Fu W, Geng ZG, Zeng J*, Yang B*. Inductive Effect as a Universal Concept to Design Efficient Catalysts for CO2Electrochemical Reduction: Electronegativity Difference Makes Difference. J. Mater. Chem. A2021, 9, 4626–4647.
2.Wang SY, Zhao X, Sharif HMA, Chen ZW, Chen YT, Zhou B, Xiao K, Yang B*, Du QS. Amine-CdS for exfoliating and distributing bulk MoO3for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and Cr(VI) reduction. Chem. Eng. J.2021, 406, 126849.

3.Wang SY, Xiao K, Mo YY, Yang B*, et al. Selenium(VI) and copper(II) adsorption using polyethyleneimine-based resins: Effect of glutaraldehyde crosslinking and storage condition. J. Hazard. Mater.2020, 386: 121637.
4.Liu C, Wang WJ, Yang B, et al. Separation, anti-fouling, and chlorine resistance of the polyamide reverse osmosis membrane: From mechanisms to mitigation strategies, Water Res.2021, 195: 116976.
5.Zhang ZX, Zhu QY, Huang C, Yang MT, Li JY, Chen YT, Yang B, Zhao X, Comparative cytotoxicity of halogenated aromatic DBPs and implications of the corresponding developed QSAR model to toxicity mechanisms of those DBPs: Binding interactions between aromatic DBPs and catalase play an important role. Water Res.2020, 170: 115283.
6.Wei LY, Zhou B, Xiao K, Yang B*, et al. Highly efficient degradation of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether through combining surfactant-assisted Zn0reduction with subsequent Fenton oxidation. J. Hazard. Mater.2020, 385: 121551.

7.Zhuo QF, Wang JB, Niu JF, Yang B, et al. Electrochemical oxidation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) substitute by modified boron doped diamond (BDD) anodes, Chem. Eng. J.2020, 379: 122280.
8.Yang J, Li WL, Zhu QY, Yang MT, Li JY, Zhang JM, Yang B, Zhao X. Identification, formation, and predicted toxicity of halogenated DBPs derived from tannic acid and its biodegradation products, Environ. Sci. Technol.2019, 53(22): 13019-13030.
9.Xiao K, Chen SY, Yang B*, et al. Simultaneous achievement of refractory pollutant removal and energy production in the saline wastewater treatment. Chem. Eng. J.2019, 369: 845-853.
10.Liang HY, Xiao K, Wei LY, Yang B*, et al., Decomplexation removal of Ni(II)-citrate complexes through heterogeneous Fenton-like process using novel CuO-CeO2-CoOxcomposite nanocatalyst. J. Hazard. Mater.2019, 374: 167-176.

11.Djellabi R, Yang B*, Wang Y, et al. Carbonaceous biomass-titania composites with Ti-O-C bonding bridge for efficient photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) under narrow visible light. Chem. Eng. J.2019, 366: 172-180.
12.Gong Y, Zhao X*, Zhang H, Yang B*, et al. MOF-derived nitrogen doped carbon modified g-C3N4heterostructure composite with enhanced photocatalytic activity for bisphenol A degradation with peroxymonosulfate under visible light irradiation, Appl. Catal. B-Environ.2018, 233: 35-45.
13.Yang B*, Deng JP, Wei LY, et al. Synergistic effect of ball-milled Al micro-scale particles with vitamin B12on the degradation of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether in liquid system, Chem. Eng. J.2018, 333: 613-620.

14.Yang B*, Wang JB, Jiang CJ, et al. Electrochemical mineralization of perfluorooctane sulphonate by novel F and Sb co-doped Ti/SnO2electrode containing Sn-Sb interlayer. Chem. Eng. J.2017, 316: 296-304.
15.Zhang YF, Fan JH*, Yang B*, et al. Synergistic effect of ferrous ion and copper oxide on the oxidative degradation of aqueous acetaminophen at acid conditions: A mechanism investigation. Chem. Eng. J.2017, 326: 612-619.
16.Yang B*, Han YN, Yu G, et al. Efficient removal of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) from aqueous solution by electrocoagulation using iron electrode. Chem. Eng. J.2016, 303: 384-390.
17.Yang B*, Jiang CJ, Yu G, et al. Highly efficient electrochemical degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) by F-doped Ti/SnO2electrode. J. Hazard. Mater.2015, 299: 417-424.
18.Yang B, Zhang JX, Zhang YF, et al. Promoting effect of EDTA on catalytic activity of highly stable Al-Ni bimetal alloy for dechlorination of 2-chlorophenol. Chem. Eng. J.2014. 250: 222-229.
19.Yang B, Zhang YF, Deng SB, et al. Reductive degradation of chlorinated organic pollutants-contaminated water by bimetallic Pd/Al nanoparticles: effect of acidic condition and surfactants. Chem. Eng. J.2013, 234: 346-353.

