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彭伟 同济大学 助理教授 1. 有机固废的厌氧消化及消化残余物资源化利用

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-08-15  来源:彭伟 同济大学 助理教授 1. 有机固废的厌氧消化及  浏览次数:116
核心提示:彭伟 同济大学 助理教授 1. 有机固废的厌氧消化及消化残余物资源化利用








1. 有机固废的厌氧消化及消化残余物资源化利用

2. 可生物降解塑料在有机固废生物处理系统中的归趋

3. 基于大数据驱动的光谱技术在厌氧消化系统中应用


  1. 项目名称:氮自掺杂沼渣生物炭的制备及其对氨氮的固定和释放作用机理研究 52000144 国家自然科学基金 青年基金 24万 2021.1-2023.12.主持

  2. 项目名称:利用反硝化潜力评估沼渣生物稳定性及可土地利用性 2019M661626 中国博士后科学基金 面上项目 二等资助 8万 2020.1~2021.12.主持

  3. 国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFC1903700,甘肃祁连山等地区多源固废安全处置集成示范,2018-11至2022-12,在研,参与

  4. 国家重点研发计划“绿色宜居村镇技术创新”专项“村镇生活垃圾高值化利用与二次污染控制技术装备”项目课题, 2018YFD1100603, 村镇有机垃圾干式厌 氧发酵与可燃气提纯净化技术装备, 2018-12至2022-12, 在研, 参与

  5. 2021年度浙江省省级重点研发计划项目“易腐垃圾末端处理工艺技术提升”2021.01 ~2023.12 易腐垃圾预处理与厌氧产沼技术攻关及工程示范, 在研,参与



  1. Peng, W., Beggio, G., Pivato, A., Zhang, H., Lü, F., & He, P. (2022). Applications of near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging techniques in anaerobic digestion of bio-wastes: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 165, 112608.

  2. Peng, W., Wang, Z., Shu, Y., Lü, F., Zhang, H., Shao, L., & He, P. (2022). Fate of a biobased polymer via high-solid anaerobic co-digestion with food waste and following aerobic treatment: Insights on changes of polymer physicochemical properties and the role of microbial and fungal communities. Bioresource Technology, 343, 126079. /10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126079

  3. Peng, W., Zhang, H., Lü, F., Shao, L., & He, P. (2022). From food waste and its digestate to nitrogen self-doped char and methane-rich syngas: Evolution of pyrolysis products during autogenic pressure carbonization. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424(PA), 127249.

  4. Peng, W., Zhang, H., Lü, F., Shao, L., & He, P. (2021). Char derived from food waste based solid digestate for phosphate adsorption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 126687.

  5. Peng, W., Lü, F., Duan, H., Zhang, H., Shao, L., & He, P. (2021). Biological denitrification potential as an indicator for measuring digestate stability. Science of the Total Environment, 752, 142211.

  6. Peng, W., Lü, F., Hao, L., Zhang, H., Shao, L., & He, P. (2020). Digestate management for high-solid anaerobic digestion of organic wastes: A review. Bioresource Technology, 297, 122485.

  7. Peng, W., Pivato, A., Garbo, F., & Wang, T. (2020). Effects of char from biomass gasification on carbon retention and nitrogen conversion in landfill simulation bioreactors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(6), 6401–6410.

  8. Peng, W., Pivato, A., Cerminara, G., Garbo, F., & Raga, R. (2020). Denitrification of Mature Landfill Leachate with High Nitrite in Simulated Landfill Columns Packed with Solid Digestate from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11(2), 411–421.

  9. Peng, W., Pivato, A., Garbo, F., & Wang, T. (2019). Stabilization of solid digestate and nitrogen removal from mature leachate in landfill simulation bioreactors packed with aged refuse. Journal of Environmental Management, 232(August 2018), 957–963.

  10. Peng, W., & Pivato, A. (2019). Sustainable Management of Digestate from the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste and Food Waste Under the Concepts of Back to Earth Alternatives and Circular Economy. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10(2), 465–481.

