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污水厂脱氮无需外加碳源?高效脱氮工艺? 减少90%的污泥产量

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核心提示:污水厂脱氮无需外加碳源?高效脱氮工艺? 减少90%的污泥产量



2014-08-14 IWAwater 水进展


Current wastewater total nitrogen removal treatment practice can be significantly improved by implementation of a proven technology now offered in North America, called the DEMON®-System.

Total nitrogen removal has become one of the most significant cost factors a wastewater facility faces. To comply with the regulations, facilities are confronted with major plant upgrades that include nitrification and denitrification. These systems typically require significant space, substantial capital upgrades, and impact both energy and chemical operational costs.

An analysis of the mass balance of a wastewater treatment plant reveals that up to 40 percent of the nitrogen load into the plant can come from the dewatering pressate or centrate stream return line. There is a direct relation between the efficiency of the wastewater solids digestion process and the release of ammonia. This effect is visible in the ammonia concentrations of liquors produced in the dewatering of digested biosolids. The pressate or centrate from these dewatered solids is returned to the head of the plant. Treating this "side" stream then can have significant advantages with tremendous overall economic impact.


In Europe, a process called the DEMON®-System has been successfully implemented on over 20 plants, removing more than 80 percent of the total nitrogen on this side stream. DEMON is an acronym for DEamMONnification.



图1 DEMON脱氮工艺原理示意


It is a highly cost-effective technology for the total removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater with high concentrations of ammonia. The technology is based on a biological process of partial nitritation and
autotrophic nitrite reduction. The process was developed and patented by the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and has evolved into a proven technology throughout Europe. DEMON has recently been brought to the North American market by World Water Works, Inc.


This DEMON process can play an important role in plant-wide efforts towards energy self-sufficiency, reduced costs and optimized footprint of any wastewater facility. Compared to other biological processes for total
nitrogen removal, the DEMON process is characterized by:

the DEMON 工艺的技术优势!


a) 40 % Reduction in Energy - only a portion of ammonia is oxidized to nitrite resulting in using 40 percent of the oxygen required compared to traditional nitrification processes;


b) Zero Chemical Requirement - the denitrification process is completely bypassed in the DEMON process, eliminating the need for a carbon source. This savings alone can often yield less than a five-year return on the capital investment;


c) 90% Reduction in Sludge Production - because no external carbon source is used for conversion of the nitrite to nitrogen gas, there is a low yield of deammonifying bacteria, resulting in 90 percent less sludge production;


d) Carbon Dioxide Fixation - low carbon footprint. DEMON will fix approximately 0.4 tons of CO2 per ton of nitrogen removed, versus conventional systems which will have more than 4.7 tons of CO2 emissions per ton of nitrogen removed.


DEMON system at Apeldoorn WWTP

In an optimized process scheme of a traditional wastewater treatment plant, most of the biosolids from primary and secondary clarifiers are transferred from the liquid train to sludge digesters to generate methane and energy.

Ammonia gets released from anaerobic solids digestion and represents a nitrogen-return load of approximately 15% to 40% of the overall wastewater load. DEamMONification of this high-strength liquor efficiently reduces the side stream nitrogen load by greater than 80 percent. Case studies demonstrate the feasibility of energy self-sufficiency of a wastewater treatment plant using this system. In other words, it is feasible that a wastewater facility can not only operate energy neutral, but even produce enough energy to sell back to the grid with the implementation of this technology on both the side stream and main stream.

DEMON-System - Shortcutting the Nitrogen Cycle

DEMON-System provides the maximum possible shortcut of the traditional nitrification /denitrification process. It involves two process steps - the partial nitritation of ammonia and the subsequent anoxic oxidation of the residual ammonia and nitrite to nitrogen gas. About half the amount of ammonia is oxidized to nitrite and then residual ammonia and nitrite is anoxically transformed to elementary nitrogen. The total nitrogen removal is accomplished using a stochiomeric oxygen demand of only 40%.

Both process steps are catalyzed by different groups of organisms: a population of aerobic autotrophic ammonia oxidizers, and a consortium of anaerobic autotrophic ammonia oxidizers (anammox) whose intensely red color is typical.

By reducing the amount of ammonia being converted to nitrite, only 40 percent of the energy used by conventional nitrification is required. Additionally, no external carbon source (methanol) is needed due to the autotrophic nature of the process.


Process Controls
DEMON is designed as a fully automated process with a patented control strategy. Finely-tuned process controls are critical to closely monitor operating parameters and maintain consistent and high-quality effluent conditions. Operator participation is limited to adjustment of sensors for pH, oxygen, ammonia and volume of sludge. No chemicals are being added.

The control system is based on minute variations in pH, resulting in a very simple and stable process operation. The established bandwidth for pH fluctuation is approximately 0.1 pH units. During the fill and aerate phase the reactor is alternately aerated to convert ammonia into nitrite, which causes the pH to drop. When aeration is stopped the pH will rise again. The aeration is then restarted and the cycle is repeated.

It is the relative change in pH value that is critical. Nitrite oxidizing bacteria compete with anammox for the available nitrite, producing changes in pH that are used to monitor nitrite production. The measurement of relative changes in pH over a short time period is accurate enough to control the process.


Enrichment of the Anammox Biomass
A significant feature of the DEMON process is its patent-pending cyclone device for additional enrichment of the specialized slowly-growing anammox biomass.

Since anammox is predominantly aggregated in a heavy granular fraction, the cyclone-produced centrifugal forces select the anammox populations while wasting the AOB/NOB populations and decouple the sludge retention time (SRT) from the system's operation. The substantially higher mass of anammox in the system compensates for the slower kinetics of these organisms compared
to AOBs. This surplus in retention of compact red granules enhances process robustness and treatment capacity.