20.Yang B, Deng SB, Yu G, et al. Bimetallic Pd/Al nanoparticles for complete hydrodechlorination of 3-chlorophenol in aqueous solution. Chem. Eng. J.2013, 219: 492-498.
21.Yang B, Zhang FZ, Deng SB, et al., A facile method for the highly efficient hydrodechlorination of 2-chlorophenol using Al-Ni alloy in the presence of fluorine ion. Chem. Eng. J.2012, 209: 79-85.
22.Yang B, Deng SB, Yu G, et al. Bimetallic Pd/Al particles for highly efficient hydrodechlorination of 2-chlorobiphenyl in acidic aqueous solution. J. Hazard. Mater.2011, 189(1-2): 76-83.
23.Zhuo QF, Deng SB, Yang B, et al. Efficient Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluorooctanate Using a Ti/SnO2-Sb-Bi Anode. Environ. Sci. Technol.2011, 45(7): 2973-2979.
24.Yang B, Yu G, Huang J. Electrocatalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl on a palladium-modified nickel foam cathode. Environ. Sci. Technol.2007, 41(21): 7503-7508.
1. 杨波, 余刚, 邓述波. 用于氯代芳烃电催化脱氯的钯负载金属基电极的制备方法(CN7.6, 已授权).
2. 杨波, 余刚, 邓述波, 等. 一种用于氢解脱氯的钯/泡沫金属催化剂的制备方法(CN8.9, 已授权).
3. 杨波, 李影影, 余刚, 等. 一种去除废水中全氟有机污染物的方法(CN0.7, 已授权).
4. 杨波, 蒋超金, 余刚, 邓述波. Ti/SnO2电极及制备方法和应用.(CN4.1, 已授权).
5. 杨波,邓建平,邓述波,余刚,等. 同步电生臭氧与双氧水的电解池装置及其制备方法、应用. (CNA, 已授权)

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,维生素B12耦合球磨铝颗粒修复多溴联苯醚污染土壤的协同作用机制研究(**)201801-202112.
2. 国家科技重大专项项目,重污染区(武进)水环境整治技术集成与综合示范项目(2017ZX07202)201701-202012.
3. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目, 氟离子掺杂钛基金属氧化物电极降解水体中全氟化合物的机理研究(**)201601-201612.
4. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划), 环境中高关注有机化学品的污染控制技术(2013AA062705)201301-201512子课题.
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 用于氯代有机污染物脱氯降解的纳米铝基双金属材料制备及其还原机理研究(**)201201-201512.
6. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),催化还原处理技术与装置研究(2009AA063902)200910-201210子课题.
7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 电还原去除多氯联苯的高性能钯修饰电极制备及脱氯机理研究(**)200801-201012.
8. 中国博士后科学基金一等资助金, 电还原法去除多氯联苯的高性能钯修饰电极制备及脱氯机理研究().

1. 2017年度国家自然科学奖二等奖(排名第五)(2018.1)
2. 中国环境科学学会第十届“优秀环境科技工作者奖”获得者(2014.10).
3. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学一等奖(排名第五)(2013.12).
4. 中国环境科学学会第八届“青年科技奖”获得者(2012.12).
5. 全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖获得者(2009.07).
6. 德国联邦教育与研究部“Green talents”奖获得者(2009.08).
7. 北京市优秀博士学位论文获得者(2008.07).
8. 清华大学校级优秀博士学位论文获得者(2007.09).
9. 广东省科学技术奖二等奖(广东省科技厅)(2003.12).
10. 已6次获深圳大学优秀研究生导师.

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