  11. Peng, W., Pivato, A., Lavagnolo, M. C., & Raga, R. (2018). Digestate application in landfill bioreactors to remove nitrogen of old landfill leachate. Waste Management, 74, 335–346.

  12. Peng, W., Lü, F., Shao, L., & He, P. (2015). Microbial communities in liquid and fiber fractions of food waste digestates are differentially resistant to inhibition by ammonia. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(7), 3317–3326.

  13. Zhou, X.-L., He, P.-J.,Peng, W., Lü, F., Shao, L.-M., & Zhang, H. (2022). From plastics to methane and carbon spheres: The evolution of pyrolysis products during pyrolysis under autogenic atmosphere. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 161, 105421.

  14. Zhou, X.-L., He, P.-J.,Peng, W., Yi, S.-X., Lü, F., Shao, L.-M., & Zhang, H. (2022). Upcycling waste polyvinyl chloride: One-pot synthesis of valuable carbon materials and pipeline-quality syngas via pyrolysis in a closed reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 128210.

  15. Beggio, G.,Peng, W., Lü, F., Cerasaro, A., Bonato, T., & Pivato, A. (2021). Chemically Enhanced Solid–Liquid Separation of Digestate: Suspended Solids Removal and Effects on Environmental Quality of Separated Fractions. Waste and Biomass Valorization.

  16. Girotto, F.,Peng, W., Rafieenia, R., & Cossu, R. (2018). Effect of Aeration Applied During Different Phases of Anaerobic Digestion. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 9(2), 161–174.

  17. Rafieenia, R., Girotto, F.,Peng, W., Cossu, R., Pivato, A., Raga, R., & Lavagnolo, M. C. (2017). Effect of aerobic pre-treatment on hydrogen and methane production in a two-stage anaerobic digestion process using food waste with different compositions. Waste Management, 59, 194–199.

  18. 王志杰,何品晶,章骅,彭伟,邵立明,吕凡. 厌氧消化残余物土地利用的中外标准政策浅析. 环境卫生工程,2021

  19. 彭伟,吕凡,郝丽萍,章骅,邵立明,何品晶.干式厌氧消化沼渣管理的研究进展综述[J].环境卫生工程,2021,29(05):94.

  20. 吕凡, 郝丽萍, 章骅, 邵立明, 崔广宇,彭伟, 何品晶 (2020). 病毒在环境卫生作业环境中的存活潜力及感染风险防控探讨. 环境卫生工程. 28(1):1-9. (中文核心,排名第六)

  21. 邵立明, 吕凡,彭伟, 章骅, 何品晶 (2020). 重大传染病疫情期间生活源废物应急管理方法及技术探讨. 环境卫生工程. 28(2):1-5. (中文核心,排名第三)

  22. 邵立明,彭伟,邱伟坚,何品晶.预水解时间对蔬菜类废物机械破碎能耗的影响[J].农业环境科学学报,2014,33(03):608-612.

  23. 何品晶,周琪,吴铎,蔡涛,彭伟,吕凡,邵立明.餐厨垃圾和厨余垃圾厌氧消化产生沼渣的脱水性能分析[J].化工学报, 2013, 64 (10):3775-3781.

授权专利 (发明)

  1. 彭伟;何品晶;吕凡;邵立明;章骅;郝丽萍. 一种沼渣生物稳定性快速测试方法和系统 [P]. 中国专利号: ZL 202010478069.0

授权专利 (实用新型)

  1. 何品晶;彭伟;吕凡;邵立明;章骅;郝丽萍. 抗进料冲击负荷推流式厌氧消化反应器 [P]. 专利号:ZL 201921577683.1

  2. 彭伟;何品晶;吕凡;章骅;邵立明. 一种自动测定可生物降解材料好氧呼吸量的系统 [P].专利号: ZL 202121905338.3

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