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崔胜辉 ---- 中科院 城市生态环境规划与管理研究中心副主任

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核心提示:崔胜辉 ---- 中科院 城市生态环境规划与管理研究中心副主任

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[1]Shi YL, Cui SH, Ju XT, Cai ZC, Zhu YG. Impacts of reactive nitrogen on climate change in China. Scientific Reports. 2015. DOI: 10.1038/srep08118

[2]Lin JY, Hu YC, Cui SH*, Kang JF, Xu LL. Carbon footprints of food production in China (1979-2009). Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015, 90: 97-103. 

[3]Xu LL, Lin T, Xu Y, Xiao LS, Ye ZL, Cui SH. Path analysis of factors influencing household solid waste generation: a case study of Xiamen Island, China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10163-014-0340-0

[4]Xue XZ, Ren Y, Cui SH, Lin JY, Huang W, Zhou J. Integrated analysis of GHGs and public health damage mitigation for developing urban road transportation strategies. Transport research Part D: transport and environment. 2014, 35: 84-103.

[5]Cui SH, Shi YL, Groffman PM, et al. Centennial-scale analysis of the creation and fate of reactive nitrogen in China (1910-2010). PNAS, 2013, 110(6): 2052-2057.

[6]Lin JY, Liu Y, Meng FX, Cui SH*, Xu LL. Using hybrid method to evaluate carbon footprint of Xiamen City, China, Energy Policy, 2013, 58:220-227.

[7]Li GL, Zhao Y, Cui SH*.Effects of urbanization on arable land requirements in China, based on food consumption patterns. Food Security. 2013, 5:439–449.

[8]Zhou J, Lin JY, Cui SH*, Qiu QY, Zhao QJ. Exploring the relationship between urban transportation energy consumption and transition of settlement morphology: A case study on Xiamen Island, China, Habitat International. 2013, 37(1):70-79 

[9]Xu LL, Gao PQ, Cui SH*, Liu C. A hybrid procedure for MSW generation forecasting at multiple time scales in Xiamen City, China. Waste Management. 2013, 33: 1324–1331.

[10]Huang YF, Li F, Bai XM, Cui SH*. Comparing vulnerability of coastal communities to land use change: Analytical framework and a case study of China [J]. Environmental Science and Policy, 2012, 23:133-143.

[11]Lin JY, Lin T*, Cui SH. Quantitative selection model of ecological indicators and its solving Method. Ecological Indicators. 2012, 13 (1): 294-302.

[12]Ren Y, Wei XH, Zhang L, Cui SH*, et al. Potential for forest vegetation carbon storage in Fujian Province, China, determined from forest inventories. Plant and Soil. 2011, 345:125–140.

[13]Zhao SN, Lin JY, Cui SH*. 2011. Water resource assessment based on water footprint for Lijiang City. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. 2011, 18(6): 492-497

[14]Cui SH, Meng FX, Wang W, Lin JY. GHG accounting for public transport in Xiamen city, China. Carbon Management. 2011, 2(4):383–395.

[15]Cui SH, Yang XA, Guo XH, Zhao QJ, Lin T, Feng L. 2011. Increased challenges for world heritage protection as a result of urbanization in Lijiang City, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2011, 18(6): 480-485.

[16]Guo XH, Cui SH*, Lin T, Song Y. The ecological risk assessment of the Chinese White Dolphins in Xiamen coastal waters. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. 2011, (14)298–304.

[17]Lin JY, Li Y, Wang W, Cui SH*, Wei XH. An eco-efficiency based urban sustainability assessment method and its application, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2010, 17(4): 356-361. 

[18]Lin JY, Cao B, Cui SH*, Wang W, Bai XM. Evaluating effectiveness of Xiamen city’s local measures for energy conservation and GHG mitigation, Energy Policy, 2010,38(9): 5123–5132. 

[19]Cui SH, Niu HB, Wang W, Zhang GQ, Gao LJ, Lin JY. Carbon footprint analysis of the bus rapid transit (BRT) system: a case study of Xiamen city. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2010, 17(4): 329-337. 

[20]Pan LY, Lin T, Xiao LS, Zhao Y, Cui SH*. 2010. Household waste management for a peri-urban area based on analysing. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 17 (4): 342-349.

[21]Huang, J, Cui SH*, Qiu, QY, et al. Estimates of exposure of a coastal city to spatial use changes - a case study in Xiamen, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2010,17: 4, 292 — 298

[22]Huang YF,Cui SH* and Zhi-yun Ouyang. Integrated ecological assessment as the basis for management of a coastal urban protected area: A case study of Xiamen, China [J].International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2008(15):389-394.

[23]施亚岚,崔胜辉*,许肃,林剑艺,黄葳. 中国产业能源消费的氮氧化物排放影响因素分析[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(6N):355-362.

[24]施亚岚,崔胜辉*,许肃,林剑艺,黄葳. 需求视角的中国能源消费氮氧化物排放研究[J]. 环境科学学报,2014,34(10):2684-2691.

[25]刘源 , 李向阳 , 林剑艺* , 崔胜辉 , 赵胜男. 基于LMDI分解的厦门市碳排放强度影响因素分析[J]. 生态学报, 2014,34(9):2378-2387.



[28]刘江,崔胜辉,邱全毅,张国钦,黄云凤. 滨海半城市化地区景观格局演变——以厦门市集美区为例[J]. 应用生态学报,2010,04:856-862.








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