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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-04-27  来源:郑少奎,博士,北京师范大学环境学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事  浏览次数:102


郑少奎,博士,北京师范大学环境学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事废水处理新技术研发工作,研发出(1)以节能降耗为特征的微好氧活性污泥UMSB工艺;(2)基于物化方法的废水深度净化与再生新工艺与设备,均已完成中试。主持和参与国家973课题、国家自然科学基金、教育部新世纪人才支持计划等课题的研究工作,以第一作者或通讯作者在Environ. Sci. Technol., Water Res., Bioresource Technol., Biomass Bioenerg., Chemosphere, J. Hazard. Mater.等刊物上发表SCI论文数十篇,获授权中国发明专利7项,2011、2012年获北京市科学技术奖一等奖共2项,2011年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。 [1] 
民    族
职    业
1. 国家自然科学基金课题:城市污水缺氧/好氧(A/O)生物脱氮工艺增效节能优化与脱氮机制研究(负责人,2019-2022)
2. 国家自然科学基金课题:复杂非静电作用影响下城市污水PPCPs长期吸附去除机制研究(负责人,2017-2020)
3. 国家自然科学基金课题:城市污水UMSB工艺高效低耗的微生物学基础(负责人,2014-2017)
5. 国家自然科学基金课题:苯二氮类镇静催眠药物在A2/O工艺中的强化净化(负责人,2011-2013)
Zhang X,Zheng S*, Zhang H, Duan S, 2018. Autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification-anoxic denitrification dominated the anoxic/oxic sewage treatment process during optimization for higher loading rate and energy savings.Bioresource Technology263:84-93.
Zheng S*, Li X,Zhang X,Wang W, Yuan S, 2017. Effect of regenerant properties on pharmaceutical adsorption and desorption performance.Chemosphere182: 325-331.
Zhang X,Zheng S*, Sun J, Xiao X, 2017. Elucidation of microbial nitrogen-transformation mechanisms in activated sludge by comprehensive evaluation of nitrogen-transformation activity.Bioresource Technology234: 15-22.
Zhang X, Liu F,Zheng S*, 2017. Energy savings and higher volumetric loading rate achieved in the conventional anoxic-oxic process.Bioresource Technology233: 322-325.
Zhang X,Zheng S*, Xiao X, Wang L, Yin Y, 2017. Simultaneous nitrification/denitrification and stable sludge/water separation achieved in a conventional activated sludge process.Bioresource Technology226: 267-271.
Sun J, Dang Z,Zheng S*,2017. Development of payment standards for ecosystem services in the largest interbasin water transfer projects.Agricultural Water Management182:158-164.
Xiao X, Liu S, Zhang X,Zheng S*, 2017. Phosphorus removal and recovery from secondary effluent in sewage treatment plant by magnetite mineral microparticles.Powder Technology306:68-73.
Wang W, Li X, Yuan S, Sun J, Li X,Zheng S*, 2016. Effect of charged functional group, porosity and chemical matrix on the long-term pharmaceutical removal mechanism.Chemosphere160:71-79.
Sun J, Li X, Quan Y, Yin Y,Zheng S*, 2015. Effect of long-term organic removal on properties and performance.Chemosphere136:181-189.
Sun J, Quan Y, Wang W,Zheng S*, Liu X*, 2015. Potential contribution of inorganic ions to whole effluent acute toxicity and genotoxicity.Journal of Hazardous Materials295:22-28.
Zheng S*, Wang C, Shen Z, Quan Y, Liu X, 2015. Role of extrinsic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in heavy metal-contaminated wetlands with various soil moisture levels.International Journal of Phytoremediation17: 208-214.
Yang M,Zheng S*, 2014. Pollutant removal-oriented yeast biomass production from high-organic-strength industrial wastewater: A review.Biomass and Bioenergy64: 356-362 (An invited review).
Zheng S*, Cui C, Quan Y, Sun J, 2013. Microaerobic DO-induced microaerobic mechanisms responsible for enormous energy saving in upflow microaerobic sludge blanket reactor.Bioresource Technology140:192-198.
Yuan S, Jiang X*, Xia X, Zhang H,Zheng S*, 2013. Detection, occurrence and fate of 22 psychiatric pharmaceuticals in psychiatric hospital and municipal wastewater treatment plants in Beijing, China.Chemosphere90: 2520-2525.
Yuan S, Li X, Jiang X, Zhang H,Zheng S*, 2013. Simultaneous determination of 13 psychiatric pharmaceuticals in sewage by automated solidphase extraction and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry41:49-56.
Quan Y, Han H,Zheng S*.2012. Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration (microaerobic and aerobic) onselective enrichment culture for bioaugmentation of acidic industrialwastewater.Bioresource Technology120:1-5.
Cui C, Zhang Y, Han H,Zheng S*, 2012. Improvement of FISH-FCM enumeration performance in filamentousyeast species in activated sludge by snailase partial digestion.Yeast 29: 111-117.
Zheng S*, Cui C. 2012. Efficient COD removal and nitrification in anupflow microaerobic sludge blanket reactor for domestic wastewater.Biotechnology Letters81: 1159-1163.
Zheng S*, Sun J, Han H. 2011. Effect of dissolved oxygen changes on activated sludge fungal bulking during lab-scale treatment of acidic industrial wastewater.Environmental Science &Technology45: 8928-8934.
Zheng S*, Chen J, Jiang X, Li X. 2011. A comprehensive assessment on commercially-available standard anion resins for tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater.Chemical EngineeringJournal169: 194-199.
Zheng S*, Li H, Cui C. 2011. An upflow microaerobic sludge blanket reactor operating at high organic loading and low DO levels.Biotechnology Letters33:693-697.
Zheng S*, Zhang Y, Tong T, Cui C, Sun J. 2010. Dominance of yeast in activated sludge under acidic pH and high organic loading.Biochemical Engineering Journal52: 282-288.
Zheng S*, Cui C, Liang Q, Xia X,Yang F. 2010. Ozonation performance of WWTP secondary effluent of antibiotic manufacturing wastewater.Chemosphere81: 1159-1163.
Han H, Zhang Y, Cui C,Zheng S*. 2010. Effect of COD level and HRT on microbial community in a yeast-predominant activated sludge system.BioresourceTechnology101: 3463-3465.
Zheng S, Yang Z, Sun M. 2010. Pollutant removal from municipal sewage in winter via a modified free-water-surface system planted with edible vegetable.Desalination250:158-161. [1]

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