By doubling the mass ratio of anammox compared to aerobic AOB the robustness of the process against disturbances like over-aeration, temperature drop or a flush of excess organic carbon is drastically improved.


Ammonia Removal Efficiency
The DEMON process can be successfully applied for the removal of ammonia from sludge liquors, without the need for an external carbon source or any other chemical. The use of a cyclone in the DEMON process allows for different sludge retention times (SRTs) and for different types of bacteria, thus greatly enhancing process stability.

Centrates can show large variations in ammonia concentration, which are mainly caused by different batches of biosolids being digested. Despite these variations, the DEMON process operates consistently with an ammonia removal efficiency of 85 to 92 percent. This reduction in ammonia load is a critical benefit to the main treatment process.

Because DEMON saves 60 percent of the energy consumption of a conventional plant, and the dosage of external carbon can be completely avoided, the amount of excess sludge produced is extremely small and the corresponding disposal costs are minimized.

In addition to significant savings in energy and the complete abandonment of organic carbon, the DEMON process has another very important advantage of less greenhouse gas production. While other biological processes produce large quantities of carbon dioxide (> 4.7 t CO2 / t N), the DEMON system ties carbon dioxide (-0.4 t CO2 / t N).

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中国给水排水直播预告 | 排水系统数字孪生的核心:借助排水模型开启全面诊断模式   窦秋萍  Vivian Dou   华霖富中国区总经理 中国给水排水2022年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第六届)邀请函 中国给水排水2022年中国排水管网大会(水环境综合治理)邀请函(污水千人大会同期会议)  中国给水排水
“高标准”下的苏伊士工业园区污水解决方案     来源:中国给水排水直播平台 水务企业如何实现智慧水务创新升级?这场直播告诉你:工业互联网专题第三期(汪秋婉 水务行业解决方案总监):百度智能云开物-智慧水务行业创新与升级
重要线上培训| 城镇排水管道养护与管理培训班你想知道的都在这里,6月9-11线上见! 城市供水管网的漏损跟踪及定位分析解决方案SimOn-Water
中国给水排水直播: 2022中国给水排水线上大会|《深入打好城市黑臭水体治理攻坚战实施方案》解读/《基于管网模型的污水管网外水入流量和入流点估计》 中国给水排水直播报告题目:协同超净化水土共治技术在流域河湖生态整体修复中的应用     报告人:张亚非 教授     上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院教授,亚太材料科学院院士,长江学者特聘教授,SC
重要线上培训:关于举办“《室外排水设计标准》(GB 50014-2021)宣贯  暨室外排水设计技能提升线上培训班”的通知 三位智慧水务专家同场直播 | 奥格科技 AWater 智慧水务解决方案云上分享会
中国给水排水直播 报告题目:“东京都下水道事业2021经营规划”解读和思考   报告人:孙跃平,东京都立大学土木工程硕士,教授级高工,日本国家注册技术士(P.E.Jp),亚太地区注册工程师(APEC QDTX型智慧推流器 | 南京贝特环保通用设备制造有限公司
中国给水排水直播题目:污水提标改造也能事半功倍  主讲人: 程忠红 苏伊士亚洲   技术推广经理   特邀嘉宾:刘智晓,北京首创生态环保集团高级技术专家,教授级高工,工学博士。 直播赠送5套得利满水处 【重要培训】关于举办2022非开挖顶管施工及探测培训班(在线培训)的通知(专家日程)
2022年中国排水管网水环境大会:报告题目:“东京下水道事业2021经营规划”解读和思考   报告人: 上海管丽建设工程有限公司 孙跃平 总经理 /博士 中国给水排水直播:报告题目:集约快速型BFM用于雨季溢流污水的处理   报告人:青岛思普润水处理股份有限公司 副总经理 吴迪 博士 ,男,正高级工程师,青岛市高层次人才、享受市政府特殊津
国家发改委、工信部、生态环境部、住建部等:同臣环保-浙江绍兴滨海污泥清洁化处置示范项目--2023中国污泥大会(第十三届)参观项目之一 题目:《得利满水处理手册》 系列讲座  之  生物滤池 程忠红    苏伊士亚洲   技术推广经理 课程内容包括十多种生物滤池介绍: ·         苏伊士第六代生物滤池首发介绍 ·
报告题目:膜技术在饮用水水源污染因子处理中的研究及应用  报告人:中国市政工程西北设计研究院有限公司副院长,高级工程师;注册公用设备(给水排水)工程师,中国土木工程学会水工业分会机械设备委员会委员,全 直播题目:得利满水处理手册系列讲座之 气浮池 籍文法,南洋理工大学博士,苏伊士水务工程市政总工
课程名称:  苏伊士云课堂  《得利满水处理手册》系列讲座之 活性炭吸附池 会议主题:饮用水风险性有机物控制(直播平台:中国给水排水 cnww1985)
苏伊士云课堂 -《得利满水处理手册》系列讲座之  高密度沉淀池(转发有奖) 住房和城乡建设科技活动周——“饮用水安全保障”科技大讲堂系列活动
直播题目:威立雅水务技术——助力市政污水深度处理及提标改造   报告人:威立雅亚太地区设计平台中国区技术总监  平文凯     国家注册公用设备工程师(给排水专业)、高级工程师 直播题目:威立雅用于地埋式污水处理厂的除臭通风采暖的一体化设计  演讲人:周立-威立雅水务工程(北京)有限公司商务经理  ( 中国给水排水 直播平台入口:微信公众号cnww1985 )