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秦英杰——天津大学 化工学院 硕士生导师 博导 生物反应/分离器,生物能源,膜分离过程、药物分离,制药厂及其它工业废水处理、海水淡化、气体分离、传质理论

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-07-16  浏览次数:487
核心提示:秦英杰——天津大学 化工学院 硕士生导师 博导 生物反应/分离器,生物能源,膜分离过程、药物分离,制药厂及其它工业废水处理、海水淡化、气体分离、传质理论






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1981 - 1985:天津大学化工系本科学习,获工学学士学位

1985 - 1988:天津大学化学工程研究所研究生学习,获工学硕士学位

1994 - 1997:葡萄牙里斯本技术大学化工系博士研究生,获博士学位

1997 - 1999:美国新泽西理工学院化工系博士后研究




1. 新型高效膜法回收纯化抗生素发酵产品
2. 多效膜蒸馏用于生物质水解所产单糖(木糖或葡萄糖)预浓缩
3. 多效膜蒸馏用于甘蔗汁和甜高粱汁浓缩
4. 新型膜法回收发酵产品(乙醇,丙酮,丁醇,丙二醇等)
5. 稳定气膜法处理含氨废水(脱除/回收/浓缩/纯化氨或胺)
6. 多效膜蒸馏用于海水淡化及常规海水淡化浓水深度处


李旭超, 刘立强, 秦英杰,支撑气膜脱氨过程中电解质对脱氨速率的影响,已投到《膜科学与技术》
Kun Yao, Yingjie Qin, Liqiang Liu, Yingjin Yuan and Dandan Liu, A Multi-Effect Membrane Distillation Process for Preconcentration of Aqueous Solutions of Sugar in the Production of Bioethanol, submitted to J. Membrane Science, 2010 
Yingjie Qin, Yin Wu, Liqiang Liu, Dongsheng Cui, Yanping Zhang, Kun Yao, Multi-Effect Membrane Distillation Process for Desalination and Concentration of Aqueous Solutions of Non-Volatile solutes,submitted to J. Membrane Science, 2010 
Jianmin Zhao, Liqiang Liu, Yingjie Qin, Stabilized gas membrane process for stripping and recovery of ammonia from aqueous solutions specially from landfill leachate or pharmaceutical wastewaters, submitted to J. Membrane Science, 2010 
Qin, Y. J., J. P. Sheth, and K. K. Sirkar, Pervaporation Membranes That Are Highly Selective for Acetic Acid over Water, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42, 582 (2003).
Sheth, J. P., Y. J. Qin, K. K. Sirkar, B. C. Baltzis,  Nanofiltration-based diafiltration process for solvent exchange in pharmaceutical manufacturing. J. Membrane Sci., 211, 251 (2003). 
Cowan, R. M., J. J. Ge, Y. J. Qin, M. L. McGregor, M. C. Trachtenberg, CO2 capture by means of an enzyme-based reactor, Annals New York Academy Sci., 984, 453 (2003).
Qin, Y. J.; Sheth, J. P.; Sirkar, K. K. Supported Liquid Membrane-Based Pervaporation for VOC Removal from Water. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 3413 (2002).
Qin, Yingjie; Cabral, Joaquim M. S.  Properties and applications of urease.  Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 20(1),  1-14, (2002).  
Qin, Y. J., and J. M. S. Cabral, Theoretical Analysis on the Design of Hollow Fiber Modules and Modules Cascades, J. Membrane Sci., 143, 197 (1998).
Qin, Y. J., and J. M. S. Cabral, Influence of the Nernst-Planck Diffusion on Hollow Fiber Membrane Mass-Transfer Processes, AIChE J., 44, 1529 (1998).
Qin, Y. J., and J. M. S. Cabral, Lumen Mass Transfer in Hollow-Fiber Membrane Processes with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, AIChE J., 44, 836 (1998).
Qin, Y. J., and J. M. S. Cabral, Lumen Mass Transfer in Hollow Fiber Membrane Processes with Constant External Resistances, AIChE J., 42, 1975 (1997).
Qin, Y. J., J. M. S. Cabral, and S. C. Wang, Hollow Fiber Gas-Membrane Process for Removal of NH3 from Solution of NH3 and CO2, AIChE J., 42, 1945 (1996).
Qin, Y. J., and J. M. S. Cabral, Hollow Fiber SLM Separation for the Separation of NH3 from Aqueous Media Containing NH3 and CO2, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 65, 137 (1996).
Qin, Y. J., and J. M. S. Cabral, Comparison Between SGM and SLM for the Separation of NH3 from Aqueous Solution of NH3 and CO2, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 67, 323 (1996).
Qin, Y. J., J. M. S.Cabral,  Kinetic studies of the urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea in a buffer-free system,  Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.,  49, 217 (1994). 
Wang, S. C., S. C. Xu, and Y. J. Qin, "Mass Transfer in Membrane Absorption-Desorption of Ammonia from Ammonia Water," Chinese J. Chem. Eng. (English Ed.), 1, 160 (1993)
秦英杰,彭朝华,刘立强,杨广仁,吴茵,一种糠醛废水萃余相中COD的脱除方法,中国发明专利申请号 200910263918.4,2009
刘月栋,孙国庆,陈琦,侯永生,秦英杰,路宁亚,一种草甘膦母液中三乙胺的回收方法,中国发明专利 CN101503425,2009


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